Chapter 184: The King Arrives, The Killer Darren Callum_2

However, after awakening his double pupils, Jack Clark could basically foresee and avoid them well in advance, continuing to dash wildly until he had covered 1,000 kilometers and reached the deeper, latter areas of the mountain ranges.

Once there, Jack Clark came to a halt.

Standing atop a thousand-meter-high mountain peak, Jack Clark gazed at the vast sea of clouds and the peaks that were intermittently visible all around him, feeling somewhat at a loss. In such a vast place, how was he to find people?

After pondering briefly, Jack Clark suddenly let out a dragon-like roar that echoed endlessly between heaven and earth.

At the same time, Jack Clark's aura, which he had been holding back, burst out with a might equivalent to the Initial Stage of Fifth Layer Heaven, creating an overbearing aura that pressed down on the surrounding air, forming rings of white waves like a raging wind.

Roar! Roars of Mutated Beasts came from below the mountain.