Chapter 1: Beginnings

I watched my older brother and sister silently while he flew above me in a series of graceful dives and spins. I shook my head as I could sense the jealousy my brother had for my feathered wings. He desired to be the best flier in the entire kingdom of the sky. With my feathered wings, as I got older, I would get much faster.

My sister Allit called from above me," Xyrvinos, come up here and join us!"

My sister once had some jealousy for me having feathered wings, but she no longer cared as she was always helping me, and for some reason, I could sense her love for me.

With a shake of my head, spreading my wings, I jumped into the air from my resting spot.

Flying up to them, my brother's white scales glittered in the setting sun as I spoke," Shouldn't we return home now?"

My sister looked at the setting sun as my brother snorted arrogantly," Who would dare hurt us? In the sky, we are the rulers!"

Looking at him, I replied in a naturally soft tone with a tint of fear," But big brother, the rule where we have to return home before dark!"

Allit nodded at me," Innurth, elder brother, remember Xyrvinos is only four. He is also a new species. As the council stated, if the earth, water, or humans found out about him, they would launch an attack to capture him."

My brother snorted," Fine; you guys can return to the Valley of Wind. To our dingy caves. We should be the rulers of this world as we are the smartest, strongest, and most respected creatures of our Continent, Zaten!"

We both looked at him and sighed about his arrogance. Speaking softly, I called to my older brother," Alright, promise us you will be very careful, please, elder brother."

He growled and hissed at me," Fine, I promise to be safe little brother."

I looked sadly at him as I didn't understand why he hated me so much for having different wings. Without another word to my brother, we turned around, flying back towards the Valley of Wind at a steady pace.

Allit, being as smart as she was, spoke up after some time of flying," Don't let him hating you get in the way of your happiness, little brother."

Looking at the setting sun with all the different colors in the sky, I questioned my sister softly," Why does he hate me other than my wings?"

She sighed before responding," I am not sure if you know this about us, but the two of us are veterans of the war five and a half years ago. He took the death of a friend very hard and wished he was faster so he could have saved him. He knows you will be much faster with you having feathered wings than him when you are older. Plus, we still don't know your abilities yet other than sharpening your wing feathers—flinging your feathers out, and the last thing sensing emotion."

I looked at my older sister in shock at her explanation. Deep in thought, we headed back towards the mountainous caves we call home.

Reaching the Valley of Wind's entrance, I noticed the sun had just gone behind the mountain. I gulped as we had never made it so close to the time limit, and I felt our parents would not be happy with us cutting it so close. My sister glanced back at me, hearing my gulp, and with a light smile, she spoke," Don't worry, little brother, you did nothing wrong."

Nervously looking around, I asked her just as we reached the front of our cave," Why do we have to be home before dark?"

She laughed, but I could tell she forced it," Don't worry about it, little brother."

The moment we walked through the cave entrance, our Mother glared at us as she hissed," Why are you guys back so late, and where is your brother?"

Allit looked at our Mother as she spoke," We were late because we had a slight argument with Innurth before returning. As for Innurth, he is still out and about."

While they were talking, I quietly thought about everything that had transpired and what I had learned.

Our Mother sighed and spoke," You should know better, Allit, than to risk him possibly being spotted by the humans or anyone else."

Allit sighed and replied," You're right."

Our Mother nodded as she spoke," Xyrvinos, what's wrong?"

Snapping out of my thoughts quickly, I looked at her and questioned softly," Why am I only allowed to be home before night, and what about Innurth and Allit? What dangers are in the forest? What kind of wyvern am I?"

Each question I asked caused tears almost to appear in my eyes, along with my voice rising with each query. As I read their emotions, both were shocked and a bit sad by my voice growing louder as I am an ordinarily soft-spoken hatchling and not very loud.

Unable to take the lack of answers, I ran into my room and closed myself into my home before curling up on top of my ledge. Simultaneously, the soft fur beneath me provided warmth when the temperatures dropped below thirty degrees for unknown reasons. I shivered terribly, like the cold was a significant weakness to me.

A shadow loomed at my cave entrance, and my Mother's voice sighed," Xyrvinos, are you awake?"

I replied softly," Yes, Mother, I am awake."

She moved towards me. I could tell from her emotions she was conflicted and upset as she sighed," I am truly sorry, my hatchling, but I am not allowed to inform you."

Not looking at her, I stated in my usual soft voice," You never will tell me, will you?"

