Breathing steadily after two weeks of just resting, I groaned while Sasha chuckled," What's wrong, Xyv?"
In light breaths, I answered in response," Bored."
She scolded in reply," You can't move. You have injuries that still need to heal."
Looking at the sun outside, how I wished I could fly again, I finally muttered," Yeah, I know I still feel my injuries throbbing, though."
She sighed, walking over," I know it hurts, though I do have some good news for you."
Looking up at her, I questioned softly," And that is?"
She snickered as the door opened up as Thomas walked in with a groan," Stupid officers."
Looking at him, I questioned him," What happened with the officers?" Sasha spoke," Do you want to hear what he said first, or do you want to know the good news."
Looking at Thomas, I addressed him," Thomas first, then the good news."
Thomas looked at Sasha and looked at her," Both Wyvern/ dragon organizations have gotten hold of the government and managed to get a law passed; if anyone is found helping a wyvern or dragon. The person will be brought for a trial and depending on the rarity of the species. The punishment could be much more severe. No offense to Xyv, but since he is the only member of his species, well, our punishment could be death."
Sasha sighed," Alright, no more bad news; in short, I found out who attacked you and if your family is still alive. The answer is yes though I am a bit irritated at you for not telling me your brother is the equipollence of wind."
Looking at her, I protested," You didn't ask." She scowled as Thomas chuckled," He has you dialed there."
Sasha sighed," Alright, the ones that captured your family was the W.D.D.C. Do you know who they are?"
I answered immediately," I do, yes. Wyvern and Dragon Detainment Center, if I recall what Lady Argenta told me, they are people who capture wyverns or dragons to keep them away from the public."
Sasha nodded," That is correct. Wait, who is Lady Argenta?"
Knowing I could trust them, I looked down," Lady Argenta was a council member of the Lightning, Fire, and Wind. She was also a fire dragoness of equipollence."
She nodded," Nice to know and your other family members, Allit your sister is alright, your mother and father are okay as well."
Breathing a sigh of relief, I asked," If they have cell blocks, what are they in?"
Thomas groaned," Since your brother is a wyvern of equipollence well, they put him in a particular type of cell. That blocks the powers of equipollence wyverns or dragons."
Narrowing my eyes sharply at him, hissing softly," How do you know that?"
His hands went flying up in a surrender position," Calm down, Xyv, I will admit I was apart of W.D.D.C for about four years, but I quit, and now I help rescue wyverns or dragons."
Breathing lightly, I nodded as I was checking his emotions to see if he was lying," Alright, I believe you."
He looked at me confused," Why the sudden change in heart?" Shrugging, I replied," I should have probably said this, but I can read emotions."
They both glared at me as I shrugged," Can't do anything other than that yet. My powers are still manifesting."
Sasha sighed and muttered," When will we know when your powers fully manifest?" Shrugging, I replied," When I have two more light bursts."
Sasha pouted," Oh, come on, how can we help you reach two more light auras."
Shrugging, I confessed," I think they happen randomly." Thomas chuckled at the lack of patience Sasha showed.
Sasha sighed," Well, I wanted to ask you if you know who your actual mother is?"
Nodding, I replied softly," I do yes." Thomas prompted me,"
Well, who is it?"
In a much softer tone than my usual quiet manner, I said my mother's name," Queen Shondrass."
Sasha was gaping at me while I looked at her again," No way!"
Thomas shook his head," You never cease to amaze me, Xyv."
Smiling lightly, I replied innocently," Oops, my mistake."
A sudden surge of power tore through me as a bright light radiated from me. I recognized this as another energy burst. A few minutes passed as Sasha and Thomas had covered their eyes.
The light died down as I was now tired as I groaned," That was as draining as the last one."
Thomas keened after rubbing his eyes," That hurt also what happened when your first energy burst occurred."
I mumbled," I fell unconscious."
Sasha laughed at that," That I could imagine all too well."
Glaring at her, I was contemplating on flicking a sharp feather at her, but with my injuries, it would hurt me more than her. That is when I realized that I had almost healed.
Thomas sighed," Another thing I forgot to mention, in just a few hours, a couple of officers will be coming by to check on each house in this area."
Hissing as Sasha and I yelled," You could have said that at the beginning!" Sasha swore in her language while I growled," You pig-headed dung beetle."
Thomas gulped as my wings resting by my side, stood straighter, showing they had sharpened.
Thomas figured this out fast as Sasha muttered profanities about him still while Thomas gulped," Uh Sasha, look at Xyv's wings."
Sasha glanced at my feathers," Oh, I already knew actually, I did know his mother after all."
Now it was my turn to glare at her as I snarled, which was not typical for me at all," Why exactly did you ask who my mother was then?"
She gulped and shivered as she took notice my eyes were more rigid than ice. With a gulp of fear, she apologized," Sorry, Xyverinos, but the way you acted was so similar to how your mother worked. She was soft-spoken to like you, caring, highly intelligent, and when made mad, terrifying. You also have your father's grace. Even if you didn't move around much well, you are a mix between both of them."
