The Charge Up  

"Rhaatid!" Devon cursed, clutching his head in frustration. No matter how intensely he focused, not a single spark of dreadlock electricity responded.

Beside him on the secluded beach cove, Tanya looked on worriedly as Devon strained himself to the point of trembling. Ever since flunking the JHA ability tests, his powers seemed permanently extinguished.

"Easy Devon, yuh aguh burst a blood vessel flexing so hard," Tanya finally cautioned. "Clearly we need a new strategy here."

With a long exhale, Devon went limp and sprawled back on the soft sand. "Yuh right. Mi just desperate to get these useless locks sparking again." He furiously pounded a fist against his leg. "How mi go from pure voltage to regular mortal inna blink?"

Tanya pursed her lips thoughtfully. "Walk mi through exactly what happen right before yuh powers cut out. Must be some clue in dat."

Propping up on his elbows, Devon recounted the bizarre events on the day of the school trip. He described the overwhelming anxiety attack as his assessment drew near, then accidentally freezing everyone by holding his breath.

"It's like this mad rush of speed come over mi," Devon recalled. "Di whole world turned static except for me."

"Hmm, sound like yuh tap into some time dilation ability," Tanya remarked, intrigued. "Maybe overloading it burnt out yuh currents?"

Devon shrugged, frustrated. "Wish that mysterious rasta would show up again. Ras Nine have the wisdom to make sense of all this."

Trying to change topics, Tanya shyly revealed the results of her own ability testing. The JHA had classified her as an Omnimorph Coco user, gifting her beginner shapeshifting accreditation.

"Check it, dem even give mi a provisional hero ID card – Omnimorph Fox Type, Rank Sprout," Tanya shared, showing the holographic badge that displayed her Coco Power rank and animal avatar. "Plus a mentor supposed to start training meh soon!"

Though hearing this, Devon just brooded over his own fizzled prospects, only half-listening. Seeing Tanya already taking fledgling steps towards their destiny while he languished powerless was salt in the wound.

"Di system flawed... I was chosen once, I know it..." Devon muttered bitterly. Lost in gloom, he almost missed the subtle displacement of water behind them followed by approaching footsteps.

"Uh, Devon?" Tanya uttered in surprise.

He looked up to see Ras Nine standing over them with his ropey dreadlocks dripping. Devon and Tanya yelped, scrambling back from the mystical man who had materialized from the sea without a sound.

"Iyah bless, young ones. No cause to fret now," Ras Nine chuckled at their startled reactions.

Seeing the Rastafarian again instantly lifted Devon's spirits. "Ras, yuh couldn't arrive at a better time," Devon said eagerly. "I desperate for yuh wisdom." He quickly explained losing his abilities after the school trip and failure to reactivate them since.

Ras Nine listened intently while stroking his wiry beard. "Hmm, what yuh experience is not permanent loss, but depletion. Yuh unique dreadlock Dynakinesis rapidly burns through energy and requires frequent recharging, especially after tapping extreme abilities like this 'Hyper Rush.'"

Devon slowly absorbed the revelation as Ras went on. "With proper diligence, yuh learn to reenergize frequently and conserve power. But for now, yuh cells just need fresh current to kickstart dem Coco batteries again."

A wide grin spread across Devon's face. "Bumbo, so all mi need is a reboot charge up? No problem!" He leapt eagerly to his feet.

Ras raised a hand. "One vital thing first though..." In a flash, his own dreadlocks discharged a thick strand of electricity that zapped Devon squarely in the chest, knocking the teen onto his back again.

"Owww!" Devon groaned as smoke wisped from his shirt. But then he felt it - a glorious crackling warmth spreading into his locks from the surprise jolt. Ras Nine smiled and helped him stand.

"Dat was just some starter current to wake yuh sleeping Coco cells up. Now yuh ready to recharge proper."

Devon was beyond grateful. "Ras, mi in yuh debt for this blessing. How can I repay yuh?"

The Rasta brushed it off. "Seeing younger generation embrace their purpose to uplift community is thanks enough." He glanced at the darkening sky over the sea.

"I must be off now. But remember, always listen to yuh inner lightning. Train well and grow righteous." With those parting words, Ras faded into a swirling mote of light that zipped skyward and vanished.