Chapter 12: Return and Council of Elders Bashing

Flying over the ocean, I was beating my wings steadily; I glanced back to see my brother flying towards me at high speeds. On the inside, I was shocked at how fast he could fly. Diving down, I descended to just above the water while I heard him think,' He has gotten so much quicker these past few months... wait, he just turned five yesterday, I believe.'

Speaking in his mind, I laughed,' Your not wrong elder brother. I did turn five yesterday.'

He almost lost balance out of shock as I smirked, knowing that it bought me several extra seconds. Pumping my wing muscles, I gained speed rapidly. The water I was flying over became a fine mist as I lightly smiled, feeling my feathers touch the water surface. A shadow came from above me while I cursed,' Forgot I was trying to escape from my brother.'

Smirking, I noticed I was closing in on the shoreline. A massive cliff stood in front of us. I could sense my brother's mind closing in on me. Adrenaline pumped through me while I closed the distance towards the cliff. Glancing over my shoulder to see my brother was now diving at me with his claws outstretched. I could feel the danger I was in as if it was a real thing. I knew I could not be allowed to get captured again—especially not a place where chains could control all of your actions. I knew this was my one chance of escaping. With that in mind, I prayed to my mother I would not get captured.

The moment came as I flew right up with my brother's claws inches from me; I veered up as he crashed into the cliff with a ton of force. I heard him say one word," Ow."

Laughing at him as he was buried in stone from the explosive impact as he groaned," Help me, please?"

Deadpanned, I scoffed," Help you, sorry elder brother, but no, I instead not be captured."

He released a sudden blast of wind as from him removing the rubble as I uttered," Innurth your collar."

His collar had a crack in it. With a split-second decision, I rammed into him with my talon hitting on the significant break. The metal collar broke off as my brother groaned," Wow, that hurt my neck."

Laughing, I smirked," Well, at least you are freed now, and we found a weakness in the collar."

Innnurth smirked," Yeah, also no need to worry about them tracking me. The tracker was in the collar."

Smiling elated that my elder brother was free as I spoke," We must go, I know of a haven. Let's go."

We both jumped into the air as we flew in the direction of the haven.

My brother whooped as he flipped in the air. Glaring at him, I growled," Quiet down fish brained pig."

The haven was now coming into view as we flew towards it. My brother commented," You still need to tell me what has happened since the last time I saw you, little brother."

Merely glancing at him, I nodded," I will after we get back to the haven, and I bash some heads together."

Innurth laughed while I smiled, glad that I have a family member free. The haven came into view. My eyes watched the ground as I hovered for a moment sensing any emotions or minds," I would come out of your hiding spots now. Now."

A moment later, an earth wyvern rose from the ground as he hissed," Xyverinos. We thought you died."

In a cold tone stating," Obvious I am not, now if you don't mind, I need to go talk to the council, touch my brother, and I will kill you."

By no means was I currently in a good mood. Walking into the haven as my brother whistled," Damn, this is impressive."

Looking at him, I answered," It is, that is for sure. Also, we need to discuss some stuff, elder brother."

A familiar voice came from behind me," Xyv."

Spinning around, I smiled.

I honestly smiled for the first time in a while," Xisu!"

My best friend stood across from me before he rushed at me, tackling me, and peppered me with questions," How are you? How did you escape? Are you doing all right?"

Softly hitting him in the head with my tail, I laughed," Calm down, please. I am alright; I escaped well, that is hard to explain, and you asked the same question twice. I will catch up with you after I bash some heads together."

Xisu chuckled," See you then."

Remembering the paths towards the council chamber, I smirked now in front of the door," Now, this will be fun."

I was building a large amount of heat in the back of my throat. My brother stifled a laugh as I released the flame while it collided with the door. The door flung open as a commanding voice growled," Who's there?"

In a sweet tone, I chuckled," Aww, you guys forgot who I am. The one you betrayed say three months ago."

A confused voice questioned," We never betrayed anyone."

Walking through the door with my older brother behind me, I scowled," Oh really know than who am I honorable council of this haven."

Some of their faces turned pale as the earth dragon, who I knew was Graveonth's father, smirked as he boasted," I knew I was right to banish him."

Not even looking at him, I flung a volley of feathers as he roared in pain as I scowled," Do you know what I have gone through in the past six and a half months. Oh, before I forget, meet my older brother Innurth. A wind wyvern of equipollence. Now back to the subject, tell me, how would you fare in a fight against a dragon hunter. Oh, I know you wouldn't put a scratch on Unla. Guess what I survived even if he did let me go; I am probably the first wyvern to meet a dragon hunter and live. This injury is what a dragon hunter's darkness can do."

Lifting my wing, I showed the nasty wound as I growled," Not even my healing factor can fully heal from this wound."

Elder Storm, who was quiet the entire time, spoke," That is terrifying. Can you tell us about your time in W.D.E.D?"

