Part II Chapter 21: Winds of Change

Slyrak, training with me in a sparring room, spoke up while trying to hit me with his tail," You ready to train with my mother?"

Retaliating with a feather barrage, I answered," Yes, anything I should know beforehand."

Slyrak released a torrent of flames before answering," Nah, she is calmer and honestly more level-headed than my father. She is still powerful, though. Don't you dare tell my father I said that!"

Inferno's voice came by the entrance," Don't tell me what?"

We both paused as I looked at Slyrak and replied," I will let your son tell you. I have a training session with your mate now."

Slyrak yelled as I left him to his father's wrath, who dragged it out of his son, who was fighting his father. Jumping into the air, I flew towards the tip of the mountain where Breeze was waiting. Catching sight of the five hundred twenty-year-old wind wyverness watching the clouds overhead. When I landed beside her, she said," Hello, Xyverinos, are you prepared for my training."

Bowing slightly in respect to the elder wyverness," Yes, I am."

She asked me another question," Where is my son?"

Stifling a laugh as Slyrak came flying up battered and bloodied slightly from his father's beating.

He scowled at me and threatened," When it's time to spar with you again, I will torture you."

Shrugging, I replied," You did that during training with your father yesterday."

Breeze sighed," Alright, how about we start working with magic? Then, later on, we will begin awakening your hidden wind abilities."

Understanding ideally, I inquired eagerly," Can we learn magic now?"

Breeze chuckled," First, we must awaken it. Now, Slyrak, this is a perfect time to awaken your magic. Please follow me where we will be going."

She jumped off the mountain and beat her massive wings three times my size. She headed towards a forest south of the haven, and we both followed her without hesitation.

Following closely behind her, we landed in a nearby clearing as Breeze spoke calmly," The area we are in makes magic truly awaken. Now, for straightforward instructions, close your eyes until you feel a strange pull in your mind, heart, etc. Once you get ahold of it, grasp it and do not let go. That is all. I will leave you until you awaken it."

Slyrak and I looked at each other as I commented," May as well get started."

He nodded," Yeah."

Closing my eyes, I reached deep into my soul. Strange energy entered me as time passed; the power was from nature itself. The true power of nature filled me as I steadied my mind and body so that I wouldn't be overwhelmed by the immense power that nature seemed to have. It felt more potent than anything I had ever felt beforehand. Even Unla seemed unable to even compare to the power it possessed. Then again, I have never felt Unla's full power before.

Time slowed as I searched myself until I felt a tug. Holding onto it, I proceeded to draw the power out. Breathing at a favorable rate as time moved on again, I heard twin gasps of shock as I opened my eyes to see a golden aura forming a helix around me; waves of dust flew away from me.

The elder wyverness had a smile on her face," You are, without a doubt, her son. I also taught your mother magic, and her magic, while powerful, was not on par with this. However, that means the control exercises will be much, much harder. Is that clear?"

Replying verbally instead of nodding or shaking my head," Yes, I understand perfectly. I am fully prepared to do whatever it takes to grow strong enough to protect everyone I care for."

Breeze smiled softly," Alright, let's begin on the first exercise, shall we."

Slyrak and I exchanged looks of excitement as Breeze explained the exercise," We are going to start slow and steady. It would be best if you caused water to float, separate, and then join back together. I am not going to tell you how to do it. Follow Slyrak to the river behind you both about three hundred feet. I'm sure you can both see it and hear the water."

Retorting, I replied," What do you think we are, Humans?"

She smirked and laughed," Get going already."

She left again as I muttered," She didn't answer my question."

Slyrak just shrugged," Well, she could have said yes and sent us into a fury."

Deadpanned, I replied," You mean you, I have honestly pretty good restraint."

He growled," Fair point. I take after my father, after all, when it comes to temperament."

We both sat at the river edge, and feeling the magic at my nails, I touched the water with my paws. Immediately, shockwaves sent water flying from the bank of the river as I was splashed. I yelped in shock as the cold water dosed me head to tail.

Slyrak, fifteen feet away from me, was laughing incredibly hard, glaring at him; I growled," Slyrak, you dead!"

He smirked," Some advice: use it with minimal outputs; see if it improves your control over it."

Pondering over this, I sighed, 'So I have to output it to a minimal level then.'

Closing my eyes and beginning to channel a minuscule amount of magic, I felt a different connection as I opened my eyes again. Lifting my talon towards me, and to my shock, the water followed it up. I coated it with magic using my other talon to pick the water up and separate it into two separate spheres before combining them again and placing the water back into the river.

I watched Slyrak do the same as me with much more ease as he grinned," Told you so."

Glaring at the young wyvern of equipollence, I flung a feather at him, and since he was not expecting it, the feather struck his rump as he let out a yelp of pain. Now, it was my turn to laugh. He eventually started chuckling before we were both on the soft grass, laughing at each other's misfortune while we trained with our magic.

We had no idea how long we lay on the grass and laughed as Breeze's voice came from behind us," What's so funny?"

Slyrak responded," Well, in short, Xyverinos used too much magic and was doused with water. I laughed at him and advised him before he got me back with a sharp feather striking my a-butt. From there, we started laughing, tell you got here."

She chuckled," Alright, fair enough. Xyverinos, are you prepared to reach the next step of your elements? Wind next week, you will go with Kirara."

Nodding in understanding, I breathed out as Breeze spoke," Now for wind, I want you to do two things: open up your soul, mind, and body. Two, I want you to be free from what burdens you."

Closing my eyes, I thought to myself softly,' Opening my soul, mind, and body. How do I do that? I am holding so much back. Do I let it all go, my anger at the human race? I will have to release all that rage and grief. I think it is for the best.'

Breathing out as thoughts of the past flew through my mind, the most painful was watching my home being destroyed. The next one that appeared was watching my brother, mother, and father die—holding back the rage convulsing through me, taking deep breaths and letting them out slowly. Slowly, I felt the weight of all the rage drifting from my body. I felt a sense of freedom I had not felt before my family was killed.

Breathing a sigh,' Allit, I am coming back to help you; I can feel your rage and sadness. I will save you from yourself; that is a promise, my sister.'

Opening my eyes as Breeze spoke," Excell-."

She was cut off by torrents of black wind curling around me at violent speeds, ripping the ground and cutting the trees as Slyrak was flung into another tree. Breeze grunted from the force of the EF five tornado winds. She said," Disperse it by relaxing your two tensed up."

Breathing out, I relaxed as the winds disappeared a moment later. Sighing in relief, Slyrak groaned," Well, Mother, we know he has void wind. I am going to assume he will have void lightning as well."

Another voice chuckled," He will. I am going to get over it now. Xyverinos, I want you to imagine lightning."

She looked up to see Kirara floating there as she smirked," Never mind, I will rip it out."

Breeze sighed," Go ahead."

I felt a shock run through me as I gritted my teeth, and mere moments passed. It died as Kirara smirked," Excellent, now that Sun has already helped with his light powers. By the time his six months ended with us, he will be very powerful."