Draining The Electric Grid  

"Wow, this journey gets wilder every day," Tanya remarked. "But at least now yuh have a charge port again!"

Devon didn't waste another moment. "Follow mi, I know just di place to re-energize fully."

Leading Tanya up the cliffside path, they emerged onto a scenic overlook beside the main coastal road. A streetlight stood near the guardrails encircling a public relaxation gazebo.

"Check it - free electricity," Devon said with a grin. Cracking his knuckles, he wrapped both hands around the lamp pole and closed his eyes to focus.

Tanya watched in awe as the streetlight flickered and Devon's dreadlocks slowly lifted and swayed in a building charge. Tiny arcs of white static electricity visibly channelled into his hair from the overhead light.

"It's working...I can feel di power returning!" Devon exclaimed. But 7 seconds later, the streetlight blew out completely with a pop and sizzle. "Aww, really?" Devon groaned in dismay.

"Well, yeah... yuh basically just tried draining a AA battery to charge a laptop," Tanya pointed out wryly. "We need a juicier electrical source for this massive rebooting."

Devon agreed reluctantly. As his dreads settled down, residual static made them bristle outward comically for a moment. "Yuh right, this measly streetlight can't cut it. We need something industrial strength..."

Glancing down the sloped road beside them, a solution caught Devon's eye about a quarter mile away - the large power substation connecting Seacrest to the main electrical grid.

Grinning, he turned to Tanya. "Race yuh down there?" Not waiting for an answer, Devon took a few strides back from the guardrail, then sprinted forward and cannonballed cleanly over it!

"Show off!" Tanya shouted playfully. She opted for the gravel path at a more sensible pace. But inwardly, she was relieved to see Devon's spirit and abilities roaring back to life.

By the chain-link perimeter of the humming electrical station, Devon vibrated eagerly on the balls of his feet. "This place have enough juice to charge mi cell phone for life," he joked. The risks of what he was about to attempt worried him, but desperation pushed caution aside.

"Okay Tanya, on my signal, use yuh fox claws to cut through this fence," Devon instructed. "Then stand back far as possible, cause tings about to get electrified!"

Extending her claws, then with a quick slash, Tanya severed an opening in the barrier. "You sure bout this crazy idea?" she asked nervously. Devon just grinned and gave a thumbs up.

Rubbing his hands together, he approached the large transformer hut. Devon grabbed the thick cables feeding power from the structure into Seacrest's grid.

Electricity surged wildly through him, making his entire body convulse and dreadlocks warp upward stiffly. Devon cried out from the intense overloading currents flooding his system.

"Devon!" Tanya screamed in alarm. She started to rush toward him but the torrential energy discharge forced her back. "Stop before yuh kill yuhself!"

Devon managed to croak out "Almost...done!" With a pained groan, he channelled one final burst up into his crackling hair before releasing his grip on the cables.

The overloaded transformers blew out in a rain of sparks as Devon collapsed backwards, twitching and smoking but laughing triumphantly. "Lightning...unlimited lightning! I can feel it!"

Staggering over, Tanya helped the dazed and charred Devon up. His locks now swirled with visible emerald currents. "Cho! Look how yuh almost fried yuhself bro," Tanya admonished. But she also smiled seeing his dread electricity humming with life again. Mission accomplished.

"Cyan thank yuh enough for having mi back," Devon said sincerely. "No way mi coulda managed this wild ride without ya."

Tanya waved away his gushing. "Aww nah man, it's destiny. Our stories intertwined now." They exchanged a heartfelt pound hug. "Now yuh charged up, let's go develop these powers righteous!"

Sneaking off before authorities could investigate the blown transformers, Devon's joy was boundless. He felt reborn with electricity crackling through every fibre of his being. No force could suppress his true potential now.

The Blur's comeback story was destined for greatness. And with loyal friends like Tanya beside him, Devon knew the future held wondrous promise despite unavoidable obstacles along the way. He would run the race with diligence.