Chapter 302: The Void Great Calamity, Jack Clark Heavily Injured_2

Meanwhile, within the depths of Jack Clark's blood-red eyes, a pair of black gold vertical pupils emerged.

In the eyes of the creature with the Void Double Pupils, there was neither a boundless flower sea nor any extravagant architecture of different races.

The land ahead was still dry and lifeless, and on the hillside, there were only ruins of a building and a ferocious figure standing among them, clad in black armor.

Everything in sight was merely the stubborn obsession left by a dying foreign monster, whose intense obsession even manifested into the phantom of a flower sea around it.

From this, one could imagine how powerful it must have been before death.

The Void Great Calamity, the elite of Nine Tribes, the destroyed homeland (world)—looking at the incoherent obsession shadow, Jack Clark pondered thoughtfully.

This must be part of the truth behind the Ancient Civilization.