Chapter 188 Falling Stars, Words Follow the Law_2

"Brian Rainly, you are right. Let's not discuss this issue anymore. Speaking more about it is only upsetting..."

Because the invaders had been rapidly exterminated, the atmosphere in the Monitoring Center was relatively relaxed.


The next morning, Jack Clark looked up, his gaze piercing through the Cloud Mist to the satellites growing clearer in the sky, before his figure vanished into the forest once again.

He wondered if he could encounter another Evil God Sect Cultist.

Although his luck had already been very good, having slain two Evil God Sect Cultists and one Demon Clan member, what if there were still gains to be had?

Compared to those two hundred Contribution Points, Jack valued the Merit Value more.

Meanwhile, at the cliffside where the outer perimeter and the middle section met.

The young man in white, like snow, looked up slightly, also watching the shooting stars slowly falling across the sky, suddenly saying, "I have matters to attend to and may have to leave."