Cain’s Dark Secret  

At Cain's party, Devon passed the sprawling two-floor mansion itself, not wanting to mingle inside yet. Instead, he wandered towards the action brewing in the backyard pool area. Elaborate floats bobbed on the illuminated waters between splashing youths. Others danced carefreely on the patio or lounged in clusters on the expansive lawns drinking and laughing under strings of ornamental lights. The energy instantly enveloped him.

Weaving anonymously through the crowds, Devon smiled seeing so many classmates fully letting loose. There was Gaby spinning playfully in her yellow bikini, looks of pure joy on everyone's faces, Even Thomas appeared to be coming out of his brooding shell, chatting up some new girls. Maybe he had judged this too harshly.

Near the tiki bar mixing drinks, Devon locked eyes unexpectedly with Tanya across the pool. She was dancing with Sonita and other girls to the booming dancehall beats. Her shocked expression at seeing him here made Devon quickly turn away. He didn't need the questions right now.

Grabbing a soda from a passing caterer's tray, Devon slipped off towards the garden areas to avoid familiar faces while he got his bearings. There was no rush, he planned to peripherally enjoy the festivities for a bit in his own way. But no harm in laying low and observing for a period.

Hearing louder laughter nearby, Devon wandered over to spy students daring each other to dunk in the huge outdoor hot tub nearby. Devon chuckled seeing two cocky boys from the swim team plunge into the bubbling waters in just underwear, drawing squeals from onlooking girls. The carefree energy was admittedly infectious.

Nearer the garden gazebo, the crowds thinned out to couples lounging in the manicured shrubs making out or murmuring intimately. Devon rolled his eyes but kept wandering. Nature's party spirits roamed freely tonight.

Passing a towering hedge divider, Devon at last glimpsed just who he'd been furtively seeking - Mei Wen! She sat laughing around a firepit with Gabriela, Joy and other girls looking radiant in an emerald halter top and flowing navy skirt. Devon shyly admired her beauty from afar. He couldn't approach cold, but had to speak to Mei before leaving.

Weaving closer inconspicuously, Devon was beginning to strategise an entry point to her group when he noticed an odd sight - Cain standing off by himself nearby speaking in hushed tones with a shorter hooded figure by the property wall. His house party was bumping, yet Cain was intensely focused on this private rendezvous.

Devon's instincts screamed that something shady was transpiring. He had to get a better look. Ducking behind a tree, Devon edged as near as he dared and strained to listen in.

" finally perfected," Cain was saying firmly. "The doses are stable. Give me your supply data so I can calculate our projections."

The mystery figure handed over a printed spreadsheet that Cain studied intently, humming in satisfaction at the complex formulas. Devon struggled to discern more of their cryptic exchange. This was far removed from any light-hearted social gathering.

"Excellent, our lab is precisely on schedule," Cain remarked, returning the paper. "Just be sure your contacts distribute these packets exactly as I instructed. Timing is everything before side effects manifest."

The hooded lady nodded dutifully. "Of course, Cain. I'll oversee the runs personally tonight." Her voice struck a chord of familiarity in Devon. But in disguise, he could not place it.

Glancing around warily, Cain then passed the lady a discreetly concealed parcel and shook her hand. "Perfect. You continue playing your part and the rewards will be...revelatory. Like nothing you've experienced before." The two parted ways swiftly.

Devon remained hidden as the mystery lady exited alone through a side gate, parcel tucked securely inside her hoodie. His pulse quickened piecing together what Cain might be up to. Clearly not just hosting festivities tonight.

Against his better judgement, Devon knew he had to find out what Cain was dealing. Bracing himself, Devon utilized another deep inhale to blanket the estate grounds in an abrupt Hyper Rush. Time ground to a halt.

Stepping from the bushes, Devon weaved swiftly through the casts of frozen partiers towards the retreating woman near the wall. With care not to brush her frozen form, he gently pried open her grip just enough to lift out the small parcel within, replacing it with a similar weighted handkerchief filled with pebbles. Done.

Devon raced back across the lawn to take cover as he released the pent-up breath slowly. Sound and motion rippled back into the night as if nothing had transpired. From the trees, he saw the woman continue on her way none the wiser of his subtle theft. The drug parcel now rested in Devon's own jacket, ripe for investigation.

Something else unexpected then caught Devon's eye - Mei Wen was walking right towards his hiding spot, appearing slightly disoriented as she glanced around questioningly in the wake of the unnatural time shift. Cursing internally, Devon shrank back deeper into the foliage, praying she wouldn't spot him. This complication was the last thing he needed.

"That was...strange," Mei uttered aloud, craning her neck in confusion. She stood perplexed for a moment before seeming to dismiss the odd sensation that had rippled through the party. Turning back towards her friends, Mei didn't notice Devon tucked silently away as she left.

He sighed in relief once she moved out of sight, but chastised himself over the careless rushing. Devon hadn't considered how those nearby might be affected by his reckless interference here. Best to get away before anyone else grew suspicious.

Weaving unnoticed through the festive crowds, Devon slipped out the rear gate and jogged into the wooded hills encircling Cain's sprawling property. His heart was still hammering over the mission's success. But he had to focus on the next phase - determining what Cain had been secretly distributing tonight.