Chapter 13: Cost and Training

Looking at my older brother as I whispered," Why is everyone obsessed with me? Humans, especially, are obsessed. I understand I am the only known Angelic Wyvern alive currently. I am not even a threat! So please tell me, elder brother, why am I so hunted!?"

Innurth was quiet for several minutes as he sighed," Do you want the truth or a half-lie?"

Giving him a look as he sighed," Let me tell you a bit about the last war, the one that ended a year before you hatched. Or the reason for said war. Queen Shondrass, your mother, wanted to try and bring peace to the entire land; of course, the earth, water, and demonic wyverns were against that. Remember that the last war lasted only five years and had more casualties than any other conflict. The reason for that is the humans joining in. Quick question: Do you remember the losses each side, or each kind, had after the war?"

Thinking for several moments, I answered," Our kind or, more precisely, the Wind Wyverns and or dragons had a total number of losses in the ten thousand range, by far the most casualties in any war. The Fire wyverns and or dragons had the least deaths, boarding just over seven thousand. Lightning wyverns and dragons had nine thousand deaths in total. Earth and water had the least amount, each having around five thousand. Humans, on the other hand, were nearing half a million."

He chuckled," So you do remember, back to the story. I am skipping ahead toward the second year of the war. I am about to explain the battle when your mother joined in the fight. For the most part, the war began when the earth and water wyverns attacked the fire wyverns/dragons. Your mother, who wanted peace, refused to enter the fight until a water wyvern injured a close friend. Joining into a battle, she began to control all our armies, minimizing our losses during each stage of the war. Again, I am moving forward to the last location of the war, cementing our victory sho, wing why Angelic Wyverns should be feared, and showing her powers. She alone obliterated several battalions of human machinery. As to answer your question, finally, You are the only species that can go toe to toe with a demonic wyvern. They also most likely want you under their thumb."

Nodding in acceptance, a human voice spoke," Sorry for disturbing you both, but the council asked me to retrieve you both before you start your training today."

My brother replied," We were talking about something. No training yet, but afterward, there will be heavy training for him."

We both jumped into the air and headed towards the council chambers. We were landing calmly at the entrance of the sections.

Walking into the room, Elder Storm spoke," Good. Before you got to the training, I wanted to ask you both how long you think it is before an attack is directed at us?"

I questioned her," Which organization?"

Elder Storm replied, looking at her claws," Both."

Looking at my brother, I nodded, signaling he could go first.

Innurth breathed in profoundly before exhaling and replying," Knowing how persistent they are to get their hands on my brother soon, probably within the next five weeks to three months. I know they are scouting for other havens as we speak. My sister was, I am sure you know of her. Allit was a skilled tracker and assassin during the war. I am curious about W.D.E.D, though."

Snorting, I replied," Honestly, I doubt they will ever be strong enough to go after me again. So my answer is never. I know what's going through your head right now. Unla killed the prominent leader relatively quickly, with most of the collarless currently under W.D.D.C's control. I should mention that they have two dragonesses of equipollence. One is Lady Argenta, the other is Yrvae, and also collarless. In terms of power, they outmatch us. I don't know about unless we have another wyvern or dragon of equipollence."

Shirlan voiced her opinion," Xyverinos and Innurth have a point. In all honesty, I know Allit, and she is excellent at tracking her prey. For all we know, she has already found this haven and is reporting back as we speak. No offense, too. Innurth is on this as potent as he is. Without his equipollence, he can't fight both of them at once. Even then, he couldn't come close, and what Xyv said the other day, they are both over fifty years of age, and I know for a fact Lady Argenta is over five hundred years old, a veteran of five of our wars. Xyverinos, when he is older, might be able to pull it off, but at his young age, no way. Experience is king in this time and age."

Elder Storm growled," Great, so we have five weeks to three months to get Xyverinos much more potent with his raw power."

Speaking up in my usual soft tone," Problem is, I need to master the basics of my light. I need much greater control over it. So if I were them, I would strike sooner rather than later."

All the council members nodded as Graveonth's father snorted," This is the first time I have agreed with him, and yes, they most likely would strike sooner rather than later. Xyverinos, I have a question for you, and this is without any malice; whose side are you on?"

Quietly, I replied," The same side my mother was on, peace. If that is all, I will get some training done."

The council looked at each other as a plasma wyverness asked," How will you train?"

Shrugging, I replied," For me to find out and my brother to torture me while I find out."

