Chapter 142 Eight Desolation Heavy Halberd, The Return of the Giant Beast (Requesting Monthly Pass)

"Jim, did you pack everything?"

"I packed everything."

"Jack, how about you?"

"Mom, I don't need to bring anything, my weapons and such are all stored at school."

"I'm not asking about weapons. Even a cultivator needs to read books, right? Otherwise, aren't you becoming illiterate?"

"Cough! Look, the books for this semester have to be collected at school."

Today is the start of the next semester, and Doris Clark was urging her sons in the early morning to pack their things. But did they have anything to pack?

Side by side, the brothers walked down the road, with Glenn Clark excitedly stating, "Darren, that Mutated Beast Meat is really delicious. I feel like I've been filled with strength these past few days."

Jack Clark was speechless: "You better not say that in front of mom, or she'll think we never fed you enough before."

"Don't worry, brother, I definitely won't mention it in front of mom."