Chapter 179: Dominating the South, Eighth Level Giant Beast Golden Winged Scaled Dragon Blood Essence (Requesting Monthly Pass)


Two days later, Jack Clark dragged the colossal corpse of the Dragon Python back to the school.

"Mr. Hawkins, help me calculate this."

"Here it comes."


The heavy corpse, over twenty meters long, hit the ground, causing a slight tremor as the scorched aura emanating from the Dragon Python pervaded the air.

The aura of the Level 5 Peak Mutated Beast imposed a certain solemnity on the surrounding 'seniors' who were helping with the transportation of the corpse.

One of the Second Grade students, at the initial stage of the Third Layer Heaven, couldn't help but exclaim, "Another Level 5 Peak Mutated Beast, Junior Clark's combat strength is too terrifying."

"I feel that with your current strength, you could already challenge the top two hundred on the Achievement List."

Jack Clark smiled modestly and said, "That's too much praise, senior. It was a close call with this Scale Horn Dragon Python; I almost didn't make it back."