Even if it was more of a rhetorical question, she sighed and replied," Maybe I will someday."

Snorting softly, I curled up with my feathered wings pressed tighter against my sides as I heard her sigh sadly and spoke again," Dinner is in ten minutes or so." Finally, looking at her, I nodded softly and replied," Alright."

Hearing wingbeats, I sighed as I noticed my brother had landed at my window ledge and smirked," Hello, little chicken."

Reaching out, I sensed his emotions, feeling four: hate, sadness, fear, and a small amount of love.

With a questioning look, I asked him softly," What do you want, Innurth?"

He smirked and replied smoothly," To see you, little brother. Do I need a reason?"

With a simple look, I replied," You never want to see me since you hate me so much. Plus, I can tell you are lying. Or did you forget I can read emotions?"

He sighed and replied," You're right. I do hate you. More precisely, I hate how naive you are and your wings."

Fixing him with a look of my blue eyes, I replied," I know I am innocent of the world. I am only four; you are eight years older than myself, a veteran of the last war, and my older brother."

He looked slightly alarmed," I never told you I was a part of the previous war. Who told you?"

Still looking at him, I said our sister's name," Allit, she told me. Also, could you possibly train me on how to fight? The only way to defend myself is by flying or my feathers."

He looked stunned at my request as he smiled at me happily for the first time in my life. I checked his emotion and was happy to see that another two feelings had popped up, pride and happiness, as he nodded," Of course. We will begin tomorrow. Though I warn you, it will be tough."

Looking at him, I asked," Why is the forest so dangerous at night?"

He sighed and laughed, connecting the dots there for him," Ah, I assume you asked Mother, and she wouldn't reply, so you're asking me."

Nodding as he laughed softly," Sorry, no, can do, little brother. We begin your combat training tomorrow."

Nodding as our Mother called to me, not knowing Innurth was back," Xyrvinos time for Dinner."

Innurth chuckled," Of course, she didn't hear me come; I have to go yell at Allit later for telling you about us being veterans in the last war."

Walking into the main eating area, the rest of the family gapped, seeing Innurth back as he grinned," I am back, also ALLIT YOU LITTLE AIRHEADED FOOL!"

Allit laughed as she looked at me, saw a small smile on my face, and grinned before turning her attention to our father's large buffalo he had just brought back. Instantly, she grabbed a leg in her jaws before ripping it off. Innurth grinned before going for the liver, only to have Mother and Father yell at him. Thankfully, with me being small, I crept around before ripping into the stomach, staining my white scales with its blood while ripping the liver out and eating it. I felt angry auras around me as I gulped, knowing who was behind me,' Oh-oh.'

Unlike Mother, Father, and Innurth, Merely looking up glared down at me. Allit was laughing at my misfortune as I meekly and softly protested," You had the liver last time, Mother, Father the day before, Innurth the day before that, Allit the day before that, so by process of elimination, it's my turn to have the liver."

They all looked at me, shocked as Allit laughed and exclaimed while still laughing," You guys just got schooled by a four-year-old!"

Innurth stopped looking at me and glared at Allit, growling," You and I are still chatting about telling Xyrvinos about us being veterans."

Allit stopped laughing and paled. While they argued, Mother looked at me," Go get in the inside lake and wash up." Shivering, I protested," The water is cold, though!" Innurth laughed," Oh well, too bad little brother." He used his tail, wrapping it around me before dragging me while I tried to wiggle out of his muscular appendage, but due to my small size, I was currently outmatched in strength and size as I heard the sound of rushing water. Innurth suddenly chuckled," Enjoy the bath."

His tail flung over his head before dumping me into the water headfirst. He released me while I floated up and gasped for air," You pig-headed pile of horse dung!"

Allit, who was at the cave entrance, barked a laugh as I crawled out of the water, gasping for air and shivering.

I glared at them and hissed," Now my feathers are damp!"

They both laughed as I mumbled," This is one of the reasons why I hate feathered wings."

Shaking myself off, Mother stifled a laugh as I glared at her as she gave me a crossed look," Time to go to bed."

With a final soft growl, I spun around as Allit chuckled while Innurth laughed," I am so glad I am almost fully grown now! No, bedtime!"

Giving one last withering look to my brother and sister, not paying attention when I turned around, I walked into the wall and yelped in surprise while I heard them laugh. Bolting inside my room, I curled up on the soft fur bedding, listening to them laugh. I shut my eyes falling asleep, happy I was getting closer to my older brother.