Part II Chapter 16: Funeral and Recovery

A month later

Breathing outwards, he gazed sadly at the rising sun. I watched as the colors changed slowly as I sat on the cave opening in the upper parts of the Haven. During the last month since the battle, I had closed myself off from everyone, including Allit, Shirlan, Xisu, Graveonth, and Chilthor.

I flicked my two outer wings out, catching the sun's rays as Allit whispered from the door," Xyverinos, it's time."

Looking at her, I nodded without a word. As I followed her, I heard her think,' I wonder if he will ever bounce back.'

I was not even commenting as I followed her towards where the funeral would be held in the center of the mountain. My sister took off.

I groaned,' Not used to flying with four wings yet.'

Jumping into the air, I flapped awkwardly before righting myself and flying towards the raised stone platform where all the dragons and wyverns who died in battle rested. Among them were my adoptive mother, father, and Innurth.

I choked back a sob as I breathed calmly as Elder Storm spoke," We have come here to celebrate the lives of these ten warriors. We send them off into the next life with love and affection. If you are related to any of these, please tell us about them."

Allit, who was used to this sort of thing, flew up as I followed her, albeit hesitantly. Standing next to her as whispers broke out, "He does indeed have four wings now."

Shaking my head as Elder Storm spoke," Allit, you may begin."

Allit smiled sadly," My Mother, Father, and Elder Brother were all amazing. Each of them was strong in their rights. My mother was caring, loving, and understanding. During the last war, she constantly put her life on the line for her comrades. My father was playful, loyal, and brave. My father was very reckless during the war but dove headfirst to save as many allies as possible. Both my parents were not fighters but healers. They had outstanding skills in using their little magic to heal. Because of them, we would have suffered many more casualties and deaths. Innurth, our older brother, was by far the powerhouse in our family. He is a mix of our parents, and I am not sure if you all are aware of this; during one of the final battles during the war, he reached equipollence. We had no idea he had become one until the attack seven and a half months ago. Innurth was caring, loyal, respectful, earnest, honest, stubborn at times, but most of all, a loving older brother to both myself and Xyv. The funny thing is that Innurth did show some hate for Xyverinos for a stupid reason. His wings. Another thing Innurth was on the frontlines with me."

That got some chuckles as I finally spoke in a weak voice, the first time I had spoken since the battle," That is true; Innurth was not the best Elder brother until the attack. Looking back, I realized he didn't want to get close to me for fear of losing me. He hated me for my wings because of his leather wings; he was already as fast as he could move. When I finally asked him to teach me how to fight well, that was when we finally began to become siblings. Allit didn't mention anything about Innurth; he loved to dunk me in the little pool in our mountain."

Allit stifled a laugh as I continued," Mother and Father were caring, but compared to Allit, I did not know them as well."

Allit wrapped a wing around me and whispered," I wasn't expecting you to talk."

I gave her a light glare as my sister smiled lightly at me as we stepped down from the stage. My few friends came over to me and smiled. Xisu smiled as his siblings came over.

Graveonth spoke," Xyv, you are by far the most amusing obituary giver I have ever known."

Xisu, Shirlan, Chilthor, and Allit all laughed as I shrugged," Sorry."

Shirlan smiled," Also, Xyverinos, how is learning to fly with four wings? Also, raise your voice a bit more often."

I looked down at the rocky ground," Uh..."

Chilthor suddenly laughed," The other week at night, I caught someone trying to fly. It was hilarious he crashed into several trees."

Giving him a death glare as all my feathers on each wing sharpened in my normal soft tone that was much sweeter," Want to continue, Chilthor? Don't think I didn't know you were there. I sensed your mind and emotions the entire time. Also, my power has grown much more potent; I still train, so I am far from rusty. Alone now, I have almost mastered the basics for my fire and light."

Graveonth muttered," Great, I was hoping he would be rusty, so I can at least beat him once. Speaking of which, when you reach the Archangel's rank, according to my dad, it gives you new abilities. Have any manifested yet?"

Shaking my head, I replied," No, not that I know yet. Either way, I need to master the basics before they come in. Most of my abilities haven't even manifested. And there are my grandmother's abilities."

They all looked at me as I spoke," Follow me. But first, I want to do something."

Looking up to Elder Storm, I called," Elder Storm, can I do something for the fallen."

She nodded slowly at me as I looked at Graveonth," Can you get rocks and cover them with it."

