Chapter 336 The Unshakeable Monster, Returning to Blue Star_3


Although he had long known that such 'deceased' ancient creatures were terrifying, the fearsome defense still made the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon exhale a hot breath.

After a deep look at the ancient creature, the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon spread its Thunderbolt Wings and promptly chased after the Silver Giant Dragon in the distance, taking the Black Titan Beast Corpse from its claws.


With a leisurely roar, the ancient creature that had just been bombarded took a step forward, causing an upheaval that rippled like a tsunami, moving in the direction where the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon had disappeared.

By this time, the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon and the Silver Giant Dragon had already charged hundreds of kilometers away.

Suddenly, the Thunderflame Emperor Dragon looked back at the rolling clouds under the moonlight in the sky, its eyes condensed: "Roar! Scythia, let's circle back to Blue Star."