Snorting, I replied," Sure with pleasure after I finish bashing these blind horse-faced frog of cow pies minus you and Shirlan. Innurth you start to laugh, and I swear I will send a wave of my feathers at you before bashing you over the head for five months ago."

I heard Innurth cough as a dark smile curled from my maw," Now, let's begin. Shirlan, Elder Storm, and my brother, you may want to leave the room. What is about to happen to them will not be pretty. I have gotten pretty good control of controlling a mind."

Shirlan and Storm left with my brother but stayed right outside. Reaching towards Graveonth's father's mind, I gripped it with mental claws as he began screaming while I hissed," I have gone through torture for the past three months. Do you wish for me to continue grabbing onto your mind, or shall I continue to rip your mind to shred?"

He was now sobbing and pleading," I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

Releasing my mental claws from his mind, I nearly collapsed from exhaustion," The rest of you are lucky I can only do this to one brain right now, but if any of you side against me again, and well, I will let W.D.D.C contain me. I went for him immediately; well, I had a score to settle against him."

Elder Storm came back in and spoke, shocked," You have changed."

Nodding, I replied," I had to, after all, I was within W.D.E.D for three months and reached the rank of collarless today before W.D.D.C came for an attack. My brother was apart of it as of today. I broke his collar, and now we have another superpower."

Shirlan questioned," Another who was our current one?"

Smirking, I smiled," Me. I still am learning all of my powers, but I am already strong enough to crush someone's mind with minor resistance."

That was when the rest of the council realized how much stronger I have gotten while I was with W.D.E.D.

Glancing at Elder Storm, I spoke," You wanted me to tell you what happened in W.D.E.D. Well, let's begin right after my friends warned me you banished me and my fight with Unla. I woke up in a dim room with chains on me got questioned by a man. After that, he got chains with barbed points that punctured your tendons and muscles in your ankles and necks. You also had to deal with strict rules and cramped homing while being muzzled, trained to follow human orders. That's basically what has happened these last few months, oh and I turned five. If I see Krodi, I am slitting her throat or tearing her mind to shreds, leaving her quite literally brain dead."

With that in their mind, I walked out while my future sight kicked in; dodging a spike of rock, I looked back to see Graveonth's father with his giant claws dug into the ground.

I scolded him," You think that would hit me. Now I regret leaving your mind intact."

I was shivering as I walked out. I knew deep down I was the same little hatchling.

My brother whispered," You haven't changed, have you. You are the exact soft-hearted little brother still; you can't bring yourself to kill anyone. I am impressed that you pulled that threat off, though. I can sense that you are low on energy with the air, meaning you can't tear through a mind, can you? You can't hold a grudge either, huh."

Weakly smiling, I chuckled," You're not wrong, but I can tear a mind to that point if I am pissed, and I wasn't bluffing about doing that to Krodi. Well, if I wasn't so low on energy."

He laughed as he smirked," Looks like I get to train you again."

Paling, I protested," No, no, no. I am not training with you again."

He smirked," Too bad little brother. I wasn't asking you. It was an order."

A peppy voice of someone I hated came from behind me," Oh little Xyverinos come here!"

My eye twitched in irritation as I glanced back to see Krodi coming towards me.

Growling as I let the heat build-up in the back of my mouth while she walked towards me smiling," Welcome back."

My brother spoke from behind me," Uh Krodi, right, I would try to get away, or my little brother may murder you."

It was too late for her. I released a small fireball of spirit fire as she howled with pain, putting out the fire by stepping on her tail as I snarled," Krodi, don't pretend to be so innocent with me. I am not listening to your foolish orders, I will listen to the rule where I have to stay with the other youngsters, but other than that, I will only listen to my elder brother."

Krodi was shivering from my intense gaze as anger was radiating from me as she nodded meekly," Of course."

My brother chuckled," I will see you later; Shirlan wanted me to meet someone again."

He began to turn into a simple swirl of wind while I shook my head and smiled,' Still has a flair for dramatic exits.'

Walking in the direction of the hatchling cave, I walked into the male side while I smiled," I am back."

Graveonth spun around, shocked as he spoke," Hello Xyverinos, I heard you were back."

Minorly surprised, I chuckled," You have changed these last few months, huh? Also, I should warn you that your father wants to kill me."

He shrugged," That is his problem. Welcome back. I hope we can start over."

I smiled and replied," Of course we can Graveonth let this be the start of a new friendship."

He smiled while chuckled," You're still a midget."

I protested," Hey, not cool I have grown a little bit."

He laughed and smirked," Well true, but for now, you should rest; I have a feeling someone is going to torture you soon."

I shivered," Not wrong, and that someone is my older adoptive brother, Innurth. Well, night."

Going back to the spot that was my corner three months ago, I curled up falling asleep. Only then did my body realize how tired I was.