Everyone in the funeral service started murmuring as rocks covered them as I breathed in, releasing all my flames at light pressure. The fire enveloped the stones around the dead. Slowly, they became crystals. They became clear. Soon, all the bodies were shown but in a crystal coffin.

Speaking up again," This is to preserve their bodies so we can remember how they were. Just don't ask me to do it again; it takes a lot of energy."

Jumping into the air awkwardly again, I flapped all four wings in sync, flying towards my cave. Upon getting inside, I sat down as Graveonth growled," Explain. About your Grandmother."

I sighed and asked," Do you remember right before the battle? I met my mother."

Allit retorted," No."

Deadpanned, I replied," This was beforehand, older sister."

Everyone else nodded as I sighed," Not many know this, so please keep this a secret from the others. My grandmother is none other than our sun."

Everyone looked at me in shock as Allit protested," Whoa, slow down, little brother, go back to the beginning."

Scowling, I sighed," Fine. So this is right before we contacted your father, mother, and you. I finished sparring with Graveonth beforehand when a water dragon bragged he was trained to kill me. With that, he began to control my blood as I gripped his mind and proceeded to shred it. We both passed out, and I met my mother and father. Who proceeded to tell me about the future a bit. Before she faded well, she told me my grandmother was our sun, which I can guess became a physical form of the sun, and met with my grandfather. So on and so forth, she said grandmother chose me, but that's the most of it."

Allit sighed," Of course, you deal with all that."

Xisu snickered," You have the worst luck out of everyone I know."

Everyone else laughed as I scowled," Shut up, Xisu. I can take on you and Xisu anyways want to try it."

Graveonth shrugged," Actually, that's not a bad idea; let us see if we can draw some new abilities out."

Giving him a look that said," Sorry, no, I don't think that's a good idea. I believe you are unaware of how much power I have now. Ask Chilthor if he caught a glimpse of it."

Chilthor nodded as he spoke," I watched him release just a single spear of light, and well, it obliterated three trees and a small boulder. Graveonth you would be destroyed by the weapon if you tried to block the javelin with a wall of earth. Or, more accurately, disintegrated. Xyverinos show them the energy output you can release at full power."

I sighed as a golden aura formed around me, and the dust beneath me flew away from me as everyone shielded their eyes as the light increased. The moment the ground cracked, I stopped. The light dimmed back down again.

Shirlan gasped," My god, this is the power you can release at your age. If this is the power of a young Archangel, I don't want to imagine you in your entire aura when you are eight or nine. If you reach another rank well, no one will defeat you."

I retorted," That is where you are wrong; anyone with more experience than me will be able to defeat me. My sister can beat me as she has had the experience of being in war. This means Shirlan and Chilthor both have experience in combat as well, much more than I do. While I have the raw power, I don't have the skill. All the older wyverns and dragons have ten-plus years of experience."

Allit nodded," He has a point. Humans have taken over the world the more humans capture wyverns, dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns. Each time he combats another wyvern or dragon, he gains a little experience, even if it spares or runs away."

I muttered a moment later," I hate running away while I may be quiet. I HATE RUNNING!"

Allit fell backward in surprise from the sudden voice raise. Laughing lightly at my sister, Shirlan smirked," That was amusing."

Chilthor snickered," That sure was."

A light spear was formed and flicked at Chilthor in retaliation for my sister. Missing his head by an inch. The spear was stuck in the cave wall, and I had only used a small amount of power.

He gulped as I grinned," Want to laugh at my sister again, Chilthor, or it will hurt you pretty bad next time."

Xisu and Shirlan laughed as I grinned devilishly, showing my sadistic side.

My sister snickered," Some advice when you see that grin run."

In an innocent tone, I spoke up," A bit too late."

A net of light washed over him as he yelped and tried to break through but was burned as he glared at me," Let me go, please."

Smirking as my sister spoke," Let him go."

Pouting, I replied," Fine, just this once."

Graveonth said," Sorry, I must go to the training hall. Do some training."

Xisu nodded in agreement," Same here."

Shirlan smiled," I have got to return to the council chambers. Chilthor, come on as my assistant, let's go."

They all left as my sister wrapped her wings around me and sighed, looking up at her as she smiled," It's nice to see you recover."

Responding immediately," I honestly needed that. But I must get stronger to protect you, Xisu, Chilthor, Shirlan, and Graveonth. I don't want to lose anyone else ever again."

My sister chuckled," Keep up that determination and caring attitude. It will take you far."