Chapter 302: The Void Great Calamity, Jack Clark Suffers Heavy Injury_3

Whoosh! Amidst billowing smoke and dust, a streak of golden light smashed through the air, soaring at five times the speed of sound, and in the blink of an eye, it appeared several kilometers away—it was unmistakably Jack Clark.

However, he was in a rather sorry state at the moment.

His Golden Red Battle Armor was diagonally slashed open from the middle, revealing an appalling wound underneath that was 0.5 meters long from which one could see his ribs and even his organs.

Amid the parted flesh and blood on both sides, Black Sword Qi was pervasive, and the dark, crazed will it contained prevented the wound from healing, causing continuous damage.

This could be said to be the first time Jack had sustained such a severe injury since he started his cultivation.

This was precisely why he had refrained from entering dangerous zones before. After reaching the high-order levels, a slight difference in level meant the difference between heaven and earth for cultivators.