Part II Chapter 17: Sparring and Volunteer

Five days later

Over the past week, some talk about wyverns or dragons going missing or trying to find other Havens. To calm me, I breathed several slow and calming breaths; my eyes watched everything around me. The newcomers from other havens watched me closely, and I could tell from their thoughts they were spies. Sadly, I had no political power.

Graveonth's voice came behind me," Xyverinos, we have to go to the training hall, remember."

Growling softly, I finally sighed," Fine, though I already know we are sparing with the teacher one at a time today. The training is a test for us."

Looking at one of my best friends, I nodded," Alright, understandable, let's go."

I could sense the excitement from the spies as I sighed," Alright, I have had enough; I can hear your thoughts. I know you are mostly spies and are here to see my power. Give up, or I will kill you. Don't think I would be kicked out for a second. I am a major military asset here and the last of my kind. So either leave or..."

Almost two dozen spears of light appeared around me, aiming at all the heads of the spies. One of them, a plasma dragon, snorted," How old are you?"

Flicking my tail was the only warning as a light spear tore through the plasma dragon's shoulder. I coldly replied as he howled with pain," Not any of your business and wrong question."

The rest of the spears spun in a large circle. Around me and aimed still at each of the spies in the room. My electric blue eyes were glowing slightly from the reflection in the scales of the wyverns and dragons around me.

Graveonth spoke up," He will not hesitate. Even an Archangel Angelic wyvern is almost on par with a wyvern or dragon of equipollence. Come on, Xyverinos."

Glaring at them with raw fury one final time, I spun around and followed Graveonth towards the training room as a plasma wyverness and a wind dragon stood before us. Just from looking at them, I knew they were over fifty years of age. The Plasma wyverness had the aura of equipollence. Simply raising an eyebrow as the wyverness glanced back at us," Why are you too late?"

Graveonth laughed," Sorry about that; someone decided it would be wise to piss off our resident royal."

In my quiet tone, laced with minor annoyance," I hope you eat a gull and chock on it. Also, I am not royalty."

Our teacher snickered," Actually, you are."

Holding back a retort, Xisu spoke up, saving me from speaking again," Let him be; he hates being referred to as a royal," Suddenly, he smirked," Though he is one and needs to be treated as one."

Shooting him a withering glare, I hissed," You dead now, Xisu."

In an instant, a light spear shot at him, and he barely dodged it. He suddenly smirked, shooting at me. I raised an eyebrow and heard Graveonth's mind,' So it's time for our plan.'

Hiding a smile, I summoned another light spear, but I used the light to wrap it around Xisu, immobilizing him completely. My future sight kicked in as I dodged a spear of earth. Disappearing in a flash of light, I appeared on his back, and with the extra weight, I was not much smaller than him, being only a year and a half younger. He immediately collapsed as I held my sharp tail spikes to his throat and, in a soft but deadly purr," You yield."

He gulped and hoarsely answered," Yeah, how did you know?"

Deadpanned, I replied," Mind reading, plus my future sight has gotten stronger lately. I could see up to seven seconds before it could happen. I am not a match for Unla, the demonic wyverns, or powerful equipollences."

Shooting a look towards our teacher Xisu spoke up from his spot, still tangled up in the light net. Flicking my tail, I released him as he stood up. Our teacher snickered and commented," Alright, I will test Xyverinos first since he is warmed up."

Glaring at my friends, I sighed," Fine. I won't hold back, though; I suggest doing the same."

She smirked and pointed out," Aren't you a bit cocky? You are what, five years old."

I gave her a look and answered," Yeah, I am, but don't let that fool you."

She sighed and changed the subject," My mate will be the referee. Please treat him with respect. Now shall we begin Xyverinos?"

Nodding as orbs of light surrounded me, along with light blue flames, which were new. Sharpening my wing feathers, I smirked, looking into the future slightly to see what our trainer would do. She sent a blast of plasma at me. An orb of light expanded into a transparent shield, blocking the plasma blast. Flinging both wings forward, sending multiple feathers forward at high speeds. She disappeared in a plasma stream, appearing behind me. I tracked her quickly through her thoughts. Releasing a startling amount of pressure as an intense light blinded her. She growled as I launched myself forward, slamming my smaller body into her side. She growled as her much longer tail slammed into my ribs. Sending me rolling across the mountainous terrain of the training room.

Laughing softly, I spoke up," Two things. If I were an enemy, I would be reading your mind instead of tracking it, and since I wasn't here when the rest started, I don't know your name."

Her eyes widened as she chuckled," Alright, that is true; I was there when you killed that man who killed them. Another thing I remember is how weak they were while they were alive."

My eyes darkened as I heard Xisu mutter," Oh-oh, this is not going to be good."

Flames were expelled from my being as my voice rose in pitch as my recently changed flames spun around me, almost becoming a cyclone," Do not talk about my adoptive family like that!"

