Chapter 184: The Arrival of the King-level, Darren Callum the Slayer

When Jack Clark thought about whether Ilisa Zabel was from the Evil God Sect, he had his answer.

That mysterious individual was very likely an Evil God Sect Cultist.

However, Jack hesitated when deciding whether to turn back.

Because he didn't sense any malice or killing intent from Ilisa, nor the indescribable bloodiness and evil that Blood God Cultists exude, just like a normal cultivator.

Ilisa had even offered guidance on the realm of thought to Jane Aiken.

That was also the reason for Jack's hesitation.

In fact, the so-called Evil God Sect was uniformly known as the Divine Sect Alliance in the mythical world, and each sect had a king-level figure presiding, with these kings claiming to be gods.

These sects were all formed by defectors from the Human Race, but not all of them were enemies of the Human Race.

Only a few sects that stood in opposition to the Human Race, even frequently sending people to commit acts of sabotage, were known as the Evil God Sect.