The Azure Coco Pills  

Alone on a rocky outlook surrounded by deep forest, Devon sat and carefully opened the stolen packet. Inside, he found several small vials filled with azure pills. They seemed to sparkle and fizz mysteriously with inner glow. Handling one up close, Devon sensed a strange unnatural energy radiating within the capsule. This was undoubtedly refined Coco essence of some kind. But why the secrecy?

Racking his brain, the answer eluded Devon. He considered taking one pill to the authorities or JHA for analysis. But doubt held him back. Technically he had no authority or just cause to go probing in Cain's affairs, regardless of personal dislike for the arrogant sprinter. This had to be handled delicately.

Stashing the vials securely, Devon pondered his limited options. Whatever these pills' nature for now, their distribution needed halting before harm spread. That meant gathering more intelligence towards root causes.

Getting up, Devon started making his way through the dark hills towards Lover's Beach. The familiar training haunt felt ideal for some late night experiments to unlock the mystery of Cain's shady deeds. Devon would handle this himself, hero-style.

Arriving at the secluded cove, all was still around the moonlit sands and cliffs. Devon sat and retrieved one of the luminous blue pills, rolling it between his fingers curiously. These held some intense energy just waiting to ignite. But first, a safe test was needed.

Devon spent some time fashioning a crude net from palm fronds and vines. He manipulated it with his Dread Webs to snare a plump seabird roosting among the nearby rocks. The bird squawked indignantly as Devon set it down gently restrained in the sandy soil before him.

"Sorry pal, but you're the key to getting some answers tonight," Devon told the peeved animal. Cracking open one of the vials, he tapped a capsule onto the bird's rigid tongue then secured its beak so it was forced to swallow the mysterious substance.

Leaning back, Devon watched closely as the creature's terrified eyes began to droop seconds later. The blue pill was clearly acting fast to subdue it. But the seabird's respite was short-lived.

Abruptly, the animal's eyes shot open again, now glowing an otherworldly sapphire. It started convulsing and swelling rapidly, feathers moulting away to reveal bloated musculature. The creature's twisting beak elongated into a gnashing maw of fangs amidst horrible shrieks.

Devon scrambled back in shock from the monstrosity emerging. "No way!" The bird was undergoing some grotesque Coco mutation, limbs bulking out and natural avian structure contorting. More animal than flesh now, it shredded effortlessly through the restraining vine net.

"Whoa, easy now!" Devon yelled, backpedalling across the sand as the hulking beast fixed its soulless gaze upon him. Sharp claws flexed menacingly as the mutant creature tensed to charge. This was about to get ugly fast!

Adrenaline flooding his system, Devon blasted a barrage of stun darts from his crackling locks at the frothing creature. It ruffled its dense plumes, bellowing angrily as electricity glanced off hardened skin. Devon barely dove clear of a swiping talon that gouged the beach.

"Cho!" Rolling back to his feet, Devon switched tactics. This mindless beast needed putting down now before it could terrorize others. Gritting his teeth, Devon concentrated on channelling all available power into his stretched palms. The monstrous bird pounced right into the savage torrent.

Howling furiously, the creature spasmed midair in the grip of the unrelenting current. Glowing eyes rolled back and frothing skin charred beneath the onslaught. But Devon didn't ease up until the last defiant thrashes weakened to trembles then silence.

With a final defiant caw, the scorched brute collapsed lifeless and began slowly reverting back to a simple seabird corpse. Devon toppled onto his back, thoroughly exhausted. But he now grasped the vile secret Cain had been peddling tonight.

"Jamaica have a new drug menace on the rise..." Devon realized grimly between heaving breaths. He gazed sadly at the dead animal, just an innocent pawn tonight. This dark discovery changed everything.

Cain was somehow manufacturing pills capable of turning unsuspecting users into monstrous Coco beasts by force. Devon doubted those being targeted tonight fully understood that horrifying outcome. Why would the arrogant sprinter spread such horrors across Portland?

Speculation could come later. Right now Devon had to halt this plot before the streets turned into a war zone of drug-crazed mutants if Cain's scheming continued unchecked.

Stumbling wearily onto his feet, Devon took one last look at the bird's pathetic remains. "I promise yuh cruel sacrifice won't be forgotten, brethren." He scooped up and stashed away the remaining vials securely. This would be the sole proof if Devon hoped to see real justice done.

Jaw clenched, he began the long trek home through the woods. There was much to consider before acting further. Outing Cain had to be handled delicately or risk his family's army of corporate lawyers shielding their son from any consequences. But Devon refused to stand by cowardly.

His father always said, "A dutty tree can't bear sweet fruits." Apparently, money couldn't buy wisdom or decency either in Cain's case. The web of evil he was weaving had to be severed at its twisted roots. However daunting the odds, Devon had to try with the power he now wielded. Justice demanded no less.