Part II Chapter 26: Return and Bashing the second pt II

With the sun setting behind us, we slowly continued our way back to the haven where I called home and where Slyrak would soon call home. With me still flying, tendrils of pain coursed through my shoulder, and I knew without looking I was still bleeding heavily.

Slyrak groaned," How much farther?"

Struggling to stay conscious, I took notice of the surroundings," We are getting closer. We are about five minutes away."

Nearly losing consciousness as Slyrak caught me," Burning fireball, stay conscious, Xyverinos!"

Forcing myself to focus, I gritted my teeth," I will. Don't worry. Let's get there soon. I want to warn Elder Storm as soon as I can."

Another dose of blood ripped through me as a voice barked," Why are you two hatchlings out?"

I recognized the voice immediately," Hello Grinag; it's been four almost five months."

His eyes widened," Xyverinos, and who is this?"

I replied," Can we go inside, please? Unfortunately, I am injured right now. Oh, for who this is, this is Slyrak, the son of Inferno of the Void flame."

Grinag nodded," Let us go inside the haven."

We flew down towards the entrance as we landed on the ground, slightly rough as I hissed in pain. Grinrag spoke," What happened to you? I thought you were just training?"

I shook my head at the elder wyvern," No, I mean yes, I was training until earlier today. A battle happened, and well, a lot happened. I need to get my injury wrapped and meet with you and the rest of the council."

Slyrak protested," You need rest; you wasted more energy than me today fighting that-."

I cut him off with a glare as my electric blue eyes glowed," Slyrak, now is not the time for that. There are more pressing concerns."

Slyrak shut his mouth immediately, as we both knew in these last three months I was stronger than him by quite a bit now.

We entered the haven as voices full of shock spoke," Is that Xyverinos?"

"Why is he injured?"

"When did he return?"

"Who is that with him?"

"How long has it been since we have seen him?"

A reply came from the last question," It's been close to five months."

Ignoring them as Slyrak spoke," Uh Grinag, can we hurry up, please."

Grinrag responded," Of course."

We moved at a faster pace as Slyrak continued to support me as we entered the Council Chambers as Elder Storm and Shirlan looked up and gapped as Shirlan snapped out of it first," Medic!"

A young fire dragoness walked in as she took note of the injury. She quickly left and returned with bandages as Elder Storm spoke," Alright, Xyverinos, before I get the council members in here, who is your friend here?"

I winced as the fire dragoness wrapped the wound," This is Slyrak, a friend I made and my training partner."

Elder Storm mused," Slyrak, who are your parents?"

Slyrak shocked me with how strong his voice sounded," My father was Inferno of the Void Flame. My mother was Breeze, the Queen of Magic. My father has fought and died in battle."

Shirlan uttered," Inferno...died."

Elder Storm was pale," Just who are we up fighting against in this war? Who was strong enough to kill Inferno of all wyverns, dragons, phoenixes, and Unicorns? Was it Unla?"

Shaking my head," I can say for sure it wasn't Unla."

Shirlan looked at me as she growled," How would you know?"

Grinrag spoke up," I was wondering that as well."

I couldn't help the soft smile on my face as I declared," Because I am the one who killed him."

Shirlan, Grinrag, and Elder Storm had their jaws dropped in shock.

Grinrag shook his head as I read his mind,' Wow, what in the world did Inferno throw at you to be able to kill a Dragon Hunter of all things.'

Grinning, I responded to his question," He put me through the wringer and- OW!"

The fire dragoness had finished bandaging it as she pulled on it tighter as she laughed," Sorry, Xyverinos. That was necessary."

Wincing in pain, I muttered," Evil healers, but to answer your question, Grinrag, well he literally tortured me for hours, and it wasn't just him, his mate, Kirara, Sun, Breeze, and of course, Slyrak helped out as he helped train me."

Shirlan shook her head as Slyrak spoke up," Well, that and you are very good with magic spells."

Shrugging helplessly," That is true."

The rest of the council members walked in as one of the fire dragons of the council spoke and bowed," Hello Xyverinos, welcome back."

Smiling, I replied," Thank you, Elder Ember."

He moved to his spot as a lightning wyverness, dragoness, dragon, and wyvern walked in as I rose a brow, noting that now there was a male and female of a wyvern and a dragon for both dragons and wyverns.

The female earth wyverns voice rumbled," Now let us get to business; first off, why are you injured, Xyverinos?"

I smirked as I stated," I killed Unla."

A wind dragon who was a bit older than Shirlan entreated," Who is Unla, if I may ask?"

Raising a brow as Elder Storm spoke," That Xykyntei is the name of the dragon hunter who was after Xyverinos."

Xykyntei paled and gulped,' This hatchling is capable of killing a...dragon hunter of all things."

I replied smoothly," Councilmember Xykyntei, watch what you think and say; I can read minds easily."

Xykyntei froze as another new member growled," That is a violation of privacy!"

Flaring my aura, I ordered," Silence."

Shirlan chuckled," If that aura is anything to go by, I would say the new generation is going to surpass the older ones."

