Chapter 4: Help from Humans

I heard the roars of pain and fury echoing behind me as my family fought against the humans—minus the two machines chasing me, though I was relatively safe. Streaks of speed zipped past the corner of my eyes. Spotting something or something flying at me, I yelped before flinging more feathers forward at lethal speeds. To my dismay, they dodged relatively, but not before firing something. An explosion resulted as my feathers collided with the weapons fired at me. The explosion from my feathers caused me to go spinning in the air, disorientating me completely. Righting quickly, I dove toward the ground roughly two hundred below me. But judging by how fast those things move, the chances of succeeding with causing them to crash are low.

Breathing in, I made it just in time on the ground, and one overzealous flying machine crashed into the ground, exploding on impact. Again, the explosion sent me rolling on the grassy floor hard. Shakily getting to my feet, I felt a bolt of pain in my side. Hissing, I noticed that a spike of metal was on my side. Holding back tears, I reached back, grabbing the piece of metal within my jaws and yanking it out. Blood spurted from the wound as I flung the shard of metal away. The strange machines circled overhead, still moving quickly but slowed down. I knew they were watching me and probably communicating with others.

Taking my chance, I jumped into the air, staying low, roughly ten to twenty feet above the ground. Seeing a forest up ahead, I took my chances, pushing myself to move faster as the roars of the machines told me they were after me again, but I knew I had them beat by staying low on the ground. I was nearly making it to the tree line another explosion from behind me. Glancing back, I gasped, seeing Lady Argenta had crushed two machines.

She spoke," Xyverinos fly to the East." Panting softly, I questioned," What about you?"

She smirked as an aura of power similar to my brothers came from her as she spoke up," Before the next wave comes, I will say this. You have a very quiescent soul. We are protecting you as you are the one to fight back against our enemies. Remember who you are, young one. Xyverinos, the son of our former Queen, Queen Shondrass!"

Looking at the elder dragoness, I heard several other wingbeats from Mount Treaty.

Looking up, I noticed the other council members right overhead as the lightning wyvern, one of the only males, ordered," Xyverinos, as Lady Argenta said, flee; we will hold them back. Still, they will eventually capture or kill us."

My eyes widened as I yelled entirely out of my character," Who are they?! Why are they after me?!"

Lady Argenta sighed," I suppose that I should say this. There are two human wyvern or dragon hunting organizations. One is W.D.D.C or Wyvern and Dragon Detainment Center. They are probably the lesser of the two evils as they only capture wyverns or dragons but take good care of our kind. The second one is known as W.D.E.D or Wyvern and Dragon Education Department. They are cruelest, trying to make us into pets through torture, causing us to be submissive to humans. They are after you to keep you away from the other or become a weapon."

Shivering from the information, Lady Argenta asked me," How many bursts of light have you produced?"

Confused, I replied," Two bright ones."

She sighed," Alright, that's enough of me explaining. Go now!"

Obeying one of my leaders, I jumped and pushed off toward the East. I was glancing back to see massive explosions of flames and tendrils of lightning flickering across the sky. With my sharp eyes, I took notice of a wave of darkness. Smelling rain and electricity, I shivered,' Great a thunderstorm. I only flew through one once before.' Calming myself, I flew straight into the storm. Powerful gusts of wind, getting pelted by rain and hail. Thunder cracked all around me. The wind flung me around, nearly sending me to the ground far below me. With the ice and rain pelting me, I could feel my energy leaving me. Finally, having enough, I let the wind take me through the storm.

Struggling to stay upright and with my sense of direction skewed, I had no chance of knowing which was east—forcing myself to fly straight up. Raindrops were hitting my injury while I flew up through the clouds. Finally, getting overhead, I noticed a breakthrough in the storm clouds near me. Or so I thought. The distance to the opening was drifting away from me. I desperately wanted to call out to the clouds and tell them to stop and let me back down. From above the clouds, I could see brilliant yellow flashes in the sky, showing where the eye in the storm was. I dove into the violent storm below with the last of my energy.

