Part II Chapter 27: Mending Fences

It has been a month since both of us have gotten here. All three of my friends and a council member have taken all three to restrain me from killing Krodi twice now. Slyrak had ended up with a sharp feather lodged into his side; Xisu felt how sharp my tail's spikes were. Graveonth had felt both as he is the biggest of us; he straight-up sat on me.

Krodi smiled at us and cheered," Let's go swimming!"

My blue eyes were drilling holes into her as Slyrak spoke up," Sorry, Krodi, but I don't think getting feathers wet is a good idea, so both Xyv and myself will sit out."

She suddenly turned scared," You will do what I say."

I hissed," You think you scare me, Krodi."

She loomed over me and screamed," YOU ARE A HATCHLING, AND YOU WILL OBEY ME!"

My aura flared as I sneered in a whisper," You are not even worth me killing anymore."

I was walking away when Krodi appeared before me as she turned into plasma. I used my power to freeze her," Did you forget I am your kind's progenitor, and if I recall, I destroyed you when we fought last Time."

She howled back as a massive surge of energy flared from her. I flared my aura, dwarfing her powers as I took control of her flame body and shrank her down in a quiet snarl," Do you wish to continue, Krodi? I am the son of Queen Shondrass; you will show me respect; just because I am back to my original self doesn't mean I won't stand up for myself."

She growled as I heard her flaming form growl,' Lord Unnin is going to be sorely annoyed with me.'

Smirking, I inquired," Who is Lord Unnin, Krodi?"

She felt shock, fear, and dread as she didn't answer.

Musing silently,' I can quickly destroy her mind, but I will be nice to her only because she cares about the other hatchlings.'

She turned back to normal and glared at me with a snarl," I am not telling you anything, Xyverinos! So that you know I hate you and your family with every fiber of my being!"

Slyrak hissed," What did Xyverinos do to you!"

Krodi growled," That is none of your business, Slyrak."

My mind's gears were turning as I showed how insightful I was," I assume that my mother did something to you?"

She snarled at me, not answering as I continued," Whatever my mother did, it caused you to reach equipollence, probably when you were in your mid-twenties. You are not more than fifty. I know that much, so tell me what my mother did to you before I lost patience! My mother and I are two separate beings, and I don't think I deserve to be treated so harshly."

Krodi glared at me as she sneered," Your mother killed my father and mother; that is why I hate you! You have their blood in you; I vowed on their graves that I would kill anyone related to Queen Shondrass!"

Graveonth yelled," You fool, Xyv can quickly kill you now! He was able to kill a Dragon Hunter!"

Holding my tail up, I looked at Krodi," Graveonth enough, Krodi, if you want to avenge your family, meet me in the training hall; this is a no-hold-bar fight to the death for you."

Xisu objected immediately," Xyv, don't do it."

I smiled softly," You are too much of a worrywart; I will be fine."

Krodi hissed," Don't be too sure, Xyverinos, I will kill you! Hatchlings, all of you go to the training area, and I will show you why I am in charge of protecting you!"

Shaking my head, I walked towards the meeting room as Slyrak caught up to me," Are you sure about this?"

Nodding, I focused ahead," Yeah, I am. Krodi needs to learn we are two different beings, and I will get through her thick skull that you can count on."

Xisu muttered something as I turned to look at him," What was that, Xisu?"

Xisu's face changed as I smirked, reading his mind,' Why are all the powerful wyverns crazy and determined?'

Answering his question, I snickered," I don't know, Xisu; why are we all crazy and determined."

He glared at me as he stated," You read my mind."

In a sarcastic tone, I replied," No, really, however, did you guess?"

Slyrak and Graveonth laughed at Xisu's misfortune as I grinned at my friend.

When we entered the training room, Krodi walked in behind us as all the other hatchlings moved away and into the stands. Krodi had a cocky smirk on her maw. As she flared her power, I raised a brow," So shall we begin, Krodi? I have no intention of dying or killing you."

Krodi snarled," Let us see about that, Xyverinos!"

Her power rippled from her as I smiled," Shall we begin, Krodi."

She rushed at me, her much more significant size baring down on me as she drove her paw towards me. A shield of wind surrounded me as she bounced off. I created orbs of light surrounding her as they turned into blunt spears.

I breathed out as I released them; she dodged all of them barely as I sighed, 'So she has some skill, after all.'

She released multiple tendrils of plasma from her maw as I flicked my tail, dissipating them efficiently as I sensed her shock," Do you see how pointless it is, Krodi? How about we start over instead of continuing this fight?"

She howled, lunging at me again as I ducked under her and drove one of my nails home into her stomach. Blood dripped down as I ducked under her tail; I used my future sight to see what would happen next: a talon strike from the left, followed by a tail whip aiming for my head. Sidestepping the overhead talon strike, I ducked and rolled as I felt her tail whiz over my head.

I separated her as I spoke softly but emotionlessly," I am one step ahead of you, Krodi; please stop."

Krodi was panting as she scowled at me, calming down," Why do you not want to kill me?"

I answered," Because I don't want to kill someone who can be a powerful ally; as a wyverness of equipollence, you are deadlier than ordinary wyverns and dragons. Plus, I don't want to have enemies where I live, so Krodi, can we call a truce and try to be civil with each other."

Krodi narrowed her eyes at me as I read her emotions: confusion, wariness, and distrust. She was silent for several moments as I felt the other emotions around the room: awe, shock, admiration, fear, amusement, and others.

Krodi let out a breath. I don't think she realized she was holding as her emotions changed, seeing I meant it," Alright then, Xyverinos, first allow me to apologize for how I have acted towards you the past year. But let me ask you this: What is your goal?"

I state," My goal is peace, the same as my mother and father."

Krodi stammered," How was your parent's goal, peace?"

I shrugged before answering," I can assume it was because of the last war."

She growled," Since they joined so late, it caused the death of many, including my parents!"

Sighing, I looked her square in the eye," Yes, they did join late, but was it my parent's fault? They wanted to live peacefully and raise a family, most likely in safety. If you want to blame someone for your parents' deaths, blame the demonic wyverns and the dragon hunters. Stop trying to take it out on me."

She sighed," You're right; I cannot believe I just admitted I was wrong. But, then again, there were rumors of how insightful and intelligent you are."

Shrugging, I replied," If it makes you feel any better, I outsmarted my entire adoptive family when I was barely four years old."

She shook her head as I healed her wound with magic. She felt it close as she looked at me in shock," How did you do that?"

Smiling softly," A little something Sly's mother taught me."

Her eyes widened as Slyrak chuckled," You guessed it, that was magic, and Xyv here is very skilled with magic."

I shrugged," I am not that good."

I felt three flares of anger as I shivered," Great."

Xisu snarled," Not that good, by the goat's butt, you are skilled with magic!"

Slyrak growled," My mother said you were the most powerful magic user alive!"

Graveonth spoke his face stone," You're dead, with you and your damn modesty."

I paled as I heard one collective thought from all three: ' Time to swim!'

I began to slide away as I felt a pulse of power Slyrak also tensed. The energy was familiar as my eyes widened," Allit what is-"