Chapter 142 Eight Desolation Heavy Halberd, The Return of the Giant Beast (Requesting Monthly Pass)_2


After leaving the office, Jack Clark went to his storage cabinet and with a thought, placed his combat knife and battle armor into his bracelet.

Jack sighed, "Having this thing sure is convenient."

At that moment, Jack's mobile phone rang in his pocket, which surprised him— who could be calling him at this time?

As he took out his phone and saw that the call was from Freya Louise, Jack couldn't help but wonder, "Freya, aren't you at school? Why are you calling me all of a sudden?"

"Come to the Logistics Department."

"Is something wrong?"

The girl on the other end said softly, "I need help moving some stuff."

"Moving stuff, huh? That I can do, wait for me."

Even though he was puzzled about what she might need help with given her strength of one or two thousand kilograms, Jack promptly agreed and quickly made his way to the Logistics Department.