Chapter 24 Intuition


Accompanied by a low shout, Jack Clark advanced, cleaving upwards and chopping downwards with both hands on his sword, creating a fierce wind with his blade. Then he stepped forward, slashing diagonally, thrusting, and turning around for a sweeping strike.

The sword, known as the courage of a hundred arms, is powerful and overbearing. A swordsman should possess the aura of a fierce tiger descending from the mountains, imposing and relentless.

As Jack practiced the basic sword skill, other students gradually arrived on the third floor and began to practice in their own spaces within the cultivation area.

These students were all from Class 3, including Matt Watkins, who was among the first to achieve Foundation Establishment, as well as ordinary students who had just attained it in the past few days. In total, there were only about a dozen of them.

According to the school's regulations, during Senior One, a martial cultivation teacher would oversee five classes and provide only a preliminary education.

By the second semester, after the division between the humanities and cultivation disciplines, students who had achieved Foundation Establishment from the five classes would merge into one class.

Only then would they be considered Lori Parma's official students, numbering less than a hundred.

As the second semester approached, the number of these students would decrease even further. Many who were making slow progress or had poor talent would choose to give up.

After all, not everyone can endure the hardship or the dullness of feeling like they are making no progress for half a year or even a year.

Soon, over ten cultivation areas on the third floor were filled. Some students practiced sword skills like Jack, others practiced with staffs and other weapons.

Besides those, there were also those who practiced boxing and kicking techniques.

Regardless of whether they were practicing palm techniques or weapon skills, due to their strong foundational attributes, these students' every move and gesture was accompanied by the sound of howling winds and an impressive aura.

While these students practiced their cultivation methods, Lori Parma would occasionally come out to patrol. If she found someone who was practicing incorrectly, she would offer a few pointers.

Some students with doubts about their practice also sought advice from her.

However, Crystal Lewis, Justin Welan, and a few others were hardly seen on this floor. They had found a temporary activity room to practice in while waiting for the official cultivation room to be approved.

In addition, genius students from other classes who had wealthy families would often rent a private cultivation room for a quiet and diligent practice.

In this session, Jack practiced for about half an hour until he was covered in sweat and stopped, gasping for breath as he waited for the Qi Blood in his body to settle slowly.

Next came the formal practice.

Listening to the shouts of his classmates and the howling of the wind brought by their movements, Jack took ahold of the sword hilt with his right hand and placed it diagonally across his back.

At the same time, he relaxed completely, closing his eyes and focusing all his attention on the blade edge behind him.

He used the sharpness of the blade to heighten all five senses to their utmost extent.

The Mind's Eye Bright Knife, with the Light King as the outer technique and Heart's Eye as the inner, can be cultivated into a realm known as Heart's Eye. It's similar to a sixth sense that can sense danger ahead of time.

The main purpose is to dodge the sneak attacks of the sly and cunning Mutated Beasts in the forest.

Mutated Beasts are the official term for those Mutated Creatures, not limited to just large animals such as lions and tigers.

Over the decades, some animals and insects have even mutated into another species, possessing strange abilities that have allowed them to ambush many cultivators unexpectedly.

This was the reason Jack chose this sword skill; before one can pursue powerful strength, one must first survive.

However, despite its uniqueness, not many students choose to practice this sword skill because it has high entry requirements — one must have a higher-than-average mental perception.

Jack was bold enough to practice it not only because he considered his Mental Talent up to par, but also due to the fixed proficiency feature of his attribute page.

As long as he could successfully enter the Heart's Eye state once, he could do it anytime, anywhere.


At noon, after standing still for more than two hours, Jack opened his eyes, revealing a wry smile. He had failed.

But this result was within his expectations; he hadn't expected to achieve the Heart's Eye state on his first try. If once didn't work, he would try twice, thrice, he wasn't in a rush.

"You guys, don't just focus on cultivation all day long, you're still high school students, you know. Next week is the end-of-month exam, so put some heart into it."

"Even if some of you have decent talent and will choose the path of cultivation in the future, that's in the future. At least for this semester, you're still humanities students."

On Friday, in class 3, James Crane stood at the lectern, speaking unhappily.

Today all students were present, whether it was Jack Clark or Crystal Lewis and others, because they all received a notice from the class teacher yesterday and dared not be absent.

Though they were cultivating True Martial arts, they still didn't dare neglect their respect towards James Crane, the class teacher.

The reason was simple; their class teacher was very strong. As for how strong, Jack Clark didn't know, at least that's what Justin Welan had said.

"It's been almost a month, huh? Time flies so fast, doesn't it, Jack?" During the class break, Justin Welan leaned back in his chair and exclaimed.

Jack Clark nodded slightly: "Indeed."

Before he knew it, he had been cultivating True Martial Arts for more than a week. Every day he was either practicing Dragon Elephant Power or sword skills, even before going to bed at night he would practice.

With such a busy yet fulfilling schedule, he could hardly feel the passage of time.

During the same period, several more classmates in the class had successfully completed their Foundation Establishment.

Unfortunately, these classmates truly lacked talent, with only one reaching the First Layer Heaven during Foundation Establishment, while the others were still struggling and toiling away.

Besides, there were still twenty-five students in the class who hadn't established their foundation.

Some of these students had already given up, with only a few not willing to concede, hoping to make a breakthrough in the last week, urgency and impatience written on their faces.

By comparison, those who had made a breakthrough seemed relaxed, free from the initial pressure.

At this moment, Justin Welan asked, "Jack, tomorrow's Saturday, do you have any plans?"

"Any plans? Of course, I'll continue to cultivate," Jack Clark looked at him curiously.

"I knew you would say that."

Justin Welan held his forehead: "Jack, we're high school students, and now that we've completed our Foundation Establishment, we don't need to live like ascetics."

"Don't you want to sing the praises of youth? Hang out with a couple of beautiful female classmates on a rest day, go shopping, watch movies, drink bubble tea together?"

After saying this, Justin Welan gave Jack Clark a meaningful look, and not far away, the pure and pretty Freya Louise was talking with Vera Wada, her head slightly lowered.

It was clear that Justin Welan was suggesting Jack Clark ask Freya Louise out to have some fun tomorrow.

In his view, Jack Clark was handsome and Freya Louise was pure and pretty, plus the two had a good relationship in class, which made them a perfect pair of golden boy and jade girl.

As a good friend, a good brother, of course, he wanted to try and bring them together.

To this, Jack Clark shook his head speechlessly: "Not interested."

What do kids know about love and affection? Don't they know that in this world, everything is false, and only one's own fists are real?

Of course, Jack Clark wasn't a monk, and he liked looking at beautiful women too, but he'd think about those things after he became a strong man.

He was still too young to be concerned about this now.

"Not interested, you're actually not interested in Freya Louise? Could it be that you..." Justin Welan looked at Jack Clark with suspicion, his eyes suddenly widening in disbelief, whispering.

"Could it be that you like that cold woman, the Class Leader!"

"...Like your head, don't talk nonsense here, it's not good if these words get out," Jack Clark frowned slightly.

"Alright, no more jokes, Jack." Seeing Jack Clark getting a bit serious, Justin Welan raked his head. This brother really does nothing but cultivate all day long.

He was thinking about looking for an opportunity to set them up, but it looks like he was the one thinking too much.