The Power Training Centre  

The next day at school, an air of excitement buzzed around campus. Many students had heard about the Coco-powered brawl downtown. Wild rumours circulated about demons, aliens and dark experimentation.

Devon just kept silent. He had witnessed the real events firsthand. But that solemn knowledge was his burden to bear for now.

During morning break, Devon spotted Tanya in a shaded garden alcove chatting with an unfamiliar bald woman. He remembered suddenly - today was when staff from the Jamaica Hero Association came to school to meet their assigned protégés for special ability training.

"Hey T, how's it going?" Devon asked, joining them.

Tanya grinned. "Devon, meet Ms. Daphne, an instructor from JHA. She gonna help me level up my shape-shifting!"

Daphne smiled and shook Devon's hand with a firm grip. "Nice meeting Tanya's talented friend. I look forward to nurturing her skills." Daphne's kind eyes held wisdom and purpose. She was clearly committed to guiding youths down the heroic path. Devon instantly respected her.

"Well I'll let yuh get to it," Devon said politely before leaving them. "Show her dat fox magic, T!"

Tanya laughed. "Trust me, by di time we done here, mi aguh have this shape-shifting mastery locked!" With an eager wave, she turned back to her mentor.

Devon left them and headed towards the new Power Training Centre (PTC) the school had built to accommodate the influx of Coco abilities following the disaster. He hoped to check on Tanya's progress crossing through there later.

Walking past training chambers with echoing laughter and flashes of colourful energy discharges, Devon marvelled at the infrastructure growing to help youths tame their extraordinary gifts.

Turning a corner, he nearly collided headlong into someone, causing the girl to drop her armload of strange items.

"Sorry!" Devon blurted, embarrassed. He knelt hastily gathering up what looked like packages of ramen noodles and small jars of sauces among the books.

"No no, is my fault," the girl insisted sheepishly.

Looking up, Devon realized it was Mei Wen he'd bumped into yet again. Why were they destined to keep meeting this way?

"It's crazy how this always happens." Devon joked, handing Mei her eclectic items.

She giggled, tucking back a silky lock of hair in that cute way he loved. "I need to learn to see through walls or something with you," Mei pointed out. They smiled at each other.

"True, true," Devon chuckled. "So I'm guessing ya here to observe the others training their new powers?" He waited for her to explain.

Mei surprised him by saying, "Yes and no. I just met my mentor Mr. Chang. He is teaching me greater control over manipulating noodles."

Devon's smile froze. "Wait...manipulating noodles? Yuh have Coco abilities?"

Mei arched a delicate brow. "Of course. You did not know?" She seemed genuinely taken aback that he hadn't realized.

Devon felt silly now but ploughed ahead. "No clue! When did yuh even get bitten? Yuh wasn't at Seacrest for the mosquito attack."

"Oh, that makes sense," Mei said, understanding his confusion. "I actually gained my powers visiting family here two summers ago. Some rural areas got swarm."

Devon rubbed his neck. "Gotcha...well that's cool yuh already experienced with abilities! Maybe I can watch you train sometime." Was he being too forward?

Mei just smiled radiantly. "I'd really enjoy that, Devon." She checked her phone. "Ah I better run. See you later!" With a wave, Mei hurried off towards her next lesson.

Devon watched her go, marvelling anew at her hidden depths. He was also intrigued to see her in action with those noodles now. There was still much more to discover about his enigmatic crush.

At track practise, Coach Adams clicked his stopwatch and nodded. "Nice run, Devon! 9.97 seconds, just shy of your record." He gave Devon an appraising look. "Think ya can shave off another millisecond at Regionals next week?"

Devon grinned confidently despite feeling winded. "No doubt, Coach. I know there's more speed in these legs. Just gotta unlock it fully, ya feel me?"

Coach Adams chuckled and patted Devon's shoulder. "I admire yuh hunger to keep improving. Glad mi have at least one student committed to maximizing their potential."

Devon went to grab some water when he overheard Coach Adams chatting proudly with other teachers about his recent victories. "Dat youth Devon fast becoming a real island prodigy. Mark my words, him could be Olympic calibre one day."

Pride swelled in Devon's chest hearing the high praise. But he knew his greatest feats would happen not on race tracks, but out battling villains and protecting the innocent. That was the path for honouring his fallen friends. Devon just had to be patient and train diligently.

Nearby, some female students giggled watching him gulp his water while flexing his lean muscles post-run. Ever since hitting record times, Devon found himself increasingly admired around campus. But he tried ignoring the attention for now. Running came first.

"Yo Devon, ya hear 'bout this madness?" a lanky teammate named Thomas suddenly asked, waving his phone. "Says here a dangerous beast man escaped again!"

Devon hurried over to read the alert. His heart sank realizing it was the same mutated criminal, 'Gunz' who had nearly killed two police officers before Bushmaster purified his mind temporarily. Now the violent felon was loose again somehow.

"How him get free twice?" Devon wondered aloud. "Silverback shoulda put down that brute for good."

"No joke, me hope dem heroes throw dat rabid dog inna secret power prison this time," Thomas said seriously. The news had put everyone on edge.

Devon was lost in solemn thought. If Gunz went on another rampage through Portland or elsewhere, there could be tragic outcomes. When Coach Adams called practice to an end, Devon's mind swirled with concern.

Walking home alone, he debated whether or not to tell Tanya about witnessing the prior incident up close during one of his secret breath-holding rushes. But Devon refrained for now. No use worrying her too.

After dinner that evening, Devon went up to his room and locked the door. "Time for another recharge," he told Rex, who just yawned lazily from the bed. Chuckling, Devon plugged in a small appliance then grasped the cord discreetly to begin siphoning power through his dreadlocks.

Within moments, his Coco cells were humming with renewed current. Devon flexed and grinned as his hair swirled with visible emerald energy. He felt unstoppable like this.

Temptation gnawed at him to go on another hidden patrol around Portland's streets, seeking any signs of the wanted villain Gunz. If Devon could help bring down the menacing criminal, it would prove his heroic potential to everyone.

But Tanya's voice echoed in his mind, cautioning patience and wisdom over reckless impulse. With a resigned sigh, Devon unplugged and flopped down beside Rex. She was right, of course. He wasn't ready for that level of confrontation yet.

There would be time to stand as a hero soon enough. For now, building his strength and character took priority. Devon just prayed no innocents would suffer from the continued threat lingering over Portland parish. But he must trust the true guardians like Bushmaster to handle it.

Turning off the light, Devon settled in for an early sleep. His dreams swirled with visions of facing Gunz in an epic clash, wielding masterful power to overwhelm the savage villain. Fantasies to motivate his waking efforts.

One day such dreams would manifest as reality. But only through diligent training and commitment to the heroic path ahead.