Part II Chapter 23: Meeting

The queen walked around me, carefully analyzing me as she smiled," I think I have your personality down. You mostly hide behind a mask; your main traits are quiet, shy, cautious, kind, soft-spoken, and analytical."

Shocked at her excellent analysis, Slyrak yelled," Ameria!"

Ameria turned around," Hello, Slyrak. You have grown up a little bit. Now Inferno dear, be a good boy and get your mate. I have some news for you guys."

Five minutes later, Breeze walked in. As she smiled," Hello, Ameria; I see you met Queen Shondrass's heir."

Ameria nodded," Of course, I must say he is rather good at controlling his emotions. Xyverinos, can I assume you have been captured once."

I nodded and replied softly," Yeah, I have by W.D.E.D."

Inferno gave me a crossed look," You never mentioned this because?"

Deadpanned, I retorted," You never mentioned you have the power of my grandmother, and you never explained in the depth of the training, leaving me to myself."

The much older wyvern growled," Cocky little-"

Ameria sighed, holding her hand up as Inferno shut his jaw. I heard him think,' Curses, she still holds the slave seal advantage over my head.'

Grinning as Inferno's eyes widened as he glared at me, 'You sneaky hatchling, I am a hundred percent gonna make sure next week is gonna be hell.'

Mentally shrugging, Ameria glanced back at Inferno and me as she chuckled," Well, I can guess what happened. Xyverinos, I assume you read his mind?"

Nodding as she sighed," Two things, one is mental attacks, your strong suit. Two, what did he say."

I could see him paling as I smiled lightly," The answer to the first question, yeah, my mental attacks are much more dangerous and more accessible for me. The second answer, he said something about you still holding the slave seal advantage over his head?"

She snickered," That's fair. Poor Inferno."

The omnipotent void flame wyvern was glaring at us with annoyance as I shivered and shrank back as Ameria chuckled," No need to fear him; he is a big softy."

Muttering, I retorted," Yeah, and it is not like he is training me or anything of the sort."

Slyrak laughed," That's true; my father is a bit of a slave driver."

In an incredulous, still soft tone," A bit of a slave driver, no, he is one."

Inferno growled, finally talking," Slyrak, just for saying I am a bit of a slave driver when I know you are cursing me out behind my back from just your training sessions. You are going to spar with me in my sun form. Xyverinos, you are more or less off the hook this time."

Grinning at my friend's misfortune, he would be suffering from his father's training or, in our case, torture sessions. Ameria sighed," Alright, Inferno, when we were returning, want to tell Xyverinos what you saw?"

Inferno looked me dead in the eye," You have about three more months before a large enemy force arrives and attacks this location, so in short, I will be pushing you to your limit. One of the enemies I did see is an old enemy of yours."

I knew who he was talking about," Unla, I can assume he is captured."

Inferno snorted," No, actually, he is attacking with creatures from hell itself. In other words, demons and other creepy crawlies. No, they are not connected to W.D.D.C. I have a hunch that this will become a more significant threat than it already is."

Vesta asked Inferno," Do you think you can take all of them on alone."

Slyrak snorted as his father spoke again," Honestly, no, I am strong enough to take on Unla alone, but there is another stronger one with him; this one, on the other hand, has an aura similar to an equilibrium.

My eyes widened in fear as I gulped,' There are Dragon Hunters even stronger than Unla!'

I was shivering in fear as Inferno looked at me," I know you are scared, but can you give us a heads up of what a dragon hunter can do in battle."

Nodding, I gulped," I have crossed paths with him several times; I know he has exceptionally high stamina, power, and speed. He controls darkness into shapes while changing his form, so it is never precisely in one shape. In terms of raw power, he was deadlier than Innurth by a fair amount, and just from the level difference right now. I can tell he is stronger than most of your group, Inferno. You are the only one stronger than him in this mountain, and you are barely stronger. If there is one with the power of equilibrium, well, you have already lost that battle, that much I can say without a doubt."

Inferno grinned," Good."

Confused, Breeze chuckled," This should be fun to show our collective released power. Why all of us are so feared."

