Chapter 14: Meeting and the Prelude to the Battle

Six weeks later

A stone spike shot from the ground towards me while I easily dodged as Graveonth growled," I hate your future sight and mind-reading."

Laughing as I continued to spar with one of my only two friends close to my age, I said," Sorry, but right now, I do not need my future sight for this spar. Nor my mind reading."

The older dragon growled," Your brother has been torturing you."

Smirking, I replied," Wouldn't you like to know or see it? I may as well show you."

Orbs of light appeared and changed into blunt spears in about ten seconds. My brother has been driving me to the ground, training me with my light and fire. The spears of light, while blunt, would still leave pretty nasty headaches, as Krodi found out when waking me up one morning, though that did get laughs from the others—flinging the spears of light forward as he slammed his claws into the ground, causing a small rock wall to rise. I tsked before I began to try something I hadn't been taught yet. They are too mentally controlling them. Feeling the light spears' strings, I wanted to make the loop around, and only one got close to doing so. But the earth wall still was obliterated. Flinging my wings forward, I sent a rain of feathers at Currently hiding behind his rock wall. Breathing in, I released a potent blast of flames at his little barrier. As he yelped with my spirit, fire obliterated his shield—the force of the attack blasting him toward the other wall of the arena.

I launched myself forward as I seemingly appeared before him, and with the physical training the last few weeks Innurth put me through. To any wyvern or dragon my age, I would be a blur. With my spiked tail fully developed, I placed my sharpened feathers to his throat.

He groaned as I softly spoke as usual but in a much colder tone," Yield Graveonth."

He winced slightly in pain," Yeah, I yield. What kind of training has your brother thrown you through?"

Laughing softly, I replied," Lots of speed, endurance, and power training."

An arrogant voice came behind me," Aw, the crown of our haven being kind. Let us see how you react to this."

I glanced behind me to see an arrogant-faced water dragon.

A blast of water slammed into me, or so both Graveonth and the attacking water dragon thought.

Steam surrounded us as I laughed softly," Idiot, I can release my spirit fire from within me. Enabling me to protect myself from behind attacks, I can read your mind and see the future for the most part."

Wincing in minor pain, I faced the water dragon; he smirked haughtily," I was trained from a young age so I could kill you. But for now, I will handle taking control over your blood."

I could feel my blood stopping and immediately rushed towards my head. I knew he was stronger than me, but I would not let him that easily. Calming my breathing, I took hold of his mind and gripped it with my mental talons. Just then and there, a battle of will began. He wanted to kill me, and I wanted to repel him.

He howled with pain as I felt him rushing more blood to my head. My vision began to blur as I gave one last push, and he did the same. I lost my senses entirely and knew his brain was somewhat shredded. I was falling into blissful unconsciousness.

Opening my eyes to see I was not awake but in a dream world, a feminine voice came behind me," Hello, Xyverinos."

Whirling around, I gapped, seeing a female angelic wyvern roughly the size of my adoptive brother. She smiled at me softly, and I could see some of myself in her as I whispered," Mother."

She nodded," Yes, it is my little sunshine."

I stammered," H-how are you alive?"

She chuckled," Actually, I am not alive; I am very much dead. I am sorry that I didn't get to watch you grow. I am curious who is your adoptive family?"

I looked at her suspiciously and responded with a rhetorical question," You already know. Don't you, mother?"

Queen Shondrass laughed," You right; I do already know. I did use a high-level spell minutes before I died from Unla's attack."

Curious, I asked," What was the spell?"

She smiled and responded," A spell that enabled me to place my soul within you. Your father did the same, meaning you have both of our powers; trust me, you will need it."

Racking my brain for answers, I asked," Is it because I will need it to fight Unla or the enemy."

A more masculine voice spoke behind me," Yes, that is correct. Though the actual enemy is not who you think."

Again, whipping around, this time giving me whiplash as I looked at another Angelic Wyvern slightly bigger than Mother.

Rubbing my neck as it healed, I recovered," How come you never appeared in my other dreams?"

Both gained serious expressions as my father spoke up," The time wasn't right until now. I wanted to explain something to you about your wings. Do you see the blue veins in your feathers?"

I nodded and whispered," Yeah, I do. I have been interested in that for a while."

