Chapter - 08

Alexander pov

I'm in the car heading to the college. I know that me taking this interview will create a huge uproar in the news field, but now this is not my concern. I came up with a way to approach my butterfly. I decided to present myself as a harmless man to her.

As per Owen's idea, I'm going to invite her to a coffee date after the interview, and she had better not reject it. Because 'No' doesn't exist in my world, and I don't want to use force. On the list of ways to make her mine, forcing her is at the bottom of it. And I hope to never have to use that method. The thought of finally being able to see her filled me with adrenaline.

We arrived at our destination, and the driver stopped the car. One of my guards opened the car door for me, and I stepped outside the car. I was welcomed by the principal and professors. I entered the college with them and made our way to the place where the interview would be held.

On the way, the principal said that, as per my demand, every single student was present in the auditorium and waiting for me. The principal and some professors entered the auditorium first and told me that he would announce my presence first.

I don't know why the fuck they had to announce my presence first. What kind of rubbish is it? I'm running out of patience. The aura around me turned dark and cold, and the professors who were with me became scared.

"Relax. Just a minute more," Aaron said.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down, but failed. I waited for some more minutes, and finally, losing my patience, I swung open the door and entered the room. I can feel everyone's eyes are on me. I walked onto the stage and stood there.

My eyes swapped around the students in search of her, and finally, my eyes found the queen of my world. Like always, she looks magnificent. She is talking with her friend. She looks nervous. And I wondered if I was the reason for it.

She took a deep breath and looked at me. She looked surprised but kept her eyes on me. Her eyes tell me she recognizes me. Her green eyes are only staring at me, and it made me satisfied, 'cause I want her eyes to be only on me. I found some man looking at her, and the desire to hide her from the world only for me to see crept into me.

She broke our eye contact and looked to her left. The man sitting beside her said something, and she smiled. My eyes darken with anger. She is mine. Her smile only belongs to me. She glanced back at me and knotted her brows in confusion. She looks cute. I will deal with this man later.

The principal came to me and said something about the interview, and I nodded. She suddenly flinched and glared at her friend. Her glare is cute too. They're talking about something, and suddenly her friend bursts into laughter. The man beside her bit back a laugh.

This man is getting on my nerves. She looked deep in thought. I wonder what is going on in that pretty head of hers.

Aaron told me that they would start the interview. I took my gaze off of her and took my seat. Students came onto the stage and started giving their interviews, but my attention wasn't on them. I'm not even listening to what they are saying. I glanced at her from my shoulder.

Aaron nudged me and whispered in my ear to concentrate. I didn't bother with what he said and glanced back at her. I didn't really come here for the interview. I came here for her. She is talking with that man again, making my blood boil with anger. It's quite obvious that he likes her. I don't like the way this man is looking at her. I'm only allowed to look at her like that.

He made his way onto the stage. He introduced himself and started giving his interview. I want to tear him apart for daring to think of her. Aaron looks satisfied with him, but there is no way he is entering my company. He was smiling, but when he looked at me, his smile dropped. I looked at him coldly. He looked down, ended his interview, and left.

"What's wrong with you?" Aaron asked.

"Nothing," I said, pissed.

He seemed to want to say something to me, but before he could, another student came onto the stage. He concentrated there, and I concentrated back on her. She has a pout on her lips and looks bored. She knows that I'm looking at her but pretending not to know. I knew that she wouldn't be participating, but I still hoped.

I want this to end as soon as possible. With the last student, the annoying interview ended. The students started to leave, and I stood up to go to her, but the principal stopped me to talk about some business. Damn it, why are there so many obstacles? I just want to get out of here and go to her.

I saw her sneaking out of the room through the back door. She is fleeing again. Not this time, butterfly. After some minutes of talking, the principal finally let me go. Aaron whispered that she was in the corridor. I stepped out of the room and went to the said corridor, but what I saw there made anger rush into my head.

That useless man is proposing to my butterfly. He is trying to take what is mine. I want to destroy everything here. In the rage, I grabbed the closest thing around me and threw it on the ground. The loud sound of crashing echoed in the corridor. She flinched and looked toward me. She looks at me with scared eyes.

It wasn't my plan. I didn't plan our meeting like this. Aaron held my shoulder to calm me down, and I tried to do it, but when that man held her hand, I lost it. I marched toward her, shoved the man away from her, and dragged her out of there. She protested and tried to free her hand from my deadly grip. Her friend tried to come after us but got stopped by my guards.

I dragged her into an empty classroom and threw her inside, and locked the door. She is breathing heavily and looks terrified. My anger vanished after seeing her state. I was supposed to present myself as a harmless man to her. I don't want her to be scared of me.

