Chapter 2: Council and Humans

We sat next to my brother and sister atop the mountain, watching the sun rise. I looked directly southeast at the tallest mountain on the continent's eastern side, Mount Treaty. I could see the largest volcano on Zaten, home of both the Fire wyverns and dragons; a bit to the south was Mount Darian.

Breathing smoothly as if meditating, I heard Allit ask Innurth," How is he doing with his combat training?"

Innurth sighed as I heard him answer," He naturally uses the wind dance style. Honestly, by the time he is fully grown. Well, I do not want to know."

Looking back at my brother, I spoke," Why do Mother and Father take so long?"

Our mother's voice came behind us," Who is taking a long time?"

Replying softly but flatly," You and Father take forever." Allit snickered," He isn't wrong remotely, Mother; he has a point there."

Innurth nodded in agreement as he looked at me," Ready to meet the Council for the first time."

Shrugging, I replied," Yes, I am. Should I know anything about the Council or not?"

They all shrugged as I muttered," So very helpful."

Shaking my head as wingbeats sounded while I looked behind us and saw Father flying up to us.

His gray scales and kind blue eyes were now hovering next to us while he was slightly bigger than Mother, twice the size of Allit and about sixteen times my size. Father was a large giraffe in height and longer than two of those giant snakes in the forest; Mother was the size of a female elephant in height and the length of a single one of those snakes. Innurth, a twelve-year-old wyvern almost fully grown since we matured at fifteen or so, was the same size and height as a large crocodile and just as long. Allit, being ten years old, was roughly reaching the size of a medium-sized crocodile.

Feeling dwarfed by them all, I spoke softly," Can we get going so I stop feeling so small?"

Father chuckled," Of course. Let's get going."

Allit grinned and teased me," Are you annoyed you are only the size of a German Shepard?"

Glaring at Allit, I bolted into the sky, heading towards Mt. Treaty as my brother flew beside me. Instantly, I began to sulk," Seriously, you have to make fun of me for being smaller."

Father and Mother, despite their size, caught up to us and passed us. Taking the opportunity to read their emotions, I noticed Allit was excited. Innurth was calm and slightly excited. Mother was curious, and Father was interested as well.

Allit smiled softly, looking back at me," Alright, what is on your mind, little brother? Or are you mad at me for teasing you?"

Shaking my head, I nervously replied," No, I am not mad at you. As for your second question, I am confused about why the Council wants to meet me after four years."

Mother said," Don't worry about it, Xyrvinos—nothing is wrong."

Beginning to tire after hours of flying, I began to droop quickly toward the ground as my father's massive, scaly back flew underneath me.

He chuckled," I am extremely impressed you lasted this long; rest on my back till we get there."

He seemed to slow down as I gently landed on his back using my small talons compared to his massive ones to latch on. He moved at a faster pace the moment he realized I had latched on. Glancing around, I noticed that Allit and Innurth were flying at speeds I had never seen them fly before. I never would have believed they were this fast if I weren't on our father's back.

The ground was a blur or would be for most, but the speed seemed slow with trained eyes. As we got closer to Mount Treaty, its size increased exponentially. I knew it was massive since we could see it from hundreds of miles away, and it still looked big. Suddenly, my father flew vertically up as I yelped in surprise, digging my claws into his rough hide as we soon burst into the clouds. Shutting my eyes from the cold, we were suddenly weightless in the sky.

Opening my eyes, I sucked in a breath of shock. Above us was the blinding light of countless stars in the night sky,' How is it nighttime now? We left at sunrise.'

My brother spoke from behind me as if reading my thoughts," It isn't nighttime. We are just in the stratosphere."

Turning to look at him, I replied softly," You kidding, right?"

Mother laughed at my surprise as I was not stunned like this very often," No, he is not kidding."

Allit flew directly above me, twirled in the air, and dove down again, laughing.

Father landed on the top of the mountain. After I got over my shock of being in the stratosphere, looking around, I noticed it was a meeting area and a semi-circle of massive wyverns and dragons. The fire dragoness radiated a strange kind of aura. In total, there are four females and two males. Only one female had that kind of energy, and her body seemed different, talons perfect, scales shined to perfection.

The aura she emitted showed her power as she spoke in an airy voice," Welcome, Zunda, Lemraes, Innurth, Allit, and, of course, little Xyrvinos."

My mother said," Lady Argenta, what an honor. To meet you again."

The massive fire dragoness was probably several centuries old. Probably all of them were nearly five hundred years old.

Shivering under their powerful gazes, the Wind dragon spoke," So this is Xyverinos; he sure has grown from the little hatchling you brought here last time."

Getting off my father's back, I waited patiently before one of them moved towards us.

Lady Argenta moved forward, stopping in front of us, and I glanced at Father and back to her, noting that she was nearly double his size.

She spoke softly, well, probably for her, but for me, it was loud," He seems curious about something. Or is he not?"

Speaking up softly," I am curious, yes."

She smiled at me kindly and spoke," I will try to answer your questions."

Nodding, I articulated softly," What kind of wyvern am I? I know I am not any of the main types of wyverns or dragons."

Lady Argenta thought momentarily before replying," I can honestly believe you are an Angelic Wyvern."

Confused, I asked again," Is that like a subspecies or something?"

