Chapter 319 Tearing Apart the Quasi-Mythical, The Invincible Thunderflame Behemoth_4


Boom! Black cracks crisscrossed the sky, shredding breaths and falling upon the Fire Giant Beast, breaking it down with unstoppable force.

Roar! In an instant, the Candle Dragon Giant Beast was bisected by double blades, half its body dissolving into a white flame explosion. Such might caused all the Silver Giant Dragons below to shrink their pupils.

So powerful!

At that moment, the white flames gathered again in the distance, reforming the Candle Dragon Giant Beast. Then, heaven and earth darkened as a massive tail swept across the Void.

In the darkness, the Blade Giant Beast's gaze was icy cold. Suddenly, it crossed its double blades overlaid with black energy that shimmered into a combat knife hundreds of meters long, held in front of it.

Boom! The huge tail, imbued with explosive power that could obliterate everything, made even the Blade Giant Beast's form sink slightly, its hooves cracking the void beneath it layer by layer.