Chapter 142 Eight Desolation Heavy Halberd, The Return of the Giant Beast (Requesting Monthly Pass)_3

The girl finished speaking and, with her hands clasped behind her, she walked lightly toward Teaching Building C.

As Jack Clark watched her receding figure, he smiled and turned to walk in a different direction.

Like the Advanced Skill, inheriting combat techniques beyond the Fourth Layer Heaven also involved martial intent, so Jack had come to that square structure once again.

Following the procedure Sylvia Lyons had used that day, Jack passed through several layers of Identity Verification and entered the building.

After walking down the lengthy corridor, Jack arrived at the Inheritance Hall, which, although unguarded, was under the constant surveillance of the Heavenly Intelligence System.

"Welcome to the Heavenly Intelligence System, please enter your Student ID..."

"Facial bone verification passed, pupil verification passed, please select the Cultivation Method you want to learn."