Chapter 189 The Great Battle Concludes, The True Heaven's Chosen Protagonist (Requesting Monthly Votes)


"Report, at vertical coordinate 2795, horizontal coordinate 1980, traces of Blood God Cultist aura detected."

"Report, the True Demon Skull has been activated, no traces of demon gas detected..."

"Report, just as the Base Satellite fell, a strong demonic aura, along with the aura of the Eternal God Church, was detected deep within the Cloud Mist Mountain Range."

"However, following the subsequent impact of the fall, both auras have disappeared and cannot be locked onto."

"Lock the coordinates and notify nearby squads to investigate..."

At the military base's monitoring center in the rear, voices reporting the current situation and issuing orders rose and fell in succession.

Soon, the three auras that were exposed by the Evil God Sect Cultists were surrounded by nearby squads.

Meanwhile, James Crane and another squad quickly arrived at the coordinates where Ilisa Zabel disappeared.