Chapter 179: Dominating the South, Eighth Level Giant Beast Golden Winged Scaled Dragon Blood Essence (Requesting Monthly Pass)_2

"However, as a high-level authority user, if you urgently need it, I can help expedite the application for you behind the scenes, and it can be delivered in about two days."

"Two days, okay, please help me apply for it." Hearing that it would only take two days, Jack Clark heaved a sigh of relief.

"Alright, but Student Clark, this kind of application needs the contribution points to be paid upfront..."

"Just deduct them."

Jack nodded, directly transferred 210 contribution points, then left the Logistics Department.

Today, the Martial School Base was bustling with activity as many Senior One Heaven Students who had been honing their battle skills in the Nine Rings Mountain Range and surrounding areas had all rushed back.

As Jack arrived at the square, he saw from afar Freya Louise with her ultra-long sniper cannon on her back, along with Justin Welan and others, their appearances showing the dust of travel, walking up.