Potent Sapphire Dust  

Cain knelt down, channelling more of his Sapphire Dust power into the ground. At his command, hulking ants the size of small dogs coupled with other venomous assortment of mutated insects began tunnelling up everywhere to attack the Toxic Trio. The monstrous insects charged with gnashing jaws wide enough to sever limbs. One of the unfortunate men got one of their fingers snipped off!

"Gah, get these freaks off me!" Toxic Tess shouted, desperately trying to incinerate the endless insect swarms surrounding her. But more kept emerging. Nearby, Toxica was faring no better, screaming as the monstrous bugs engulfed her.

From her high perch, Poison Dart took aim at the distracted Cain. "Got you now," she hissed, blowing a volley of paralytic darts. Cain glanced up and summoned a wall of mutated ants just in time to absorb the attacks. The drugged creatures twitched before his feet.

"Foolish girl, I am lord of this domain!" Cain shouted arrogantly while crafting more and more attack bugs from the shimmering sapphire soil. 

The Toxic Trio fell back, overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. Devon remained hidden nearby, observing it all silently.

Gradually however, the tide began turning. Cain was exhausting himself manifesting endless waves of monstrous insects. And the Toxic crew's deadly powers were scorching through his mutant hordes quicker than he could spawn replacements.

"I'm...getting tired," Cain panted, blinking sweat from his eyes as the glowing tattoos along his arms flickered. Around him, charred ant carcasses piled up by the dozens. 

"The fool is drained!" Sensing his weakness, the Toxic trio pressed their assault.

"Ready to surrender yet?" Toxica hollered as she barraged Cain with her toxic smog bombs.

Nearby, her sister's fists ignited with radioactive neon that incinerated any remaining attackers. Poison Dart blew devastating poison clouds from her high vantage that engulfed Cain in paralysis.

Dropping to his knees choking as toxins overwhelmed his system, Cain was helpless now. The smug satisfaction of certain victory showed on the faces of the Toxic gang as they closed in for the capture.

"Thought you were a big man, didn't ya?" Toxic Tess mocked, hoisting the limp Cain up by his ruined jacket. "Time to face the true king of Portland." She nodded to her partners, who dragged Cain's paralyzed body towards their parked van.

"I can't let them take that punk." Seeing the villains moving their captive, Devon knew it was time for him to finally intervene. Taking a deep breath, he tapped into his special Hyper Rush ability. The world around Devon froze into stillness as he darted forth too quickly to perceive.


In a blurred streak amidst the time-frozen scene, Devon snatched Cain's immobilized body and absconded with the sprinter slung over his shoulder. Still holding his breath, Devon rushed them both far from the abandoned mining site deep into the rainforest hills.

Finally stopping within a sheltered rocky hollow, Devon released his pent-up breath. Colour and motion returned around them as Cain blinked sluggishly, still disoriented from the toxins in his system. He looked unaware of what just transpired.

Devon kept his voice low and face concealed in shadow. "Cain, can you hear me? Nod if you understand," he instructed firmly.

Cain's glazed eyes narrowed, processing slowly. Finally, he gave a weak nod. His arrogance rapidly returned, however. "Unhand me!" Cain demanded hoarsely. "I'll see you jailed for this!"

Devon ignored the outburst. "I'm not here to harm you, but we need to talk. What dealings do you have with the Toxic Trio?" He had to get information while Cain was still groggy and weakened.

"That's none of your business, fool!" Cain retorted, though his defiance rang hollow. He wasn't eager to return to the merciless gang anytime soon.

Devon deepened his voice to further avoid identification. "Yuh safe for now, but we need to chat." He saw the first flickers of awareness in Cain's delirious eyes. "What was the Toxic crew using you to manufacture?" Devon pressed. "Who supplies the formula?"

Disoriented and anguished, Cain's gaze grew wary at the probing. He tried sitting up straighter, cringing from his maimed shoulder. "You...you're one of them aren't you?" Cain stammered. "Just another thief looking to rob me. Well, you'll get nothing from Cain!"

He made a pathetic attempt to lunge at Devon before collapsing back, utterly spent. Devon clenched his fists in frustration. Even now at his lowest, Cain clung to arrogance and refused facts.

"I ain't your enemy, fool!" Devon said. "I'm the reason they didn't skin yuh alive back there. So show some damn respect!"

Cain just sneered through split lips. "Respect? From what I see, you're just more scum sent to rough me up, probably by my father! Likely part of that therapy nonsense..." His chuckle sounded unhinged.

Sighing, Devon tried one final ploy. Since empathy failed to motivate this selfish captive, perhaps invoking continued fear could prove useful. Kneeling back down, Devon fixed Cain with a sly gaze.

 "Have it your way then. I'll just let those crazed villains know your location and leave you to manage alone. A matter a fact, I might just bring you back to where they are right now." He shrugged and made as if he was about to lift Cain.

"No wait!" Cain cried out desperately. He weighed his situation, finally slumping down in exhaustion both mental and physical. "I'll... tell you what I know. Just please, hide me from those psychos."

Smiling in satisfaction, Devon settled in to listen closely as Cain reluctantly began explaining the villains' pill-brewing schemes at last. His cunning persuasion had paid off. Now for the truth.