Part II Chapter 18: Journey, Test, and Meeting

Looking at the rising Sun, I breathed a sigh of irritation and muttered to myself," What is taking them so long?"

Elder Storm, who had landed next to me right when I said that, answered," Impatient, are we? I wanted to say one thing: You have been getting arrogant with what happened. Please try to change and be wise."

Looking at her confused, I acknowledged her with a nod. Hearing wingbeats behind me, I looked back and nodded towards Xisu, Graveonth, and Shirlan, just flying up. With the colors brightening in the sky, Elder Storm spoke," I wish you four luck on your quest. I should warn you about a very powerful fire wyvern. Who is even more potent than any normal wyverns or dragons of equipollence? He has the power of your grandmother. Probably quite a bit weaker, though."

Shirlan's eyes widened in shock as she exclaimed," You mean Inferno of the Void Flames!"

Hopelessly confused, I questioned," Who is that? Also, what are void flames, and how is he different than any other equipollence wyvern or dragon?"

Elder Storm shook her head," I don't know, but I do know this is the second age of humans being in control. The first age was when we lived as enslaved people to humans. I know very little about him, but I know he and his mate. Breeze were both slaves to humans. He is over five hundred thirty years old and a fire wyvern of the phoenix lineage."

Hopelessly confused, Elder Storm called out," Time to go. I will see you when you return to Xyverinos. Remember, we will have that talk upon returning home."

Bowing, I confirmed," Yes, I know."

Shirlan jumped into the air and flipped in mid-air with a smirk," Well, you coming slowpokes!"

Graveonth growled," Stuff a goat down your throat and choke on it."

Shirlan laughed as I mused softly,' Now that Elder Storm mentions it, I have been getting arrogant; perhaps being out in nature will help.'

Shaking my head, I flapped all four wings before jumping off the mountain. Looking back at Elder Storm, who watched us go, I followed Shirlan, Xisu, and Graveonth as I followed them all steadily. Effortlessly passing Graveonth, I jabbed at him," Come on, Graveonth, you slow or just lazy."

Xisu and Shirlan laughed as Graveonth bolted at me. Laughing at him, I could feel myself becoming like how I was before most of my adoptive family died before Allit disappeared for more than a month.

After a bit of Time, Graveonth gave up chasing me.

With plenty of daylight left, we flew from our haven towards my old home, the Valley of Wind, towards perhaps the most powerful wyvern bar, Unla, and the Demonic Wyvern.

Shirlan said," While we fly, I want to educate you three about who Inferno of the Void Flames is. Before we get into it, do you know the different sub-elements types? Judging from your silence, that's a no. So besides the base elements, there are Void elements like water, earth, lightning, wind, and fire. There are other types of dragons and wyverns as well. But there is a light side and a dark side to the elements. The Void side comes from the demonic wyvern powers; very few have that kind of power. The other side is the Holy, lighter, and connected to your kind powers. A bit about his history: he hatched roughly five hundred twenty years ago. Hatching into slavery for the first seven years of his life. Eventually, according to some stories, he escaped with the help of a human lord. Kind of like what happened to you, Xyverinos,"

After a few minutes of silent flying, she continued," I believe by age ten, he was the strongest wyvern here in Zaten until your mother came along. He awakened a power stronger than equipollence or, as it was known back, equilibrium. Why did they change the name to equipollence? I have no idea. The power he awakened was called Dragonic power. What I remember during the last war was that I experienced him releasing a massive amount of power. He was well terrifyingly powerful. Capable of destroying an equipollence earth wyvern in a single blast."

Reading the emotions around me, I could feel shocked, being the most present.

Graveonth whispered," That much power in a single wyvern is even possible."

Shirlan answered," Yeah, it is, and with current times, even more so. An excellent example of this is Xyverinos. He is already on par with weak creatures of equipollence. Well, let's continue, shall we."

As we continued to fly above a forest, a glimpse of movement caught my eyes as I called out to my friends," Hold up for a moment."

They all hovered for a moment as a voice. That was all too familiar and, as usual, tinged with malice and glee from behind us," So you have gotten stronger, Xyverinos."

I uttered a single name," Unla."

Spinning slowly around, I saw the massive creature, probably my biggest enemy in this world. Unla hovered in front of me with his enormous body as he suddenly shrunk to Shirlan's size or slightly larger. That didn't fool me, as his presence is still omnipotent.

