
Information: Wyverns and dragons are species that grow till they die.

Phoenix's reach a specific size. Unicorns are in herds of around thirty to forty individuals.

Wyvern and Dragon guide:

Fire wyvern/ Dragons:

Description: Different shades of red, yellow, and orange scales, a relatively streamlined body allowing quick flying, and spiky around the head and down the spine( like multiple spiky reptiles). Middle-sized but much much smaller than Earth or Water wyverns.

Abilities: Great stamina, immune to venom, Scorching fire that could reach temperatures comparable to a sun. (50,000 degrees Fahrenheit). Relatively fast wyverns and dragons

Weaknesses: Not being able to handle the lower temperatures far north.

Rarity: Common, roughly 15,000 members, ~3,000 in captivity. ~7,000 of them are wyverns, and ~8,000 are fire dragons

Home: The southern part of Zaten, where most of the volcanos are. They reside in the volcanos or on the outer edges.

Size: Dragons grow faster and larger sooner but grow throughout life. The only exceptions to the wyverns are Earth and Water, as they grow as fast as the dragons.

Traits: Both kinds are typically hot-headed but very analytical and stubborn. Energetic when excited.

Subspecies: n/a

Leadership: Council of Flame, Wind, and Lightning


Lightning wyverns/Dragons:

Description: Scale colors range from blue, yellow, and orange, which are the most common; red, lilac, and white are the least common. Along their spines, they have light fur instead of spikes. The mane of fur helps to conduct electricity and release it later on.

Abilities: Release lightning able to withstand the cold better than the fire wyverns/dragons. Speed as they are the fastest wyvern or dragon.

Weaknesses: Stamina, metal weapons, and water

Rarity: Uncommon, ~9000 members, ~1,500 are in captivity,

~2,500 are wyverns, ~6,500 are dragons.

Home: In between both the wind and fire, wyverns/dragons

Size: Small for a wyvern

Traits: Mysterious, calm, and collected. When angry, rash, and unforgiving.

Subspecies: Plasma

Leadership: Council of Flame, Wind, and Lightning


Wind wyverns/Dragons:

Description: Scales the sky's color from a sky blue to a cloud white color to storm clouds' dark grays. Large wings enable them to fly extremely fast.

Abilities: High stamina, large wings for long-distance. Large wind wyverns/ dragons can create a powerful wind storm. It can release a pressurized blast of air that can puncture steel

Weaknesses: Earth and water

Rarity: rare, ~5500 members, ~ 1,000 are in captivity,

~2,500 are wyverns, ~3,000 are dragons.

Home: Far north of Zaten, where the tallest mountains are. They live in caves in Wind Valley or other mountains nearby.

Size: Lean and long, making them very aerodynamic

Traits: Calm, Free, can be arrogant, respectful.

Subspecies: n/a

Leadership: Council of Flame, Wind, and Lightning


Water wyverns/Dragons:

Description: Scales the coloring of the ocean from sea green- to abyss black. Long-tail that is like an oar vertically, which enables the massive wyvern/dragon to go through the water. Gills on the neck dragons have four, and wyverns have three.

Abilities: Able to breathe underwater, night vision. Create powerful waves that could crack bedrock. When moving in a circular motion, the ocean can create massive whirlpools. Can shoot a powerful blast of water capable of smashing into a mountain

Weaknesses: Lightning and Earth

Rarity: Extremely common, ~25000 members, ~ 4,000 are in captivity,

~15,000 are wyverns, ~10,000 are dragons.

Home: The oceans and a large chunk of Zaten on the South Western side

Size: Massive bigger than any other dragon or wyvern, except earth dragons.

Traits: Arrogant, mysterious, and sly

Subspecies: Reef

Leadership: Monarchy, Dragon Queen: Storm

Wyvern King: n/a


Earth wyverns/Dragons:

Description: Heavily built, Scales the color of different stones such as black or speckled black and white like marble. The tail has a large and heavy spiked tail; the claws are jagged and sharp, and the dragons are slightly stockier.

Abilities: Breathes plasma, remains motionless for hours, creates earthquakes, sinkholes, and avalanches. They can sink into the ground itself.

Weaknesses: Fire, powerful lightning blasts, and strong blasts of wind.

Rarity: Common, ~15000 members, ~ 5,000 are in captivity,

~10,000 are wyverns, ~15,000 are dragons.

Home: North West corner of Zaten lives in the crust of Zaten itself.

Size: Same as the Water Wyvern/Dragon

Traits: Arrogant, untrustworthy

Subspecies: Obsidian, Marble, and Crystal

Leadership: Monarchy

Dragon Queen: Gaea

Wyvern King: Quake


New wyvern species:

Angelic Wyvern:

Description: White scales and piercing electric blue eyes

Abilities: Read emotions and sharpen/fling wing feathers out.

Weaknesses: n/a

Rarity: practically extinct, 1, 0 are in captivity,

One wyvern

Home: Far north of Zaten, where the tallest mountains are. They live in caves in Wind Valley or other mountains nearby.

Size: similar to an air wyvern

Traits: Quiet, shy, cautious, Skittish, kind, soft-spoken, and analytical

Subspecies: n/a

Leadership: Council of Flame, Wind, and Lightning


Other mythical creatures:


Rarity: Scarce, ~200, ~30 are in captivity.

Information: Unicorns travel in herds of up to 40 members; horn shavings are most often used for medicine. Unicorns have horns of different metals, but humans can eat them and cure any disease.

Size: Normal size for horses


Rarity: Critically endangered, ~50, 25 are in captivity.

Information: Shy animals. They have great control over the flames they are born with directly with the egg.

Size: The size of a large American condor.


Unknown creatures of the forbidden forestWyvern/Dragon Hunter

Name: No known name

Size: Can change to any sizes

Abilities: Control shadows and darkness itself

Weaknesses: Nothing is known about it

Rarity: n/a

Description: The only thing known is its glowing red eyes; no actual body structure is known.