I invited Sylvia into my

room. she paused at the

door when she saw

Sharon and Joy already in

my room. she looked at me

and smile. I really couldn't

explain what that smile meant.

she walked into my room and

greeted Sharon and Joy.

"hi girls"

"hi Sharon" they responded in


"you are here because of the

assignment right" Joy said to


"yes" she responded.

"Christian let's start already.

we are now three." Sharon


okay, let's start. I'm ready." I


we all went to my bed and sat.

I started the tutorial with them

without feeling nervous. They

asked questions from time to

time and I answered their

questions perfectly. when I

was done, Sharon and Joy

stood up to leave while Sylvia

remained seated.

"are you not leaving?" Sharon

asked Sylvia.

"I will. I just want Christian to

explain a particular topic to

me before leaving." she


"okay then, see you in school

tomorrow" Sharon said

"see you too" Sylvia


I followed Sharon and Joy to

the door and locked the door

immediately they left. I turned

to see Sylvia smiling broadly. I

knew something was on her

mind, but I just couldn't figure

it. I walked back to sit with

her on my bed. I still don't

know what Sylvia did to me

that has made me so confident

being with her. even sitting on

the same bed with her without

being nervous.

she looked into my eyes with

her face still curved in a smile

and I held her gaze.

"so you invited me to your

house because you are

nervous of being alone in a

room with Sharon and Joy"

she said.

I never expected her to realize

I actually invited her because

of that, but she seemed to be

smarter than I thought.

"yes, that was actually why I

invited you" I confessed

she stood up from my bed and

walked to the door. she

stopped halfway and turned to

face me.

"let's go" she said.

"go where?" I asked

"don't ask. just stand up and

let's go." she said

I turned my gaze to the wall

clock and realized it was

already 9:45pm. where can we

be going to by this time. I was

feeling reluctant to stand up.

she walked back to me, drag

me up from my bed and led

me out of my room. I didn't

know where she was taking

me to, but I just quietly

followed her.

It was when I heard the loud

sound of music booming from

the speakers hanging on the

wall, that I realized Sylvia

actually brought me to a club

house. my heartbeat increased

the moment we set foot in that

place. I was really nervous. I

hate being in such places. The

crowd and noise in the place is

doing no good to me. I could

feel my heart pounding in my

chest. if Sylvia had told me

that this was where we were

actually coming to, I'm sure I

wouldn't have come. everyone

seemed to be engaged in one

activity or the other. while

someone were seen on stage

dancing to the hot music

booming from the speakers,

others were seen drinking

themselves to stupor. Sylvia

located an empty seat at the

far-left and we sat on it. she

noticed that I was nervous and

held my hand.

"look at me Christian" she

said, encouraging me to look

into her eyes.

I held her gaze and we stared

into each other's eyes.

"you don't have to be nervous.

I'm here with you." she said

yes, I don't need to be

nervous. Sylvia is here with

me. All will be fine. I assured


It was as if her words did

magic to me, because I became

a bit relaxed.

"Christian" she called, with her

eyes still fixed on mine.

"you can overcome this. those

thought you always have in

mind, that discourage you

from doing what you wish to

do are not real. Your mind is

only trying to play tricks on

you. Don't always follow what

you have in mind. sometimes,

you just have to do the

opposite of what your mind is

telling you. If you always

follow what you have in mind,

it will hinder you from

achieving great things in life.

As an introvert, your mind

will discourage you from doing

both positive and negative

things. I believe you know

what's right. you just have to

do what you believe is right

and don't listen to what your

mind is telling you. sometimes

you get discouraged of doing

things, because you don't want

to make mistake. You always

want to do things perfectly.

Christian, we are humans, and

humans are bound to make

mistake. we are not perfect. so

stop listening to that voice that

is discouraging you from doing

things you wish to do, because

you don't want to make

mistakes." she paused and

took a deep breath.

"Christian" she called, with her

eyes still fixed on mine.

"you don't always have to

bother about what people

might think whenever you

wish to do something. that's

what is making you nervous.

you always think about what

other people may feel when

you do things you want to do.

you always trouble your mind

thinking about what others

may have on their minds. the

truth is that, they might just

be worried about their own

problem and wouldn't even

care if you exist. stop

worrying about what others

have on their minds. it will

only get you nervous. Do

things you wish to do and stop

bothering about others. take

for example. right now you are

nervous because you are in a

crowded place, but no one

seems to care about you.

everyone seems to be involved

in one activity or the other.

you are only disturbing

yourself, when no one cares if

you exist." she paused again

and took a deep breath.

"Christian you can overcome

this" she continued

"you just have to start now.

little by little you will

overcome it. you won't even

realize how or when you

suddenly became courageous

to speak in a crowd."

I listened with keen interest as

Sylvia speaks. everything she

said about me was absolutely


"thank you very much Sylvia.

I'm very grateful. you are one

in a million. I have heard all

you said. I will start doing

things I wish to do from now

on" I said

"okay, but we can start from

here" she said.

"how?" I asked

"look at that lady over there"

she said, pointing to a


I followed her direction and

realized she was pointing at a

lady sitting alone at the far-

right. the lady seemed to be

drunk already.

"I have seen her. Do you know

her?" I asked

"I want you to approach her

and get her number" Sylvia


"what!!!!" I exclaimed

"I don't even know how to

start a conversation with a
