The Loki-7 Drug   

"How the hell did that punk disappear into thin air?!" Toxic Tess shouted, overturning a rusted barrel in the abandoned mining site. She and her cohorts had scoured the entire area searching for any trace of the missing Cain to no avail.

Nearby, Toxica pinched her temples as a headache formed. "This makes zero sense. He was down for the count from your poisons, sis. What other powers could let Cain vanish so quickly?"

The third member of their trio, Poison Dart, twirled a razor-tipped bolt thoughtfully. "Perhaps his Coco gifts extend beyond just insect manipulation? Some teleportation skill we never knew about."

Tess spat angrily and ignited a neon fist, punching it through the brick wall in frustration. "I'll kill him for making fools of us! That snivelling coward thinks he can welch on our deal?!"

"Enough blustering," Toxica said sternly. "We need to inform Skull that the asset has gone AWOL. Our priority is maintaining the Azure Vial supply chain, not personal vendettas."

The other two reluctantly agreed. This mysterious operation was bigger than any one player. Until Cain was found, they had to stall their dangerous boss Skull however possible. But for now, the arrogant sprinter had inexplicably vanished without a trace. The Toxic gang fumed silently as they searched around the area. None had witnessed the concealed Blur spiriting Cain away in the frozen timestream. That truth still lay undiscovered, to their ignorance.

From the safety of the dense forest, a battered Cain stirred weakly, having been dragged here for refuge after the savage beating endured. Both teens' minds were spinning, processing the implications of this deepening conspiracy.

"It started a couple months back when I was feeling restless and restricted," Cain explained slowly. "My father had cut off my lifestyle allowance to 'build character.' So I started exploring...alternative income means."

The Blur listened silently. The roots of temptation were universal, if not always justifiable when embraced foolishly.

Cain went on to describe stumbling upon an illicit underground gambling parlour and exotic elixir market while desperate to maintain his wealth and clout. A sordid realm where the amoral thrived like parasites beneath society's blissful surface. And where a darker purpose soon ensnared the arrogant, impressionable teen.

"That's where I first met the Toxic sisters," Cain shared uneasily. "They peddled all manner of poisons, serums and forbidden potions. After I demonstrated my Coco Power controlling insects, the scheming duo saw profit potential..."

According to Cain, a deal was struck - he provided samples of his charged Sapphire Dust to the Toxic Trio for refining into black market 'enhancement' pills known as, Loki-7, in exchange for a cut of the earnings. Just a fringe scheme at first. But ambition and encouragement had sunk Cain deeper into murky waters until it was too late to easily turn back.

The Blur inquired, "And this 'Skull' they mentioned? Is he the one coercing you into staying involved?"

Cain's expression turned uneasy again. "I've...never met him directly. The guy's just a name to me. But he's got the Toxics on a tight leash for sure." He shuddered. "I overheard them saying Skull 'collects' Coco gifts by force if you dare resist him."

The Blur digested this intelligence while allowing Cain time to steady himself. There was clearly a powerful entity coordinating these violent pill distribution efforts from the shadows. One who could abduct and harm with impunity. 

Cain wiped the blood from his split lip, still shaken by his narrow escape from the Toxic Trio. "I need to lay low far from anywhere they'll look for me," he spoke up, glancing around the secluded forest hollow nervously.

The Blur pondered their next move. He knew these violent dealers would be scouring Portland Parish for their missing captive soon enough. But an idea struck him.

"Hold that thought, I can get us back safely right now." Taking Cain's shoulder, The Blur inhaled a mighty breath. The world decelerated into abrupt stasis outside his hyper-accelerated perception. To Cain, they vanished in a blink.

Utilizing his special Rush ability, the Blur sped them both through the frozen rainforest within seconds back to the abandoned mining site. He took cover with the immobilized Cain behind some machinery. The Blur let out his held breath.

"What dark vortex was that?!" Cain exclaimed in the resumed real-time, disoriented by the unfathomable relocation.

