My Heart, My Soul...

"Good lords... What the hell could have done this?" wondered a somewhat remarkable man, staring at the pile of rubbles resulting of the self-destruction of their secreat facility.

It didn't take a genius to realise that whatever was supposed to be buried alive had made its way out, for a huge portion was bare of any broken boulders and rocks.

As though the thing had taken a whole chunk of the debris with it before going away.

Another thing to be noticed, it that even after extensive and lengthy research, with the use of blood hounds and cadaver dogs, no traces of any of the personel on site was to be found, not even a drop of dried blood.

The man scratched his head, wondering if it was possible for everyone in there to all agree and go through a plan to escape Ruviko, it sounded absurd just to think about it, even if they had all wanted to, so many people vanishing so perfectly at once just didn't seem reasonable.

"Captain! We got something" one of his subordinates called out to him, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"One of the magical items of surveillance seems to be in good enough shape" added the subordinate to his report, pointing to a couple of people, who were already working to getting it to show what it had seen.

The man stayed until they did manage to do it, hastily wanting to know what had transpired and immediately cursing at his curiosity and wish to do his job as told by the royals.

Not even mentioning how gruesome and inhumane some of the deaths captured were, the mere sight of the creature shown was enough for some of the people around to faint or start acting completely unhinged.

The man himself was lucky to only receive a splitting headache, however, he had quickly looked away as he had barked for this thing to be shut down.

He had seen well enough to know that this wasn't for him to handle, this gooey dragon was clearly a menace that needed to be taken care of.

'The facility has been blown up only a few days ago, how far could it have gone? How close could it possibly be?' this last part made him shudder, not daring to even look around him extensively, lest he actually see something he didn't wish and couldn't handle to.

Thankfully for him, Dramentia had no interest in going out of his way to hunt down his kind, instead flying through the air and waiting for the sweet and intoxicating smell of his blood and flesh to smother his smelted nostrils.

His melting wings were somehow carrying him through the sky just as well as any other dragon.

Suddenly, he tucked his wings close to his body, they seemingly fused into himself as he dropped straight down, turning into a mass of white goo and only taking form right before touching the ground, landing softly on the top of small mountain, many eyes manifesting all over the dragon, all staring at seemingly nothing.

The dragon began laughing his ass off as if he had just heard the funniest joke ever, all while he reeled his neck back as it simultaneously extended to an abject length.

Suddenly straightening it forward, a powerful stream of fire escaped from his maw, showing no sign of stopping as he showered the entirety of the forest beneath, only stopping when everything was set aflame.

"Mother doesn't disappoint~" he sung as he hopped down the mountain, making small jumps and smashing everything on his way down, seemingly following the tune of his deranged lullaby as he listened to the growing voices of panic coming from the forest.

He casually strolled into the hidden village, walking through feeble trees and houses, as tendrils of his flesh ensnared and pulled in anything that was deemed as food.

He didn't even take the time to crush anything he caught, leaving them to squirm helplessly as they were rendered to nothing in mere moments as they got a taste of the acidic capabilities of the dragon.

By the time he arrived at his main point of interest, the whole forest had grown quiet, save for the sound of collapse and burning.

He hadn't burnt and murdered everything here for the sake of it, no, why would he do that after all? He certainly wasn't the sort to sensessly slaughter, no, that just didn't fit him.

"I am just so hungry, don't you agree flesh and blood?" he spoke to the many dragonnets that had all retreated into a corner under his advance.

It seemed like the villagers here had been breeding this miniscule species of dragon, they were barely bigger than the average cat, they weren't capable of responding but could easily understand what their larger kin had in mind when they saw his deformed expression of pure joy.

The group suddenly split up, all charging in different directions, Dramentia laughed at this sight, whether he was laughing at the prospect of feeding on flesh and blood or because he was mocking their attempt at escaping was unknown but he didn't let them get any headstart.

His whole body seemingly collapsed into a formless pile before spreading in an arc, trapping his preys or straight up engulfing the fastest ones.

Finding the dragonnets's toxic blood to be quite tasty as he demonstrated no self control and devoured them all nearly instantly.

Some tried to spew their pitiful fire beath onto him to no avail, Dramentia felt his own fiery breath grow in power a slight bit and his flesh suddenly becoming even more acidic amongst other things.

Not bothering to appreciate the delicious after taste, he flapped his wings and rose off the ground, somehow growing even more desperate to devour more.

Anything that didn't bear draconic heritage barely had any taste to him, it was all the same thing, however, as dragons and such weren't at every corners around here, he quickly switched his gear and began catching and feeding on anything that made the grave mistake of being anywhere near him.

The dragon hunger's for more.