I took a step toward her, and, as in reflex, she stepped backward. I kept walking in her direction, and she kept backing up until she bumped into the wall. I went in front of her and caged her between me and the wall. I wanted to apologize for my behaviour, but she spoke first.

"Wh-what do y-you want?" she stuttered. Her chest was rising and falling.

"You," I said, and her eyes widened. She looks so cute.

"What?" she murmured.

"Butterfly, I like you. I want you." I said, and she laughed.

"You are so funny. Nice joke. Mr., you don't even know me. This is the first time we met, and you're saying you like me," she said between her laughter.

I looked at her, amused. Oh, now she is playing the game of not knowing me. I smirked and whispered into her ear.

"Are you sure this is our first meeting? I don't think so because I remember something else."

Her laughter died down, and she gulped. I'm damn sure she remembers me. She tried to push me away from her, but I didn't budge. She cleared her throat and said,

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, you don't," I said, pretending to be shocked, and whispered in her ear,

"It's okay; I can make you remember by reciting what you did that night."

Her eyes widened comically, her face reddened, and she blinked. I looked into her eyes and leaned in slowly. She pushed me away from her with all her strength and said,

"I remember, I remember." I chuckled at her cuteness, and she glared at me.

"Okay. So, what if it's not our first meeting? That doesn't change anything. You can't like someone in one meeting. Moreover, you can't drag me like that." I released a deep breath and said,

"I'm sorry for dragging you like that, but when I saw that man proposing to you, I wasn't able to control my anger."

"Okay, something is wrong here. Whatever anyone proposes to me or not, what does that have anything to do with you?"

"It has. You are mine." I said, and she looked at me like I was insane.

"When did I become yours?" she asked.

"The moment you kissed me." She sighed and said,

"Look, it was a game. My friends gave me a dare, and I did it. I apologize for kissing you without your permission. But that doesn't mean I'm yours."

"So, what if it was for some game? It doesn't matter to me. You need to take responsibility for what you did." she frowned and said,

"Mr., you need therapy. Just because someone kissed you doesn't mean they are yours. If some other woman kisses you, are they going to be yours too, huh?" I smirked and said,

"Butterfly, that night you are able to come to me and kiss me because I let you. If any other woman had approached me other than you, I would have thrown them thousands of miles away from me. Moreover, I noticed you the moment I entered the bar. You were looking breathtaking while dancing there. I gave you a chance by staying away from me, but then you came to me by yourself and ignited the fire. Now you are mine."

"MINE," I growled.

She is standing there in shock, and fear is visible in her eyes. She opened her mouth but shut it again like a fish and gulped.

"Loo-k, what you have for me is nothing but attractions. It will fade away with time. I don't like you and never will. And you can't force someone to love you. I think it's the end of the conversation. I will leave," she said, and started to walk toward the door.

Before she could leave, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into my chest. She yelped, and I said,

"Listen carefully; you don't like me now; it's okay. I will win over your heart. But in the end, you're only mine. Get that inside of your pretty head, and what happened in the corridor today had better not happen again, or the consequences won't be good. I don't want that man near you. I don't want any man near you other than me. You only belong to me," I said, and she looked at me angrily.

"Excuse me, I'm not a thing that you can own, and I don't belong to you."

"You do belong to me, and, yeah, you're not a thing, but you are LA MAÎTRESSE DE MON CŒUR," I said, and she looked at me confused.

A knock came on the door, and she pushed me and ran toward the door. I let her go, knowing I had already put her on edge. She unlocked the door and ran outside before screaming.

"You're crazy,"

Aaron came inside, and looked at me. He didn't say anything; only sighed and told me we needed to leave. I made my way outside, and he shook his head and followed me.

As I walked to my car, everyone's eyes were on me. I got inside the car, and so did he. The driver started the car, and Aaron kept glancing at me from the rearview mirror.

"Just say what you want to say," I said drily.

"What the heck did you do? You created a big scene there. And that painting. They had a sign there of not to touch it. But that's not the main problem. The main problem is that you made her scared. Where did your plan of showing yourself as a harmless man go, huh?" he said in one breath. I keep quiet because he is right. I did make her scared.

"What are you going to do now?" he asked.

"I don't know," He sighed and said,

"It's okay. Leave her alone for now. You should show her that you're serious about her and really like her, okay?"

I nodded in agreement. I will give her anything she wants. I will make her fall for me, and I will protect her, and shower her with my love. You have no choice other than becoming mine, my love. You are mine, MY PRECIOUS POSSESSION.