Chapter - 07

​Alisha pov

I stirred on my bed as the sunlight pierced into my room through the curtains. I have no intention of getting up but have no other choice. Today is the start of my new semester. My eyelids were heavy due to lack of sleep because of that stupid nightmare. But I had no time to complain, as I had to get ready. I don't want to be late on the first day of the new semester.

I dragged myself out of bed and walked into the washroom. I started brushing my teeth and checked for any new messages. I was surprised to see a message from the college management, as it is rare for them to notify us about something.

I scrolled down the message, and it said we as young minds have the opportunity to suggest our ideas, and a big business company is ready to support us. And if our idea turns out to be good, then we will be recruited as interns by the company. Everything was fine, but neither the name of the company nor the businessman was mentioned.

I was least interested in knowing about the opportunity and the business company, as my prime priority was to be there at the college on time. Moreover, my family will never let me work for another company.

I got ready and came out of my wardrobe, grabbed my bag, and ran downstairs, as I was already getting late. I greeted everyone and took my seat at the dining table. My phone pinged, showing me a message sent by Jennie. I quickly had my breakfast, as Jennie said she would be here in a few minutes.

"I'm done," I said.

I bid them goodbye and ran out of the house. Jenny always picks me up for our college. Since, we have the same first class. I'm waiting for her outside of my house, but she is nowhere to be seen. She and her habit of being late. Now I'm wondering if she is the same person who texted me saying that she would be here soon. I'm stupid. I should have seen this coming. I took out my phone to call her.

But suddenly, a crawling sensation stroked the back of my neck, and a chill ran down my spine. Someone is watching me.

Recently, I've kept having the feeling of being watched. Like someone is watching my every move. At first, I thought it was just my imagination. But now, I'm sure someone is watching me, but whenever I looked around, I found nothing. And this is making me scared.

I didn't tell anyone about it. Because if I tell my family, they will send guards with me, and I don't want that. I gripped the bag on my shoulder tightly, and looked around slowly. And as always, I didn't find anyone. Only some people who are minding their own business, and some are going to their respective jobs.

The feeling was gone, and at the same time, Jenny came and stopped her car in front of me. I quickly got in the car and sat in the passenger seat. Jenny looked at me worriedly and asked,

"What happened? You look pale."

"No-nothing, I'm fine," I said, but her eyes were telling me that she didn't believe me.

Should I tell her? I better not, 'cause I'm sure she will tell my mom. Jenny is like my guard and my mom's spy, who reports everything about me to my mom, of course, other than the crimes we commit together.

"I'm really fine. It's just I'm scared that we are gonna be late. Because you know who takes our first class," I said.

Her eyes widen, and she starts to drive the car like a plane. Our first-class belongs to our dear Mrs. Emily. She is a Hitler. Everyone is afraid of her. Because if we are even a second late for her class, she will not let us enter and will give us punishment.

Moreover, today is the first class, and if we're late on the first day, we are doomed. We arrived faster because of her amazing driving skills. I looked at my watch, and saw we only have five minutes left before our class starts.

We ran to our class, and thanks to our luck, we entered the class before our professor. We took our seats, and Mrs. Emily entered right after us and started the class.





Today's classes had ended, and the majority told everyone to go to the auditorium. They said the interview would be held there. With this short notice, what might anyone have prepared?

They said everyone has to be there, even if they don't participate. So that they can gain experience. And also said that it would be great if everyone could participate.

I don't want to go. I want to head home. I'm tired. We are walking to the auditorium for the interview. In the classes, everyone was talking about it, and some asked the professors, but they didn't tell us anything. Only said, we would find out soon. And that made everyone's curiosity hit the sky.

Jenny is excited and curious to find out which company it is. I'm also curious, but only a little, just wondering what is so special about the company that everyone is hiding it.

We entered the auditorium and took our respective seats. Jenny sat on my right side, and my left side seat was vacant. Shortly after, someone took the seat beside me. I looked at the person to find it was Jake. He flashed a smile at me, and so did I.

I looked at Jenny, and she gave me a teasing look. What's wrong with her? The principal and some of our teachers entered the auditorium. The principal gave a brief speech, saying it's a big opportunity for us and that it will be great for our future if we get selected by this company.

Everyone is waiting patiently to know which company it is. And soon after, he announced the name of the company.

"They are allowing young minds to work for their company. They will be recruiting talented people as interns. So, grab this opportunity. The company is MORETTI GROUP."

Gasps filled the room. Did I hear it right? Did the principal say, Moretti Group? Maybe I heard it wrong. My ears are playing games with me.

As if to prove me wrong, Alexander entered the room gracefully. My breath hitched upon seeing him. I'm beyond shocked. I never imagined the company to be the Moretti Group. Moreover, Alexander will be taking the interviews himself. Why?

He is wearing a black tuxedo like that day. He walked onto the stage with one hand in his pocket. My eyes are only on him. Not only mine, but everyone's eyes are on him. Everyone is whispering, but I can't seem to hear anything.

I'm sure that now everyone is going to apply for the intern position. He turned toward us, and his eyes seemed to be searching for something, or maybe someone. Jenny nudged me, and I forced myself to look at her. I gave her a questionable look.

