Your Problem

Another human, supposed to be watching over the room where the dragoness was kept, and so, at all times.

Including during the inspections, however, that young man was generally looking at his feet and today was no exception, he turned his focus for a little while as he saw Bob and Billy enter the room.

Another glance, he saw the usual scene of them checking the eggs and he thus casually went to get a drink, dropping his glass reflexively as he entered the room again.

He didn't see the room but a huge purple eye filled with darkness staring right at the magical item allowing him to view the room.

"What the fuck?!" without hesitation at this sight, he smashed his fist down onto a lever, bringing it down.

Instantly, the security protocol was put in place, the light coming from the crystal switched from their usual light blue to an aggressive dark red, they didn't have anything to make the issue be heard but it was well enough as everyone was able to see that they needed to leave.

The young man took one last look at the image being displayed, only to see that nothing was to be seen, the magical item had been destroyed.

With a chill running down his spine, he tried bolting out of the room, only to stop dead in his track at the sight of the entire thing being filled with oozing white goo.

The shapeless blob formed the shape of a dragon's head to face the young man, smiling at him with a crooked grin that lacked any fangs.

"Caterpillar... Where is the rest of my food?" the young man felt as if his head was going to explode after hearing the warped mess of a voice the dragon had.

A front paw grabbed him and squeezed him just enough to make his bones pop out of their spots.

"Where is the rest of my flesh and blood?" the young man quivered uncontrollably, not understanding what was being asked of him as he felt his eardrums were on the verge of reaching their limits.

The young man tried to say something but only black blood came out of his mouth, although, it seemed like his words went through anyways.

The dragon laughed like a maniac as the young man's body was crushed in his palm, not even a drop of blood fell to the ground, appearing as though he had vanished entirely.

Like a tidal wave, the mass of sludge rushed through the thin corridors of the facility.

Ruviko simultaneously wanted dearly this project of a dragon army to succeed but had also put in the bare minimum for it to work out, this place only had three real ways of keeping the subjects from escaping if opportunity arose.

Firstly, the facility having been built around the area where the dragoness was kept and the fact that her eggs were fertilised through insemination of a male dragon kept elsewhere, everything was strurdy and much too small for her to be able to escape, especially with her fiery breath being blocked after they surgically removed the organ responsible for it.

Unless she suddenly gained an intense boost in power, she wouldn't be breaking out, even if she managed to remove the shock collar.

Secondly, as the newborn could see for himself, the sole entrance and exit was packed with soldiers aiming balistas and other mounted weapons, mages ready to rain down spells without care about the integrity of the facility.

The large welcoming party was left stumped when the dragon showed up, his appearance was alien and unnatural, but what made them truly worry was the fact that the terrible sound that seemed corrode their very minds and souls was actually his laughter.

He had been lightly chuckling but upon seeing the destructive machinery aimed in his direction, he appeared utterly delighted, laughing to the point that the humans wanted nothing more than to make it stop.

The man that seemed in charge of them helf his fist above his head, stern and completely bald, he wasn't affected by the mad dragon as much as the other, he and the melting beast stood opposite to one another.

The bald leader didn't know why the dragon was standing still, in reality, they were both waiting for the same thing, the leader wanting to have more odds of bringing the dragon down and the ever flowing monster simply letting them do their best.

From the back of the formation, the coutry's most prized invention appeared, two enormous golems with bows in their hands began aiming at the run away dragon.

Seeing and sensing the utter lack of fear or aggressiveness coming from this malformed-looking dragon, the bald man frowned, he had no clue that this abhorrent thing had actually been an egg barely ten minutes ago.

He had already grown a bit, doubling his size after devouring the humans, his stillborn silblings and mother.

As if challenging them, he stood on his hind legs, spreading his wings and front paws, inviting them to condense their fire.

The leader's expression turned ugly as he gave the order to rain hell on the dragon, being the first to land a hit as he swung his blade vertically, sending a blade of wind, which visibly split the beast in half before the explosions of elements and dust covered its entire form.

The majority seemed certain that the dragon was done for, after all, he had clearly been killed by that first blow and what came after would have finished the job even if it hadn't been the case.

Still, the leader's bald head was covered in sweat, as he wasn't hearing what he wanted.

'Come on, come on... Say it!' he pleaded for the system to confirm that the dragon had died, alas, the confirmation never came and instead, when the dust cleared up, all were able to confirm it.

Having been holding it in, the dragon laughed boisterously, making the humans fall to their knees as the golem emotionlessly prepared to shoot a second time.

However, this time, it was his turn.

As if the onslaught had done nothing but fill him with energy, he bloated and streams of his malleable body engulfed the area, swallowing everyone and everything.

The people screamed before their lungs were filled with goo, the weapons snapped and the golems were swept to the ground, all gone when Dramentia reformed into his draconic form, even larger than before.

"No flavors... Bland..." he remarked while snickering as he remembered how tasty his own blood and flesh had tasted, the wide array of flavors that had melted on his tongue.

He looked down at the single being that had managed to escape the flood, the bald leader had been lucky enough to be bearing an item capable of creating a dome around himself.

His eyes wide open and his breathing ragged, he understood that he was going to die and thus, he enacted the third way of preventing something from escaping.

Cracks formed all over the facility, before everything exploded and the mountain it was carved into collapsed on itself.

"Will the rest taste different?" uncaring about it all, Dramentia let the heavy boulders crush him to a paste as he laughed gleefully as the prospect.