When I was done

explaining the

assignment to my

course mates, they all

left, leaving me alone with

Sylvia in the class. we stayed

silently in the class for a while

before she finally spoke.

"are you going home once you

leave this place?" she asked

"No. I'm going to the

restuarant to have breakfast. I

didn't have breakfast before

leaving home." I responded

"why did you leave home

without having breakfast?" she


"I was already late when I got

prepared for school" I


"I thought you told me that

you had already taken your

bath when I called this

morning" she said

"I lied. your call was what

woke me up"

she hit me playfully on my


"and you made me believed

you were already prepared for

lecture when I called. so, if I

didn't call, you wouldn't have

gotten to school on time." she


"I was very tired"

"okay, go and have breakfast

before the worms in your

stomach start protesting." she


"okay" I responded

I stood up and walked to the

door. I stopped halfway and

turned back to face her.

"let's go together" I said

"I had breakfast before leaving

home" she responded

I turned in disappointment

and left the class. I still can't

explain why I always want to

have her by my side.

I went to the restuarant to

have breakfast. just when I

was about leaving the

restuarant, my phone rang. I

picked the call when I realized

it was from Sharon. There is

no need to be nervous. I knew

what she wanted to say


"hello Sharon" I greeted

"hello Christian, have you left

the school?" she asked

"yes, I'm on my way home" I


"I wanted to show you

something, but don't worry, I

will show it to you when I

come to your place this

evening for the tutorial. I hope

you have not forgotten that

our tutorial continue today"

she said

"I haven't forgotten" I


"okay, see you this evening

then" she said

"okay" I responded and ended

the call.

I left the restuarant and

headed home. I lay on my bed

immediately I got home and

didn't know when I slept off.

The vibration of my phone

woke me up hours later. I

picked up immediately.

"hello Sharon"

"Christian I'm on my way" she


I quickly turned my gaze to

the wall clock and realized it

was 5:40pm already. how could

I have slept this long.

"okay, I'm waiting" I


I ended the call and sighed. I

wasn't nervous when speaking

to her, but I can't be so sure

that I won't get nervous when

she finally arrives I wouldn't

want what happened the other

day to repeat itself. it would be

very disappointing if she

comes all the way from her

house and leaves without

achieving her aim of coming.

maybe I should just call Sylvia

and ask her to come to my

place. if she's here with me,

I'm sure I won't be nervous. I


I dialed her number

immediately. she picked after

the second beep.

"hello Christian" she greeted

"Sylvia, can you come over to

my place"

"what happened?" she asked

"I want to show you

something" I said.

"okay, I will be there in 20 to

25 minutes time." she said

" okay, thank you"

I ended the call and heaved a

sigh of relief. I sat on my bed,

waiting patiently for the two

ladies to arrive. I prayed

silently that Sylvia should get

here before Sharon.

I heard a knock on my door 20

minutes later. I took a deep

breath and prayed it should be

Sylvia. I stood up from my bed

and walked to the door. I

sighed and slowly opened the

door to find Sharon standing

at the door. I masked my

disappointment with a smile.

"you are here already. please

come in" I said

"thank you" she responded

and walked in.

She didn't sit on my bed this

time. she sat on the plastic


"I hope you are fine now" she


"yes" I responded.

"okay, let's start then" she said

and brought out her notebook

from her bag.

"okay" I responded I sat on the

other plastic chair.

while I was trying to look for

the best way to start, a knock

sounded on my door. I heaved

a sigh of relief and thanked

God silently. that should be


"let me see who is at the

door." I said

I stood up from my chair and

walked to the door. I opened

the door with smiles on my

face. the smile vanished

immediately I saw Joy standing

at my door.

"hi Christian" she greeted.

"hi" I mumbled

"you left school early today. I

was looking for you. I want

you to help me with the

assignment that was given to

us today. I have to come to

your house since I didn't see

you in school." she said.

"come in" I said, trying to

keep a smile on my face.

she entered and saw Sharon

already in my room.

"wow Sharon! you are here

too" she said.

"yes. I came here for tutorial."

Sharon responded

"Christian is tutoring you. I

will like to join you guys." Joy


I didn't pay attention to their

conversation. my only wish

was for Sylvia to knock on my

door. my eyes were fixed on

the door. just when I turned

my gaze away from the door, a

knock sounded on the door. I

rushed to the door

immediately. I opened it to see

Sylvia standing at the door. I

felt like giving her a hug the

moment I saw her....