She shook her head," Far from it, Angelic wyverns are one of the strongest in existence. Just one of them is capable of defeating several equilibriums. I am not sure if you remember Zunda, but remember that one wyvern that turned the tide of that battle in that war before the last one."

Innurth said," Forgive me for interrupting, but the one that happened five and a half years before I hatched."

Lady Argenta nodded," That is correct, Innurth."

My father, Zunda, replied," Yes, I remember."

Lady Argenta looked back at me," That was your mother, little one."

My eyes widened as my sister's eyes widened," You mean Xyrvinos is Queen Shondrass's son and heir!"

Lady Argenta nodded," That would be correct; I suspected when I saw you four years ago, but I wasn't sure until you arrived."

Innurth gulped," Wasn't...Oh no, the blood we found near Xyrvinos's egg was Queen Shondrass and her mate!"

Lady Argenta nodded," I investigated that myself; I concluded what is strong enough to kill her, a Dragon hunter."

Confused, I spoke," Do you mean human dragon hunters or something else?"

Another Council member spoke up, the lightning wyvern," No, Xyrvinos, I do not mean a human; I mean the creature. A Dragon hunter is an animal or something else that hunts us wyverns and dragons down, and no one knows what they are, to be precise."

Suddenly, the final pieces of the puzzle clicked together," So, is that why you decided for me not to be out of the Valley of Wind after nightfall."

The wind dragon council member said," That is correct; your sister always says you are smart, but to be able to think this maturely is impressive."

Breathing lightly, I responded," Thank you for the compliment."

The large wind wyvern waved his tail as Lady Argenta spoke," I assume that was going to be your next question, correct?"

Nodding, I affirmed," That is correct." Mother spoke up for the first time," Just curious, how powerful is an Angelic wyvern? I heard rumors during the other war they could destroy entire islands in one blast."

Confused, I spoke again," I don't have a breath, though?" The large fire dragoness shrugged," Powerful, and that rumor is true. As for your breath, I would not worry about it. It will develop in the next few days. If that's everything, I will see you guys next time."

My father nodded and bowed," Thank you for answering Xyrvinos's questions."

Lady Argenta smiled," Not a problem. It was nice to see my friend's son."

Looking at her, I bowed," Thank you for telling me the truth, Lady Argenta."

She waved her tail dismissively," Always happy to cure a youngster's curiosity."

My father looked at me and said," Alright, get on my back; we will move much faster."

Sighing, I jumped up and clambered onto his back, this time at his neck. He checked on me," You're all right."

I replied softly," Yes, I am alright."

He moved towards the edge of Mount Treaty and dove off it at an insane speed. Shutting my eyes as I was getting vertigo from the speed rate, we leveled out later on. Opening my eyes, I took note it was just after midday. In human terms, it is around two o'clock.

My sister spoke," Are you happy about receiving answers finally?"

Turning my neck to look at her, I nodded," Yes, it feels nice. To have some of my solutions ultimately of who I am. Also, I am curious: what is Lady Argenta?"

Mother said," She is a dragoness of equipollence in shorter terms; it is when a wyvern or dragon is perfectly balanced with their element. For example, fire wyvern or dragon reaching equipollence becomes literal fire."

Gulping at her pure power," How does one get equipollence to their elements?"

Innurth shrugged," A trigger of sorts, say someone tries to rape someone you care about, and you lose it well, they die. That is what happens when one reaches it. They lose all rational and go berserk, saying they completely drain their energy."

That was the end of our conversations till we reached our home.

Hopping off my father's back as soon as he landed, I sighed in a low tone," No offense, father, but I hate flying on your back."

He laughed," Sorry about that." Shrugging, I replied," No worries." Allit grinned," You want to go fly around?"

Innurth shrugged," Sure, little brother, you coming?"

Sighing, I replied," Why not."

I jumped into the air after them as they flew towards the nearby forest. Sighing softly, I followed my siblings as my brother suddenly dove down.

Following him, he spoke quietly," Get up in the tree right there, little brother."

Allit was next to him, growling while I climbed up the tree, being careful not to move. The bushes rustled as voices echoed through the trees. Closing my eyes, I sensed several new emotions: greed, excitement, and malice. A small group of humans entered the clearing, and my eyes widened in fear. While they may seem unarmed, they could be a scouting group.

One of them smirked," Look, two wind wyverns—both almost fully grown."

I noticed one of them looking around in the trees as the one looking in the trees growled," I know I spotted something special here."

My brother growled," Why are you creeping so far into our territory?"

One of the humans, the third one in the group, shrugged," Not important, we are just exploring."

Allit hissed," Oh, really, what makes you think you will leave here alive."

The second one that spoke made hand signals as they all smirked before a fourth said," Why doesn't your friend hiding away come out now?"

My siblings froze for half a second before Innurth responded quickly with a half-lie," He won't come out. He is timid."

The last small group member chuckled," We can tell you lying, little wyverns."

Innurth growled," Still no; he will not come out, so forget it!"

Reading the emotions in the area included excitement, confidence, fear, and greed.

A brilliant white light radiated from me as my siblings gasped while the humans smirked as the second one grinned," A new species, huh? That energy seems like a fire wyvern but far more potent. Oh well, I will see you guys later."

With that, they ran off as I gasped before slipping off the tree with a thud. I heard my brother yell," Xyrvinos!" My eyes shut while I blacked out.