I realized it was my first time looking at him in the daylight up close with us not fighting immediately. The last time I saw him was when I was passing out after our first skirmish.

Graveonth snarled," This is the Dragon Hunter who nearly killed you five or something months ago."

Unla snorted and gave Graveonth a dark grin," Yep, I am; well, I let him go. But with his recent power change, I want to see how strong he is now."

Xisu and Shirlan growled as Xisu, sweet Xisu, despite being terrified, glared at the powerful being. I spoke into Xisu's mind," Don't try it. I know how scared you are; please fall back. Unla wants to fight me on equal ground. While he may be of darkness, he knows trying to kill you guys would result in me possibly reaching equipollence or equilibrium in the older days.

Looking at him, I noticed he was smirking and sighing. I shook my head," So you can read minds as well, which is why your mental barrier is so strong."

Unla laughed in his usual maniacal tone," Your right. I can, but I hate to admit it, not as well as you. Show me what you can do!"

Graveonth looked ready to attack as I yelled," Graveonth, fall back! This fight is between Unla and me! I will catch up!"

Unla nodded his head," He is right. I won't kill him; I want to test him."

Breathing out as I faced him," Shall we begin your little test, Unla."

Both of us faced each other as I sensed my friends hesitantly leaving. I released my aura as soon as I felt them a distance away.

Unla's eyes lightened in glee as he laughed," You have gotten stronger. Now let us see if you can dispel my darkness, shall we."

A spiral of darkness rushed out of him. Reacting instantly, I created a shield of spirit fire around me. Almost immediately, the flames crawled up the Unla's shadow and, to my surprise, started to crack it. Releasing more fire, I proceeded to obliterate it. I could feel myself draining very fast.

The flames hit Unla full force as he chuckled," Very impressive, it stings me now."

Pressing more power into the spirit fire, he growled suddenly," I see, so that you can control it much better now. These flames are burning my skin now a little bit. I must say I am impressed. However, this is my power."

A black aura surrounded him in a terrifying display of raw power, erasing my flames. Scowling at me, he flew at me. With my future sight kicking in again, I swiftly dodged a claw swipe. Creating light spears, I flung them at Unla. He gracefully dodged them with ease as he smirked.

He looped towards me, and with his form changing a bit, he had long black claws that let him slash at me mid-air. An orb of light had saved me by smacking him in the face, sending him veering off course.

He howled angrily as he smashed into me, helped, clawed to my throat, and suddenly laughed," You have gotten strong. I am impressed. Well, I must be going now. Goodbye, Xyverinos, and who knows, maybe the next time we meet, it will be the actual battle to the death between us."

He disappeared a minute later as I breathed a sigh of relief,' By my grandmother, I thought he would have killed me without hesitation after I harmed him.'

Shaking myself out of those thoughts, I flew towards where I sensed my friends waiting for me. There was a potent aura with them as well. Someone on par with Unla, if not deadlier, and having strange dark energy to them as well. Flying towards them quickly, I released a shuddering breath as I landed in front of them and realized that they were held at talon or claw point.

The massive energy source was now behind me," So the rumors are true; Queen Shondrass indeed does have an heir after all."

I asked without glancing back, crouching lower to the ground from the feeling of the powerful gaze pinned on me. Asking the wyvern behind me that could destroy an entire mountain range if desired," Are you Inferno?"

The voice laughed," I am. Indeed, I am impressed one so young knows who I am."

Admitting to the most powerful being I have ever met other than Unla," I just learned about you this morning."

Inferno laughed as another voice growled," How do we know he isn't a spy!"

Inferno sighed," Moon, shut up, yeesh, you need to learn not to be so suspicious about tiny hatchlings."

Another voice chuckled," He has you there, bro."

A third voice, soft as a breeze, sighed," Sun, you need to do the same. You're not much better."

Still not looking around, another feminine voice called out," Will, you guys, all shut up, Sun. While we may be mates, I will still hurt you."

Inferno snickered, which shocked me as a fifth voice spoke like they had a grin," Whipped by Kirara, eh."

Inferno commanded them," Enough, and will you guys shut up? I am supposed to be scary. Xyverinos, yes, I know your name. I heard one of your idiot friends say it when we got here to investigate. Please turn around on a different note."

Turning around...