Dread Bolt Explosion  

It was a Saturday morning, Devon stood on the pristine sands of Lover's Beach, listening to the hypnotic crash of waves. Today he was training solo while Tanya worked with her mentor at school. He didn't mind being alone.

Devon began stretching his lean muscles in preparation for practicing his abilities. "No betta place to test these powers," he told Rex, who was happily chasing seabirds nearby.

After warming up, Devon aimed his palm at a discarded piece of driftwood. He focused, discharging a thin dart of electricity from one dreadlock that struck the target dead centre with a sizzle.

"Bullseye!" Devon grinned. His precision and control over the arcing currents had improved tremendously. Ras Nine's wisdom coupled with regular solo training sessions had paid off. Devon's dreadlock tasers could now pierce even a moving object from thirty paces away.

Energized, he decided to experiment creating more complex constructs from the deadly currents. Holding both palms forward, Devon furrowed his brow in concentration. Crackling in the air before him, the twin bolts slowly lengthened and warped together into an expanding mesh.

With a final grunt of exertion, Devon solidified the shape - a circular sparring shield now floated ahead, comprised entirely of tightly woven electricity strands thrumming with power. He whooped joyfully at the creation.

Grasping his dread shield's insulated handle, Devon tested manoeuvring the weightless energy barrier to block invisible attacks, then smashing it forward aggressively in a lethal bash.

"This opens up whole new fighting possibilities!" He could craft versatile weapons and defences from these currents, limited only by imagination and power reserves. Devon was near giddy at the prospect.

Letting the sparking shield dissipate, he surveyed the open sea thoughtfully. "Wonder if these locks can shoot further than just the beach?"

In the distance, a small island was visible offshore. Devon squinted, gauging it to be roughly two miles out. He pondered if his Dread Bolts could reach that far. But to ensure accuracy, he would need a clear line of sight from higher elevation.

Glancing up the nearby cliffside path, Devon spotted a ridge that should suffice. "Race yuh up there, Rex!" he challenged playfully. The dog barked and galloped ahead. Chuckling, Devon sprinted after his four-legged companion. Though no dog could outpace his gift of unnatural speed.

Reaching the clifftop vantage point, Devon took a moment to admire the breathtaking scenery. From this height, vibrant coral reefs could be glimpsed just below the crystal surface. Schools of fish glimmered as they swam in shimmering patterns.

Devon closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh salty air. Then he turned his focus seaward towards the distant island. "Alright, let's test this range." Devon began taking aim at the small landmass.

Releasing a slow breath, he concentrated on channelling all available energy into a single thin bolt from one dreadlock. The highly charged strand snapped forward, seemingly elongating endlessly as it arced far over the waves.

Holding the intense current steady across the vast distance made Devon's skull throb. But finally the bolt struck the island dead centre with a faint flash.

"Yes!" Devon whooped, releasing the exhausted strand. "No limits out here at sea!" This confirmed he could hit targets even miles offshore once mastering guidance over such long trajectories. Devon's powers were only broadening.

As he caught his breath, a random but dangerous notion took hold in Devon's mind. He stared out at the distant island, then down at the thrashing waves far below. Could he cross such a vast seascape in seconds using his special ability?

Turning to Rex, Devon said "Yuh stay here, bud. Mi just testing something." The pitbull whined in protest as Devon stepped cautiously to the cliff's precipitous edge.

Staring at the precarious two mile stretch of open water, apprehension gripped him. One misstep meant certain drowning. But Devon's gut urged him on. This was a test of courage and faith in his gifts.

Taking several steps back from the ledge, Devon inhaled deeply then held it. The world decelerated to near stillness in the breath-activated Hyper Rush.

Heart pounding, Devon exploded forward in a blinding streak. WHOOSH! His feet became a blur as he raced straight off the cliffside. For three harrowing seconds, he sprinted impossibly across the surface of the swells and troughs between each crest.

Yet the island remained out of reach as Devon hit his rush limit. The decelerated ocean waves unfroze beneath him. Devon plunged headfirst towards the briny depths with a panicked shout.

"No!" Desperation fuelled one final burst of confused speed which carried him the last few feet to solid land. Devon crashed face-first onto gritty beach sand, the wind was utterly knocked out of him.

Gulping desperately for air, he rolled over and sat up. Devon half expected to find himself at the bottom of the Caribbean sea. But amazingly, he had made it to the tiny offshore island in his rush!

"Praise...di...Coco spirits," Devon wheezed. That impulsive act had nearly spelled his demise. He needed vastly more training before attempting such risky transits again. But the sheer exhilaration left him giddy.

Rising on shaky legs, he decided to explore this newfound isle. It was larger than expected, extending at least a mile tip to tip. Lush greenery covered the rugged interior lined with sheer rock walls. The sea-facing beach was framed by palm trees laden with coconuts.

Walking inland, Devon used Dread Bolts to slice through the dense foliage. He was hoping to find fresh water or fruit to quench his thirst after the harrowing rush over open ocean. Birds trilled overhead and lizards scurried underfoot as Devon trekked deeper.

The island's isolation was peaceful, but also vaguely sinister. Strange stone idols half-buried in the jungle undergrowth seemed to glare at Devon as he passed by. He could swear raspy whispers from unseen observers dogged his steps. The hairs on Devon's neck prickled uneasily.

Then his ears picked up an unexpected sound - a weak cough coming from just ahead, beyond the veil of branches. Devon hesitated, uncertain if he wanted to encounter whoever or whatever dwelled in this eerie domain.