Chapter 336: Unshakable Monster, Return to the Blue Star_2

As the two giant beasts were communicating, that terrifying ancient creature had already taken a few steps forward, and the majestic mountains stretched tens of kilometers away in the distance.


The dark clouds that had not yet dissipated rolled, and a vast, mountain-like skull slowly protruded from the clouds. The gray, petrified eyes glared.

Or more precisely, it was staring at the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon.

Then the mountain peak split open in the middle, revealing a huge crack and countless petrified teeth like small hills, emitting a heaven-shaking roar.


"No, not heaven..."

What did they mean by 'heaven' and 'not heaven'? The Thunderflame Emperor Dragon showed confusion and seriousness in its eyes.

At this moment, another vague roar came from the mouth of that terrifying creature.