Once again, the violent winds caught my wings and threw me around like a rag doll. Thunder roared around me much louder than when I was above the storm clouds. This time, I realized I was much closer to the storm's center as tendrils of white-hot electricity zapped through the clouds rapidly. Squinting through the darkness, I noticed the storm had become more cylindrical. Shivering, I feared,' So I am in the middle of a hurricane.' With that thought in mind, I shot toward one of the hurricane walls. A big mistake. Instantly, the outside wind whipped me into the storm. Giving a yell of fear, I was being thrown around through the hurricane at high speed while trying to stay conscious.

The winds of the hurricane whipped me around for some time. Chunks of rock, wood, and metal from most likely the strange flying machines spun around me. With the powerful winds, the oxygen was taken out of my lungs almost several times. Lightning was flickering across the sky. Feeling something puncture into my side beneath my ribs, I let out a yell of pain when a flash of lightning struck and the sudden feeling that hundreds of volts of electricity ripped through my small body. Holding back screams of pain. Struggling to stay conscious through the pain, I could no longer stay awake and focused. My vision dimmed while I fell unconscious. My last thought was,' Am I going to make it?'

I felt a hand on my flank as a human feminine voice yelled," It's still alive! Hurry up, the injuries are too severe for a young wyvern like him!"

Not opening my eyes as the bright light from the sun would hurt my eyes. Hearing more footsteps running over, I felt myself lifted as I wanted to struggle, but I was too weak even to try to move. A growl sounded near me till I realized it was one of the humans. Stretching my emotions, I sensed that one was angry and the other was worried.

The worried one spoke," We need to get that long metal spike out of his side. There is a minor injury on the same side as well. We need to get him back home before other people find him. Suppose either one of those horrible organizations finds him. I do recognize his species as well: Angelic Wyvern."

The angry one, who was now calm, nodded," Yeah, he is alright; we need to treat the electric burns as well. From the looks of it, he also has several broken bones."

The worried one sighed," His powers are also just coming in, most likely. Depending on his caliber or rank, the brightness from his powers manifesting could be very omnipotent."

The one carrying me was gently moving me before putting me on something soft after one of them opened something—a door, most likely.

Still fully aware of my surroundings, I noticed the difference in the light with it being a bit dimmer; slowly, I opened one of my eyes with a worried tone, and the female spoke," Thank god, he is alright."

She sat beside me and ordered, placing a hand on my head," Don't move. You have several broken bones and severe injuries on your side. Can you tell me your name?"

Speaking softly and being careful not to move," is Xyverinos."

The female smiled and said," I am honestly impressed you survived that hurricane. Were you with anyone?"

Speaking softer while trying to stop from crying," No." Her gaze softened," I see, so you lived with the Wind Wyverns when they were attacked just recently. Can you tell me about your family's names?"

Whispering my reply just loud enough for the kind human to hear," Innurth is my older brother. Allit, my older sister; Zunda, my father; and Lemraes, my mother. My brother is twelve. Allit is ten. My parents, I have no clue about."

She chuckled before the machine we were in slowed down and stopped.

She lifted me as her door opened. Now that I was more awake, I could feel all my injuries. The pain rushed through me as she quickly brought me inside the house we were in front of. Closing my eyes to hold back any of the pain for at least a moment.

The male spoke," Alright, set him down. First, we need to get rid of that spike on his side. I am going to tranquilize him."

Laying on the soft material the woman had set me on; I heard him moving around before coming back. He gently stuck a cloth over my snout. Knowing it was most likely supposed to help me, I took a deep breath and almost instantly fell unconscious.

Unaware of how much time had passed, I kept my eyes shut, and my senses were reactivated. The first actual sense that returned was touch. I felt tight bandages wrapped around the length of my side and the pain going through my leg, side and a part of my neck. Finally, I opened my eyes slowly as the light, for the most part, was dim.

Footsteps approached me as the woman from earlier smiled," I think I forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is Sasha."

Another pair of footsteps came over as the man who was no longer angry grinned," My name is Thomas."

Softly looking at them," Nice to meet you both, Sasha and Thomas. Excuse me, Sasha, I must ask, why did you want to know who my family is?"

Sasha grinned," So I can find out where they are located and if they are alive. But for now, you need to rest and recover."

Nodding in agreement, I yawned, falling asleep almost immediately.