My personality did a one-eighty as I insinuated," Eh maybe."

The council member who I ordered to silence interjected," How about you show me respect, hatchling."

Amused, I unveiled," And a lightning wyvern such as yourself want to go against my family? Or more especially my mother Queen Shondrass's son and heir to the Angelic Wyverns."

The council members who used to be a part of the council beforehand all snickered as the new lightning wyvern paled drastically and stuttered," H-how."

Slyrak chuckled," This is amusing."

Another new member spoke up a fire dragoness," Rykyr, quit making a fool of yourself."

Rykyr scowled and opened his mouth to protest; interjecting, I snarled," One more word, and I will kill you here and now."

He snorted and thought skeptically,' Sure this dragonet could kill me; he is injured already.'

I snickered as Rykyr's eyes widened; Elder Storm sighed," What's so funny, Xyverinos?"

Looking at Rykyr, I elaborated," Rykyr, here thinks just cause I am injured I can't kill him. So Rykyr, let me ask you this what side of my powers do you think I am better with, my mental or elemental powers?"

Rykyr smirked, thinking he has me cornered," Elemental powers."

Slyrak spoke this time," That is where you are wrong, his mental prowess once brought my father, Inferno of the Void Flames, to his knees, true my father let him but not even his mother could claim that. If I remember Xyverinos telling me this about two months ago, he could shred someone's mind in about five seconds, Xyv, how fast do you think you can do it now?"

Shrugging, I replied," Instantaneous, most likely."

Rykyr's face was horrified about the amount of power I possessed at the age of five. True, I would most likely be weaker if I wasn't an archangel-ranked angelic wyvern.

Elder Storm sighed," Now that the two hatchlings have finished bashing some of the new members of the council for the first time."

Interjecting, I called out," It's the second time that I have done it!"

Grinrag sighed," Don't remind me, you tortured me."

Shrugging, I admitted," I am not going to deny that, though you did deserve it for trying to banish me."

Grinrag wisely kept silent after that. Elder Storm spoke again," Now that the little bashing is complete, I would like to introduce you to the members of the council. For wind, we have Shirlan, Xykyntei, Brulzresden, and Ryni for the wind family. For fire, we have Ember, Zyrrarulth, Pyrselth, and Pyvrin. For lightning, we have Rykyr, Neti, Vymmiolth, and Jylzrodet. For ground, we have Grinrag, Orsig, Oaphinelth, and Zytas. For water, we have me, Chyldres, Nedras, and Eldroir."

Looking at them, I acknowledged what she said with a nod,' So the females are Shirlan, Ryni, Zyrrarulth, Pyrselth, Vymmiolth, Neti, Ophinelth, Zytas, Elder Storm, and Chyldres are all the female council members here. The male members of the council members are Xykyntei, Brulzresden, Rykyr, Jylzrodet, Grinrag, Orsig, Nedras, and Eldroir council members.'

Looking at Elder Storm, I asked," Two things Am I still in the hatchling area? Then the second question, where is Allit?"

Elder Storm gulped," Uh, well, we are more or less keeping her detained as she has been showing signs of aggression."

She nodded as I began to leak out my aura," If Krodi even attempts to do something stupid, I will kill her, and I will not feel bad. Just because I am quiet again, well, I still have a ruthless streak. Also, I understand you are keeping her detained, but I will visit her when I am healed. You will not stop me, is that clear."

She nodded dumbly, and from her emotions, I knew she was a tad bit nervous," Yeah, alright. Chithor, please come grab them."

Xisu's older brother came in and smirked," What sort of trouble did you get into, you little trouble maker."

Glaring at him as he used his tail to drop me on his back," Snort a pile of chili peppers. I don't cause the trouble; trouble finds me all the time."

Slyrak chuckled," Hello, my name is Slyrak."

Chithor laughed," Pleasure to meet you; my name is Chithor. As you already know, you probably know my little brother Xisu."

Slyrak chuckled," Yeah, I do; he is a fun one."

Both Chithor and myself made sounds of agreement at the same time as Slyrak laughed in amusement.

Two minutes later, we were in front of the hatchling area as Krodi came out and froze," W-welcome back, Xyverinos."

She turned towards Slyrak," Hello, sweetie, I am the hatchling mother; please tell me anything."

She patted Slyrak with her wings, much to my amusement.

Slyrak growled," I hate being babied, my father was Inferno of the void flames, and I am a wyvern of equilibrium. I see why Xyverinos wants to kill you."

Without another word, I groaned and fell asleep in my spot, glad I can just lay down and heal without a word to anyone. Xisu's voice exclaimed," Slyrak, Xyv!"

I opened my eyes as both he and Graveonth walked over as the latter made a face," What in the rocky earth happened to you?"

I chuckled," One, you still suck at making insults; two, I killed Unla. I will tell you about it later. Now goodnight."

Now I fell asleep as I heard Xisu, Slyrak, and Graveonth all laugh as my consciousness dimmed, but I knew I was happy to be back even if that meant I had to deal with Krodi again.