Slyrak sighed," Father, mother, Ameria, maybe explain to them first about his friends."

My eyes narrowed as I hissed softly," What do you mean, my friends? Do you mean Graveonth, Xisu, and Shirlan?"

Ameria nodded," Don't worry, it's nothing terrible. Your friends have returned to your haven about a week ago."

Confused, I questioned," Why?"

Slyrak replied," One because they were ordered to. Two because, well, they felt like they were slowing you down. Three, because they want you to get stronger without distractions. Or that is what they told me, at least."

Understanding why they left, I couldn't help but still feel hurt. Breeze smiled at me," Don't worry, you will see them again very soon when we finish your training."

Shaking my head, I replied," If anything, I am more worried about this place; as you said, there is a Dragon Hunter with equilibrium or something along those lines. In short, I will show you guys the damage that Unla did to me in our first skirmish."

I lifted all four wings and showed the jagged scar from Unla's darkness.

Meeting Inferno's eyes," This is the power of a single attack that Unla did, and I didn't even push him to half his full power, and I am an archangel rank. Well, I wasn't at the time, but I feel that even then, I wouldn't stand a chance."

Inferno sighed," So what you saying is that no offense to my mate here; an ordinary equilibrium stands no chance."

Nodding rapidly, I shivered in fear as I continued," Right now, I am on par with weaker wyverns or dragons of equipollence."

Inferno smiled at me as Slyrak muttered," He going to berserk against Unla now."

Inferno bashed his son over the head with his spiked tail as Slyrak yelped," Curse you, father!"

Ameria giggled," You had that coming, Slyrak."

Slyrak protested," No, I didn't; I just pointed out a fact, which is accurate, and you all know it!"

Vesta chuckled," I agree with your son on this one. We all know Inferno has two sides in battle, the first being the playful side, and the second being the ruthless commander."

Inferno shrugged helplessly," Guilty as charged, can you blame me, though I am the strongest wyvern in existence right now."

Deadpanned, I replied softly," What about my counterpart, the demonic wyvern."

Inferno began to mutter about hatchlings being too intelligent for their good. Breathing outwards, Ameria spoke," Lady Vesta, can I propose a treaty between here and my kingdom."

Vesta nodded," I can see the benefits of that kind of alliance between Zaten and yours."

Speaking up, I looked at Vesta," What about the treaty between my home and here."

Vesta smacked herself with her tail," I knew I forgot something. When you return, you can let your leader know I accept the alliance to save our haven. Inferno, how powerful do you think you can get Xyverinos in three months?"

Inferno shrugged," If I pushed him past his limit, easily up to where I was at equilibrium at the age of ten," He looked at me," Xyverinos, is it alright if I push you far past your average tolerance level."

I nodded determinedly," Yeah, it is fine; I promised to Innurth before he died to protect Allit, and I will do so."

Inferno smiled," Wow, despite your fear, you still have this much determination. I am very impressed. Also, it is nice to know you without that mask of arrogance. Ameria looks like you were right about him wearing a mask."

Slyrak said," I will train with Xyv in fire and wind; he is already better than me at magic, and it is scary how fast he learns sometimes."

Raising my eyebrow at my friend," Maybe I should show you a spell I created with your mother's help."

Breeze chuckled," That should be amusing to hear from you, Slyrak."

My future sight activated as I dodged a tendril of shadow," Nice try, Unla."

Unla chuckled," I am impressed, Xyverinos. Well, I will see you in a few months."

Reading his mind, I heard him groan,' Why was I sent here?'

Gripping onto his mind as I smiled lightly, walking up to him with my spirit fire curling around me.

Unla growled," Damn hatchling and his skills with his mental prowess."

Chuckling, I replied softly with fear now visible in my tone," We both know you could have killed me then, so why didn't you?"

Inferno moved forward; as Unla broke free from my mental attack, he disappeared into the shadows. Inferno frowned," Looks like I will have to go all out against him. He is on par with me in sun form. Xyverinos, we will start pushing you harder tomorrow."

Nodding in understanding, I sighed, moved towards my guest chamber, laid down, and fell asleep.