Part II Chapter 22: Lightning and Light

Looking at arguably my most brutal trainers as Kirara barked," Again."

I was breathing out as black lightning sparked from me and raced from feather to feather, increasing its output as it grew stronger, scorching the ground around me and causing the grass beneath me to wither and die.

Kirara spoke softly," Steady now, Xyverinos. Don't bunch it all up; release it in small amounts until you can control the void lighting. I don't have to lecture you about how dangerous void elements are, do I."

Gritting my teeth, I responded," No, you do not; I understand perfectly well just how dangerous void lightning and wind are to both the users and the opponents."

She growled," It is not just those two elements Xyverinos; void flame could suck all oxygen out of someone. Void Water is poisonous to anyone unfortunate enough to be trapped by it. Void earth is volatile and can cause a dragon to suffocate."

Still struggling, I dug my nails into the ground and released the lightning into the earth. The ground had lightning racing off the surface as Kirara yelped from a small tendril striking her in the ankle," Ouch, dammit, while I may be a lightning wyverness of equilibrium."

Controlling the void lightning, I manipulated it as it again flared, surrounding me in a miniature electrical storm.

Sun whistled," Damn, that's impressive to create this kind of electrical storm when he just started to control his lightning is impressive. Can you hurry up and get to the next part so I can train him with light."

Kirara growled," Shut up. Void lightning is hard to control, and he just awakened his lightning last week. It takes time and patience to deal with lightning. Xyverinos, I can assume you have a basic understanding of light already."

Nodding, I focused back on my task at hand. Breathing outwards, I tried something a bit too advanced for me: shape manipulation.

Forcing the lightning to become streamlined, I used all my willpower to make it hover as I flicked my tail, releasing it. The lightning struck a tree and exploded on impact, causing the tree to light on fire.

Releasing all my power, I proceeded to have spirit fire flare around me in orbs, lightning flare around me, and small, powerful tornados simply rotating around me. I gritted my teeth from the large amounts of energy I released as Kirara yelled," Xyverinos, what are you doing!"

I answered firmly and calmly," Seeing how far I have come since I came here four weeks ago. I will not take baby steps, especially since I have a promise to keep to Innurth. I am not taking baby steps."

Kirara sighed," Fair enough; you remind me of when Inferno was about ten years old."

Dropping all the power, I questioned," Why does Inferno's power feel different compared to a normal equipollence or equilibrium wyvern?"

Inferno's voice came from behind me," Allow me to answer that question, but first, I must say I am impressed I watched you controlling three out of your four elements."

Looking at Inferno, I thank him," Thank you, Inferno."

He grinned," Alright, I possess a small amount of power from the sun; rather than explain, how about I show you?"

Pulses of power rippled from him as he glowed brighter than the sun. The temperature shot up as the trees around us turned to ash instantly. He looked like a solid form of himself but pure black, void flames.

Stumbling back in fear, I stammered, shivering," W-what is that power?!"

Kirara spoke up, chuckling," It is alright to be afraid; this is just a massive step up from equilibrium. Inferno, what's the name of it again?"

Inferno sighed," Draconic power if you ask me, it's a dumb name."

The power dropped as he returned to normal. Taking note of a strange crest on his forehead, I asked, recovering from my fear," What is that seal on your forehead?"

He waved his tail dismissively," Was a slave seal, but now it's more of a way to get into contact with a friend. Kirara, Sun, remember that month or so I was gone after the last time the queen enslaved you?"

She snorted," How could I forget that shit? That damned hag used the dragon curse on me."

Inferno snickered," Tell me about it; I already asked her if she could come to help out with Xyv later. I have to get her anyway. Be back in a bit."

With that, he jumped off and winged to the east as Kirara smirked," Xyverinos, what is your favorite method for practicing?"

Warily looking at one of the most brutal teachers, I responded carefully," Trial and error. Why do you ask?"

She grinned," Good, cause it will be much harder to train now. Get ready to begin the next session."

Sun sighed," Welp, that will be fun to watch. Well, Xyv, now you are with me for a bit until Inferno returns. Now shall we begin?"

I was paling slightly as I looked at my most relaxed teacher, second to Breeze. He grinned," Flick a light spear at me, full power."

Shrugging, I responded," Alright, pointed or not?"

He turned a shade paler as he remembered how sharp my light spears were and hastily amended his mistake," Blunt, while I may be able to become light if I mess up for a second, I'm screwed."

Grinning, I made three blunt spears of light as he shivered," Yeesh, those things remind me of ballista bolts?"

Looking at him confused," What a ballista?"

He sighed and muttered," Curious hatchlings bugging me already."

In an innocent tone," You're a teacher, though, and I am your student; you should be able to answer my question."

His eye twitched," I have my question; I have noticed you have become quieter these last few weeks. Why?"

Looking at him with amusement, he said," I asked a question first."

He growled," You little mother fu-."

Kirara growled," Watch it, and he is right; act like you are the oldest of the group."

Sun hissed," Fine, fine. A ballista is an ancient weapon that launched a spear at us at high speeds. They are strong enough to kill a wyvern or a dragon if hit at a vital point."

My eyes widened as I whispered lightly," Have humans always hunted for our kind?"

He nodded," Yeah, just about."

Without any warning, I flicked my tail, causing the spears of light to race forward and nearly hit Sun, who yelped and barely used his powers to hold them back. He grabbed one of them with his front claws as the light drake forced the other two to stop with his mind. Now, it was a battle of will.

He exclaimed," How in the world does a five-year-old hatchling have this strong of a will?!"

Smiling softly, I responded," Easy by pushing forward."

He snarled as his eyes glowed, and I decided to feint him out by loosening my grip on the one he was holding. I knew that despite his power, he was a bit impulsive. His grip loosened on it as I suddenly forced all my mental strength onto the loosened one, which slammed into his massive chest with a thud. Sun yelped," OW!"

Grinning as he shattered all the light spears, he groaned," That hurt and well played, making me think you were losing your grip on that one before pouring all your will into that one, landing a solid blow onto my chest. I think it's safe to say light training. I am no longer needed anyways; your brother Innurth trained you well."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I spoke in his mind, 'Thank you, Sun.'

He grinned as Kirara chuckled," I hope that knocked you down a couple of pegs. Also, Sun, talk to Vesta about stopping his light training even if it is your first session with him."

Sun replied, deadpanned," You think I am that stupid."

Feeling their emotions, the key ones are happiness, amusement, and joy."

Speaking up, I grinned," Yeah, you have no problem letting your guard down to me."

Kirara smirked," So this is your true self, eh? A quiet, soft-spoken, clever, five-and-a-half-year-old wyvern."

Shrugging, I responded," Yeah, so what."

Kirara smiled," Nothing, it is just excellent to know who you are."

The sound of wingbeats came from the direction Inferno left as his large form appeared overhead as he called down," Xyverinos, meet us in the council chambers."

Looking at them, I used my spirit fire to teleport into the council chambers with a bit of a sense of dread.

Without looking up from her scroll, Vesta sighed," Xyverinos, why are you here?"

Smiling softly, I softly answered," Because Inferno asked me to come here."

Two minutes passed as a woman with pointed ears walked in with Inferno next to her. As she smiled," Hello Xyverinos, my name is Queen Ameria of the Elven Kingdom on the continent across the sea."

Bowing slightly, I whispered," Pleasure to meet you."

She waved her hand," None of that, Inferno dear, go grab your son."

He sighed turned around, and walked out of the chamber. The elven queen looked at me and-