"No time to explain, just listen," The Blur whispered. He pointed out the Toxic Trio gathered by their van, cursing and arguing over what to do next about the missing Cain.

"We should be hunting that snake down this instant!" Tess was yelling furiously. "He's probably scurried back to his mansion by now."

Toxica crossed her arms. "And what if he's gone to ground somewhere else, sister? We'd waste precious time searching blindly."

"She's right," added Poison Dart pragmatically. "Better we lay low and monitor the usual spots discreetly until Cain resurfaces. With the way that brat wipes his ass with money, his supplies won't last forever."

Their logic irritated Tess further. "So we just sit and wait while Skull grows more impatient by the hour?!" She punched a fist through a wooden crate next. "I say we snatch the rich brat's family for leverage or some of his schoolmates. See how brave he stays hidden then!"

The other two vetoed that brazen idea instantly. "Keep your temper cooled, Tess," Toxica warned. "No rash moves without Skull's say-so."

Watching the gang finally climb into their van grumbling and driving off, The Blur said to Cain, "There, that buys us a window at least."

Cain still looked rattled witnessing his hunters so close by. "I ain't ever been so screwed," Cain spoke dejectedly while hugging his scuffed knees. "Nowhere left to run that those crazies won't find me, even my mansion isn't safe."

Seeing his raw fear, The Blur felt a pang of empathy. Cain had sunk into risky schemes looking for purpose, but the consequences clearly overwhelmed the brazen youth now. Perhaps this crossroads could change his path still.

"The longer we evade them, the more options open up," The Blur offered gently. "But I need to know yuh with me on this, no running off alone."

Cain bristled slightly at the coddling tone but nodded. "You've seen those psychopaths up close now. I'd be dead or worse without your trick powers." It clearly wounded his pride admitting that, but their alliance was necessary for survival.

The Blur knew time was scarce with the Toxic gang already on high alert citywide. He racked his brain for an efficient means of tracking the villains' movements. 

An idea struck Cain. "Hold up, I have a plan." Rushing over to a mossy log, Cain grabbed a fat beetle crawling across the bark. "I'm gonna use my Coco Power on this guy."

Quirking an eyebrow curiously, The Blur observed Cain doing his thing. A glimmer of Sapphire Dust engulfed the beetle from his palm. Seconds later, it began swelling and mutating. 

"Wow, nice," the Blur praised. Up close, the hulking beetle's multifaceted eyes now shined with an azure glow. He could somehow sense its connection with Cain.

Cain explained, "I can see and feel what my mutated minions do. Makes controlling them over distances easier." He regarded the mutated beetle with mild pride, proof of his potent Coco gifts. "All you have to do is attach it to their ride. It shouldn't be a problem with your speed."

"Perfect," said the Blur taking the insect. Leaving Cain hidden, he inhaled deeply then sped into the immobilized world once more. At the mining site's exit, the Blur easily intercepted the frozen vehicle and deposited the Sapphire Beetle on its rear bumper. A perfect tracking device.

Back to Cain, the Blur watched the teen focus intently, seeing through his minion's perspective now. "Whoa, I'm reading them clearly," Cain reported. "The freaky one's ranting about where to hit my favourite hangouts first." He smirked. "Little do those cons know I'll be spying the whole time from right under their noses."

The Blur was pleased their scheme was already paying off. "Just don't get overeager. Our priority is locating wherever they cook up these Loki-7 azure pills and gather intel." Stopping the operation wholesale mattered most.

"Trust me, I learnt my lesson confronting those crazies directly," Cain assured, though his eyes still held anger. "Whatever your stake is though, I'm only cooperating to save my own skin, got it?"

"That will do for now," The Blur replied pragmatically. He couldn't expect complete sincerity from the shady teen yet. "We should stay out of sight as we keep track of them."

"By the way, I didn't catch your name?" Asked Cain.

"The Blur," Devon simply responded.

Cain clearly resented relying on a masked stranger, but begrudgingly agreed. With the Toxic gang's position now tracked, the unlikely duo took hidden refuge in the wilderness to conserve strength and plot their next move.