"Am I dreaming, or is it really Alexander Moretti? I heard the Moretti Group is taking interns from colleges, but I never thought they would choose our college. Moreover, he is going to take the interview himself. He has never done that before. What's going on?" she said, shocked.

"I don't know either," I said.

If he never takes interviews, then why is he here? I'm suddenly feeling nervous. What if he saw me? What if he recognizes me? That would be so embarrassing. Relax, Alisha; it's been so long. He must have long forgotten you. I took a deep breath and looked at him, only to find him already staring at me.

My heart almost jumped out of my rib cage. Everything seems to have stopped around me. He remembers me. He definitely does. His eyes are looking at me like I'm only his to be seen, and that's making me feel weird. I never thought we would cross paths again. As the days passed by, I slowly forgot about him. Now, I want to disappear from here.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jake asked, and I looked at him.

"Yeah. I'm fine," I said and smiled.

I glanced back at Alexander, and he still kept looking at me, but his gaze was dark with anger. His looks can kill anyone. I knotted my brows in confusion. Why is he angry? Is he angry at me because of the kiss?

But at first, he didn't give me an angry gaze. Ugh, I don't know; I want to run away from here. Can I just leave? The principal said something to him, and he nodded in response but kept his eyes on me.

"He is staring at you," Jenny whispered into my ear, making me flinch. I glared at her and said,

"You scared me." She showed me her toothy smile and apologized, but continued,

"He is staring at you as if you belonged to him, and also, when you were talking to Jake, he looked quite agitated. Maybe he was jealous."

"Jealous, my ass. He was not jealous. Instead, he must be thinking about how to kill the girl who destroyed his purity," I said, and she started laughing.

Jake tried to hold his laughter. Was he listening to our conversation? Well, he didn't need to eavesdrop since he was sitting right next to me.

I sighed. Why would he be jealous? It is not like I'm his girlfriend. Or maybe he was. I mentally shook my head. Jenny is putting useless things in my head again. After talking with the principal, they took their seats and started the interview.

Students were giving their interviews one by one. And as I thought, the ones who had no interest in the position at first are now preparing for the interview. I saw him glancing at me from time to time through his shoulder.

"Aren't you going to give the interview?" Jake asked, and I shook my head.


"My family won't agree, and they want me to work in my family company. Are you going to participate?" I asked as I saw a file in his hand, and he nodded.

"I want to gain experience, and the Moretti Group is the best company. The people who will be selected by them will have a great future," he said.

That's true. Everyone's dream company is the Moretti Group. Jake went to the stage and started giving his interview. The only people who didn't participate were me and Jenny. I want to go home as soon as possible. I had better stay out of his sight.

He is like a fire that I shouldn't play with, but I, unfortunately, did a week ago. But as a wise human being, I won't do it again. Jake comes back after giving his interview. He was looking down, and I asked him what happened.

"I don't think I'm getting this job," he said.

"Why do you think like that? Stay positive." I said, and Jenny nodded, agreeing with me.

"How can I stay positive? Mr. Moretti was staring daggers at me the whole time. If looks could kill, I would have been dead by now," he said and sighed.

"Did you offend him in any way?"


"Then maybe you are thinking too much. Let's not jump to any conclusion until the result comes, okay?" I said, and he nodded.

"Umm, Alisha, can we talk after this? I want to tell you something," he said nervously, and I told him okay.

Soon after the interview ended, I think we can leave now. Some girls are trying to get Alexander's attention. He is not looking at me anymore. Throughout this whole interview, his attention was only on me. I should take this chance and fly from here. I don't want to face him, and the way he kept his eyes on me, I'm sure he wants to confront me.

Jake was talking to his friend. So, I told him that I would leave first and wait for him outside. He said he would be out soon and find me. I and Jenny leave through the back door. We stopped in the corridor and waited for Jake. I tapped my feet impatiently.

I want to leave as soon as possible. I don't know why I'm running from him. But my feelings are telling me to just run and stay far, far away from him.

"What is he going to tell me?"

"I think I know what he wants to tell you," Jenny said.

"What is it?"

"He is maybe-"


Jenny's maybe got interrupted by Jake. I looked at him, and he came to me with his friends behind him. I waited for him to say what he wanted. He released a shaky breath and started,

"I-I wanted to tell you this for a while, but I didn't have the courage. But I finally decided to tell you this," He looked nervous, and I nodded at him to continue.

"Ilikeyou," he said in one go, but I didn't get what he said.

"Sorry, I didn't understand," I said, confused. He took a deep breath and said again,

"I-I... I like you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

My eyes widened in shock. My brain is processing with what he just said. Did he just say he liked me? But I thought he liked Alexander. Wait, how am I supposed to respond to it? I only think of him as a friend. Yeah, I should tell him that and reject him politely. I was about to open my mouth, but I got interrupted by a loud shuttering sound, and that made me flinch.

We all looked at the source of the sound and found the huge painting that was in the corridor, now on the floor in many pieces. And beside it, a raging Alexander is standing with bloodthirst in his eyes. He was looking so dangerous, that my heart trembled with fear. A deep growl left his throat.

And oddly, every cell in my body was screaming only one thing at me: RUN.