Pure power rippled from me again, similar to an equipollence. The flames spun around me as she tapped into her power. The aura of an equipollence flared as she became electricity itself. Looking at her impassively, I heard her say, " You're the first hatchling to push me this far."

Still furious as I didn't reply, I focused on her mind and forced her form to stop moving. She growled," How?"

In a monotone reply, I answered," Your mind. If you wish to fight me well, shut off your mind."

Her will was powerful; I would give her that much credit. However, I have gotten pretty good at using my willpower to control someone else. I realized I was losing in a battle of will, releasing my hold on her; she lunged at me as plasma claws ripped into my side. I yelped and used light spears to absorb the plasma that was her body. Reading her mind, I heard her growl,' This is the power of an Archangel-ranked wyvern! Outrageous, he is almost on par with me at five years old! I need to finish this now!'

Creating a sphere of light and flame orbs around me protects me from attacks. I began to pant as I tried to increase their speed far past their threshold.

I felt a claw to my throat seconds later as our teacher groaned," Xyverinos, you are strong, but do you know why I won?"

Glaring at her, still slightly pissed," Probably because you are faster, and I let my emotions run away."

I could sense her emotions; she was too surprised, proud, and slightly shocked. She confirmed what I said," That is correct, also very insightful. Lady Shirlan said you were insightful for your age. Now I believe her."

She patted my head with her wing as I scowled and sighed,' Why am I so emotional if someone mentions anything about my adoptive family? Speaking of family, where is Allit? I haven't seen her in four days.'

Spinning around, I questioned," Have you seen my sister?"

Our teacher's voice replied," No, but you should get your injury healed... oh."

A light smile appeared as I walked out of the training cave. Preparing to jump into the air, I heard a cocky voice," So you are weak after all."

Glancing back, I sighed," Zoltare, find a pile of worms and snort each one up. Make sure they scramble your brains. In other words, don't back off right now; I will destroy your mind."

Ignoring him, I jumped into the air and flew towards the top of the mountain. All the minds of older wyverns and dragons were racing; they planned to go on a mission. Landing just at the edge of the group, Shirlan noticed me. As she was, she was also on the outskirts of the council.

She came over and whispered," You wondering about your sister and what is happening here?"

Looking at her surprised, I joked," I thought I was the mind reader here. But yes, I am, though I could hear the thoughts of what happened here."

She sighed," Your sister, well, she is different. She has been training much harder than usual, so we sent her away on a small training trip to help her vent her anger. I can guess she has always been hard to read."

I answered," Yeah, she has a mental barrier I cannot overcome. What is the council about this time around?"

Shirlan answered after a few moments," Who to send on a diplomatic mission for an alliance with the rumored strongest Haven on Zaten."

My following words shocked her," Let me go. I am one of the strongest in the haven, plus it will be a good experience for me, especially since, according to everyone, I am royalty."

Shirlan sighed before calling out," Quiet down, you immature monkeys!"

Everyone turned towards us as Shirlan spoke," Alright, Xyverinos here has volunteered for the mission."

Immediately, roars of protest as I groaned and flared a small amount of my power, signifying my energy output. I growled as I noticed Elder Storm pale; usually, when I growled, it meant I was annoyed. After a few moments, I hissed out," You do not control me; I am the son of Queen Shondrass. While I may not often use my mother's name to get my point across, you gave me no choice. I am the heir to the Angelic Wyvern and Dragon throne. I need diplomatic experience in this sort of scenario, or would you rather me be useless in this sort of stuff? Before you answer that, think of the power I just displayed."

Elder Storm met my steely gaze with her own," Xyverinos, if we allow you to go, how much time do you require?"

I replied immediately," Where is the haven?"

After a few moments, she answered," Actually, a place you are familiar with, The Valley of Wind."

Shocked slightly, I calculated the flight path," I need most likely five months or so. I can hear your thoughts, and no, I will not be going alone."

Elder Storm, the council leader, asked," Who are you bringing then?"

Thinking momentarily, I elucidated," My friend Graveonth, Xisu, and my sister?"

Elder Storm's eyes narrowed at me. Holding back a shiver from her intense gaze, she answered," Graveonth is your son, right, Grinag?"

Grinag answered," Yes, he is. I can assume you can trust them to watch your back."

Nodding my head, I confirmed," Yes."

Waiting for Elder Storm to decide for several minutes, she spoke up," Alright, I permit your quest; however, instead of your sister, I want to keep an eye on her for the time being. Shirlan, would you please accompany Xyverinos."

Shirlan smirked," Yes, honestly, as much fun as being on the council is, I am extremely bored."

Elder Storm nodded," Alright, you will leave tomorrow to tell Graveonth and Xisu about your journey. Oh, one more thing, Xyverinos, I want to discuss something with you when you return."

I nodded understanding as I turned around and left, 'What could she want from me? I could always read her mind, but her barrier is too strong for me right now.'