Calming slightly, I questioned in a soft tone again," What were they like?" Sasha sighed," Your mother was unpredictable, beautiful, caring, smart, and quiet. Your father was graceful, stubborn, and loyal. Both were skilled fighters. My great grandfather raised your father. In short, you have a little from your mother and a little from your father."
Smiling softly, I replied," Thank you, Sasha, for telling me about my parents, sort of."
She grinned," No problem. Least I could do."
Looking at Thomas as I spoke," I am curious what can I expect from W.D.D.C or W.D.E.D?"
He looked at me slightly curiously," Why, do you ask?"
Sighing, I replied," I will eventually be caught by one of the two. And who better than you to tell me what to expect."
Sasha nodded," He has a point. No Wyvern is strong enough to block one of the two for more than a few years. Well, maybe when Xyverinos is fully grown but with his lack of experience, he will most likely get captured in the next few years or sooner."
Muttering, I replied," I feel like you just jinxed me." She shrugged," In all honesty, I most likely did."
Thomas sighed, finally answering," When I was with W.D.D.C, the wyverns were treated relatively well even if you were locked up ninety-five percent of the time. You were under control by a collar that caused your body to follow any orders. Sometimes the more obedient wyverns were ordered to capture other wyverns or dragons. That is all you really need to know about W.D.D.C. Alright, now what you need to know for the Wyvern and Dragon Education Department is much more brutal. The wyverns are tortured into submission, and only when you have broken altogether. The way they keep order is a hierarchy, and how they control you are chains that leave deep scars; when I was at W.D.D.C, we had some wyverns and dragons that were rescued in a sense from W.D.E.D. According to one of the dragons we saved, they used collars that had spikes in them, so you were being tortured if you even moved. On top of that, the highest rank of them are cruel and enjoyed torturing them as well."
Whispering in shock," Other wyverns and dragons torture each other."
Sasha looked at the clock and laughed," Well, time certainly flies alright, Xyv. I will get you into that safe spot where we hid you just in case."
Shivering, I murmured," I hate that place. Also, just a heads up another light show is very possible. It seems to happen whenever I get scared or something."
Apparently, they just realized that they both shrugged as I looked at them and stated," You don't care, do you."
They both said," Nope."
At the exact same time, they said it. Sliding off the couch as Sasha lunged for me as I was on the floor. My claws clicked on the ground as Sasha sighed," So I assume your light show helped heal you."
Nodding without a word while I moved into the spot where I spent the first week recovering. A knock on the door sounded as I got into the little hiding spot while I prepared to use my feathers just in case.
Sasha quickly locked it as Thomas's voice came from the entrance," Come on in."
Two more sets of footsteps came in as one voice spoke," Well, Thomas, how is retirement treating you. How long has it been since you left the organization."
Thinking to myself,' So they are from W.D.D.C.' Thomas snorted," Not bad; what are you looking for?"
The same voice spoke," Just making sure you weren't going against the new law. Do you mind if we look around?"
Sasha's voice came up," Sure, go ahead."
A fresh voice spoke," What kind of wyvern is this in the picture right here? It looks awfully similar to the one we are looking for."
Hearing Sasha sighs softly," That's because it is, that's an Angelic Wyvern. Though this photo was taken fifteen years before I was born."
A voice spoke," Can we check in that closed area that looks like it is locked?"
Sensing the fear in Sasha and Thomas about this, I crept farther back slowly, while I was beginning to get nervous as Thomas spoke," Sure, nothing is under there."
The door creaked open as I was in a spot that would be easy to spot as I am a brighter color. I was trying my hardest to stay calm, but my fear was crawling up in my throat.
I was curled up as much as possible to make myself smaller as a voice-directed in a grave tone," What is that white-feathered thing a bit farther back?" Thomas sighed," A stuffed duck."
The second new voice snorted," You honestly think I believe that. Well, that's it. I am going in and dragging the probably young wyvern out."
Sasha sighed," There is a stuffed duck in there, actually."
Another snort as I peeked slightly around my wings, seeing a man getting down on his knees and was know army crawling towards me." Closing my eyes in fear as I heard the man scream in pain while I opened my eyes to see the whole place illuminated in a brilliant white light. This time, however, I felt fine. Taking my chance while he was blinded, I flicked a feather at his head. The feather punctured clean through his head as I bit back a sob, as this was my first human kill, and I had a feeling many more humans will die to me in the future." Shooting out of the hiding spot as the second man now that I had a good look at him, was slightly shorter than Thomas, white skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
He had a smirk," Well, old friend, do you remember what you told to command the day you left. If you were found helping a wyvern, you would rejoin the W.D.D.C and take up your place as Captain of the first unit."
Thomas sighed sadly," I do, yes. Xyv, from now on, we are enemies. I am sorry. Also, Sasha, thank you for the past few years; I promise you no harm will come to you. Just don't break the law anymore."
Feeling a strange burn in the back of my throat, I slightly released it, and to all of our surprise, a pure white flame came out.
The man smirked," Let the fun begin."
Before he could lunge at me, I shot into the air and broke through a window in an instant. Flying away from the two humans showed me the difference in their species. Realizing it was mid-day or so.
With a little growl, I thought softly,' Where will I go now?'