Chapter 319: Tearing Apart the Quasi-Mythical, The Invincible Thunderflame Behemoth_3

The chaotic and intense energy fluctuations set off alarms in the energy detection satellites above, yet the specific scene could not be seen due to the dark clouds that shrouded it.

However, humans wouldn't intervene in the slaughter among these extraordinary creatures, and they might even take pleasure in it.

As the battle on the sea surface grew increasingly brutal, an eighth-level Giant Beast, its belly mostly gone and heavily wounded, fled in panic, rushing to the seabed.

A side of the seabed vortex exploded with sea water as the Giant Beast rolled on the ground a few times before weakly arriving in front of that huge piece of black scale, its spiritual will colliding with the scale.

In an instant, a wave of energy from within the scale was stirred, creating an unseen fluctuation that pierced through the pathway.

Above the mist-shrouded mountain peaks, a several hundred meters high red vortex slowly rotated.