Elder Storm sighed," Alright then, Innurth, as his older brother, I want you to report in."

My brother laughed," Nah, you must find out yourself. Let's go, little brother."

He turned around and left with a smirk," Let us head farther down where it is darker."

Innurth and I wandered around, moving through the mountain. As we walked through the caves, glowing crystals glimmered in the darkness.

My brother suddenly stopped as he spoke," Alright, this is dark enough. First, I want you to make light orbs and see how long you can hold them while controlling them as well."

Gulping, I concentrated for several seconds before opening my eyes; five orbs floated around me.

I focused on them as my brother spoke," Clear your mind and have them bend to your will."

Breathing now calmer, I cleared my mind, making me feel strings attached to the orbs. Pulling strings, I envisioned them to turn counterclockwise. Slowly, they turned counterclockwise as I realized this time, with the spheres taking no energy. My brother chuckled," Well done, now try to change their shape into, say, spears, lengthen them as well."

I was still holding onto the strings as I struggled to shape them. I was closing my eyes as I was overheating from the strain of doing so. Finally, I felt a change in the spheres, opening my eyes. I took note of them lengthening. Slowly, spearheads formed on the light staffs.

My brother gave the following command," Now try to throw them. At me."

My eyes widened in horror as I whispered," You can't dodge light, though!"

He laughed," No faith in me, huh, little brother, trust me."

Nodding in acceptance, I breathed outwards," Fine."

Pulling the mental strings back, we watched the spears move around slowly. Exhaling, I released the five light spears by throwing the springs forward. They closed the distance in a nanosecond, and to my surprise, a wall of wind blocked the spears of light, but he skidded back. In a shower of sparks, the light spears burst, disappearing.

My brother laughed, seeing my expression," I could block it with mastery over my element, but they still caused me to skid back. If it's this potent at your current age, it will destroy my wind like it was nothing in two years or so. Next, try to make your flames on the outside and not breathe it out for your training."

Confused, I asked," What do you mean?"

He grinned," Oh yeah, what I mean is that your mother was able to materialize her flames on the outside. Form your spirit fire gives you a helpful ability to warm you up when cold; you are, no offense, weak in the cold."

Nodding, I replied," I am curious. Is there an intimidation method we could use so I don't have to kill anyone? Unless it doesn't work."

Innurth smirked," There is. Some wyverns or dragons can manifest an aura that resembles themselves. All of us have this ability. Not to brag, but I am pretty good at releasing my aura. To give you an example of a physical aura, I will tell you what mine looks like. My aura enables me to manifest a mental windstorm that usually causes those facing me to flee. Maybe one of these days, I will show you how to display one. Now back on topic, flames now!"

He went from an explaining older brother back to a slave driver in all of two minutes. Breathing inwards, I felt the flames in the back of my throat.

My brother's voice coached me," Imagine the flames coming from your scales instead of your chest. Imagine little flames above your feathers. Have your fire travel through your veins to your outer body. Your breathing must remain calm even if you feel yourself burning from the inside out."

In a meditative state, I channeled my flames through my veins. Wincing in pain as the burning sensation increased tenfold, I fought down the pain as my brother yelled," Xyverinos, stop!"

It was too late; flames sent me flying into a cluster of crystals as I yelped in pain. Opening my eyes, my brother sighed in relief," Yeesh, that was an event. Just a word of advice: that is what happens if you don't remain calm. Flames react to emotion. I understand you have been through much these last four and a half months, but you must stay in control. Again." Nodding, I calmed myself as I felt the same extreme burning sensation, but I thought of relaxing memories this time. The feeling dulled before the burning entered all my scales and feathers.

My brother's voice, tinged with excitement, spoke," Open your eyes, little brother." Opening my eyes, I looked backward, looking along my back, seeing little white flames floating there. Same with my wings. Willing the fire to stop, I wobbled, drained of energy, collapsing onto the ground while my brother laughed," Congrats, that is enough for today. I will get you back to your youngster area."

Too drained of energy, he lifted me with wind and placed me on his back. Closing my eyes, I sighed with relief that my training for today was done. Or better interpreted as torture. I ended up falling asleep on his back.

I heard a laugh as I woke up. Getting off my brother, I noticed we were back at the youngster's side.

Not wanting to get up, Xisu laughed," Well, you awake now, eh, Xyv."

Looking at him, I glared weakly," My brother is a slave driver. I will let you know. Well, night again."

With that said, I fell right back to sleep.