My mother was the one who articulated this time," The reason for that is because you have a unique power for Angelic Wyverns—the power of the sun itself. Not just any sun but the most prominent sun in our galaxy. My mother, to be exact."

Confused, I inquired," How is the sun, your mother?"

My father chuckled," I asked the same question, and I am surprised at how you are taking this."

Glancing at my father, I replied," Well, with what I have been going through these last six months, not much surprises me anymore."

My mother giggled lightly," He has a point, and it seems he has taken his intelligence after me."

My father let out an indignant," Hey!"

We both glanced at him as he seemed to pale and quiet down while my mother sighed," Not many know this, but my father was a low-ranked angelic wyvern. But the sun of this galaxy or your grandmother fell in love with my father, and I was born. I grew at an abnormally fast rate. I reached full size, and since you take mostly after me, your max size will be a little bigger than mine. So the size dear Innurth is currently will be your max."

Sighing, I muttered," Great. Graveonth will never let that down if I tell Graveonth. Though he is dense, so I could probably lie to him."

My father laughed," From what I can tell, he is a good friend, even if you did get off a bit on the wrong foot."

Looking at my mother, I asked," Is that everything so? Can I wake up now?"

She shook her head as my mother spoke," I wanted to warn you of four things before you go. First, your true power is beginning to manifest. The second is that you will lose several precious to you soon. Third, you will face many hardships in the coming years. The last one is you may reach equipollence. When you do, you must remember that means the final battle is upon you," She began to fade," The Last thing, remember, I will always love you."

Spinning towards my father as he was fading," Try not to join us too soon."

Trying not to cry, I chuckled," Well, according to Mom, it is possible, but I will try not to."

My mother laughed as she faded completely," Say hi to little Storm."

Laughing, I responded," I will."

With the completely faded, I began to hear voices as I woke up slowly. Groaning, I opened my eyes and listened to a blast of wind and a scream of pain.

My brother's voice was colder than ice," You are dead for hurting my little brother. You are a flying donkey goat-headed fool!"

I said," Innurth enough; I'm fine also; he already has mental damage."

Looking at my friends and adoptive brother, the few I have here, and thanks to the news my mother told me that one would die,' Shirlan, Xisu, Chithor Graveonth, Allit, Innurth, mother, and father, all of them could die within the coming times. I don't want anything to happen to them, but I cannot change fate.'

Looking at my brother, I spoke," Innurth, we are leaving for a bit."

He froze as Xisu inquired," What happened? Xyv, what happened while you were unconscious?"

Graveonth nodded," Yeah, you seem spooked."

Breathing outwards, I replied," In truth, I met my mother."

The entire room gasped in shock as Elder Storm's voice came near the training room entrance," How?"

I replied smoothly," This is neither the time nor place to speak. Elder Storm, one thing my mother says is hi. Innurth, let's go."

Without another word, I jumped into the air, and wingbeats were behind me; I knew it was my brother as we flew towards a mountain roughly five miles away from the haven.

Innurth asked while we landed after flying in silence," Why did we have to leave?"

Looking at my older brother, I responded softly," I learned something will happen soon. I don't want you to die, and I know you can watch my back."

Innurth responded," So what your saying is a new war is coming soon."

I nodded without a word to answer him.

My brother growls," It hasn't even been a decade since the last war. This one is being fought over you. Also, WATCH OUT!"

Diving out of the way and into the air, my sister's voice laughed," Innurth, you are alive!"

Innurth snorted," Yeah, I am. But are you going to be?"

Allit smiled," I see; hello, little brother. Also, why does he seem different?"

I grunted softly," That is not important, elder sister."

Extending towards other minds, I sensed Mother's and Father's closing fast from behind Innurth," Watch out, Innurth."

He smirked," I know."

A power surge rippled from him with a blast of razor-sharp wind blades flung from him as I expelled my wave of spirit fire, causing both elements to combine. A scorching wave of flames pushed them all back as I looked at Innurth and spoke into his mind, ' Hold them off for a bit.'

He smirked and nodded as he spoke," Mother, Father, Allit, watch our little brother very closely on what I have been training him to do."

I closed my eyes as I felt three orbs of light around me, and in an instant, they turned into sharp disks.

Opening my eyes, I smirked," Enjoy."

I released the disks that instantly scythed towards the collars around their necks. They each struck the collar in half and dispersed before hitting any of them. Each of them looked at me, shocked as a loud, angry voice-