Part II Chapter 29: Dawn of Defeat

Allit smiled down at me as her graceful form weaved through the clouds as she called from above in the golden voice," Get up here, little brother!"

Jumping into the air, I rocketed beside her as my six wings carried me through the air at a much faster pace.

She sighed," I love being free in the air! The sound of the wind, the gentle breeze that sweeps through the land."

Nodding in agreement, I hovered in the air," Well, Allit, want to race? It has been two months since you reached equipollence."

She changed the subject," Yeah, and you're turning six soon."

I narrowed my eyes," Yes, elder sister, I am; you want to race or not?"

She smirked," You think you can beat me, little brother?"

Mirroring her smirk," Let's find out, shall we? Where is the goal?"

She grinned," My room."

Nodding as I breathed out, hovering beside her," Rules?"

She thought momentarily," No sabotaging or using any power, only wings."

Nodding in agreement," Alright, do you want me to do the countdown, or do you want to."

She shrugged," I will. We start in G.O.!"

We both took off at full speed as my six wings pumped in an even rhythm. My sister rocketed ahead of me as I smiled, happy to spend time with her. Then, pushing my wings harder, I caught up to her as she laughed," You are much faster now!"

I retorted," Yeah, and I would be going even faster if I wasn't still trying to get used to the extra pair of wings."

She snickered as she dove down," So how did you get so strong?"

I grumbled," Dealing with a slave driver, once known as Inferno of the Void Flame."

Sensing her shock as she hovered for a moment, completely forgetting about the race as I smirked, zooming past her, I heard her suddenly yell," XYVERINOS, GET BACK HERE SO I CAN MAKE YOU TELL ME EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED WHILE I WAS LOCKED AWAY!"

I was again weaving through the wings of other wyverns and dragons as I veered upwards, climbing toward the upper levels of the sanctuary. Gulping in fear, I flew through the entrance, a blur to most as I weaved through everyone and sensed my sister closing in quickly. Flipping mid-air, I dove into her cave in the next instant. My sister, who was not even thirty seconds behind me, noted me sitting on her bed as I grinned," I win."

She scowled," Yes, you did, and now you will tell me what you went through three months ago."

Gulping, I sighed in defeat and inquired," Where should I begin?"

She growled," How about after mother, fathers, and Innurth's funeral?"

Sighing, I thought for a moment and breathed slowly," While you went missing right after the funeral, I sparred with Xisu and Graveonth. After that, I entered the council chambers and got permission to go on a quest for an alliance; in the end, it didn't work out as we were attacked. However, during the three months I was there, I trained with Inferno with fire, manipulating my aura and physics, Breeze with my void wind and magic capabilities, and Kirara with my void lightning. Sun, I trained with light, or just sharpening my skills with that element. Here and there, I trained with Vesta on mental aspects, and it was surprising how much she knew about it. After we got word that the creatures of darkness would attack three months or, in other words, six months ago now. Inferno and my other teachers pushed me as hard as possible, ensuring that I would have a fighting chance against Unla."

Allit interrupted," Who exactly is Unla?"

I sighed," Remember the dragon hunter that attacked me just before the attack."

She nodded," Of course."

Continuing where I left off," Just before the battle began, Inferno pulled Slyrak and me aside and said that when he told us to flee, we would. I asked Inferno if I could take Unla alone as we had a score to settle. Unla and I faced off just like two other times. The first you know about, and the second is when he gave me this scar," Lifting my wing to show her the jagged scar that I received from Unla," The moment we faced off, we had started to try and find each other weak spots until I pissed him off, getting him angry proved to be his downfall. I did not escape that battle unscathed, as I am sure you noticed the scar on my shoulder."

She again interrupted," How did you insult him?"

I smirked," Eh, I called him a pig-faced frog and finished it off by explaining why. Fortunately, he did not take it very well. He slammed me into a mountain, and if it weren't for my magic, I would have lost there; Unla formed his darkness into a giant wing and drove it down into my shoulder as I pierced his gut with a spear of light. I defeated him by channeling spirit fire through the spear of light, effectively burning his insides. Thankfully, on my end, he missed my vitals, so that helped me survive. Unla died, but not before thanking me for having him die as a warrior. After that, Inferno was killed and ordered both Slyrak and me to get out of there."

Allit looked at me in shock," I am impressed, one that insult of yours is not your most creative. Two you killed a Dragon Hunter-"

Now it was my turn to interrupt her," Uh there species name is called Ersaicean."

She glared at me," Fine, as I was saying, you killed a dangerous enemy. Three, you are only five and killed something your mother couldn't kill."

Shrugging helplessly, I sighed," My mistake."

She shook her head as I grinned," Well, I am going to go find Graveonth and kick his stony butt. Again."

My sister laughed as Graveonth came bursting into the cave panting," Xyv...the...council...wants to see you and your sister!"

Jumping up, I nodded," Alright."

Allit smiled at me," Shall we go see what they want?"

Nodding without a word as I dove down and flew right towards the council chambers. The large room loomed in front of me as Slyrak flew up next to me as I questioned," Were you summoned as well?"

He nodded," Yeah, same with your sister and a few others I haven't met, but they are all equilibriums."

I was growling softly as we landed right at the entrance of the council chambers. Straight up, walking in to see the council looking at us with stern expressions. Shirlan was the first to speak," Thank all of you for coming here. Allow me to explain the situation at hand. Just a few hours ago, one of our scouts came in and reported to see a large army with wyverns, dragons, phoenixes, and a couple of unicorns in the army. The most noticeable detail the scout noticed was each of them was collared."

My eyes widened as I spoke softly," I assume W.D.D.C. is coming here, most likely to capture me."

Councilmember Rykyr spoke up," That is most likely correct, Xyverinos."

Opening my mouth to speak as Councilmember Neti looked at me sternly," Little Xyverinos, please let us finish talking."

Sighing as I ignored her order," Sorry, no, I will not allow you to finish talking. I have an idea to spare this place any suffering."

My sister immediately caught on," Xyverinos, no, you are not surrendering yourself!"

I raised my voice showing how serious I was," That is not a request, elder sister; I am not giving any of you a choice in this matter. Don't worry; I will not go without a fight. And I will do it alone."

Krodi spoke up," Xyverinos, you are one of us; you are our prince. Whether you like it or not, we are fighting for you. With all five of our equipollences here, we could quickly destroy them and turn them away."

Snorting in despair," You guys are idiots, yes all of you are fools, they have several equilibriums themselves, and I can sense from here their minds. They have added several great fighters. Elder Storm, you know of several of them, Slyrak and myself both know them, Shirlan, you do as well. All of you know who they are."

Councilmember Ryni's eyes widened," They are your teachers."

I confirmed," Yes, they also have Slyrak's older sister in their clutches as well; she killed Innurth, if you recall. Now let us talk strategy, and there is only one strategy, I fight them until I lose."

Allit's cold voice came from behind me," Sorry, but we cannot let W.D.D.C get their hands on you; as the son of Queen Shondrass and seraphim ranked Angelic Wyvern, you are the single strongest fighter we have."

Snorting, I replied," Wrong again, I am still learning my powers, true I could easily obliterate their regular army and defeat half the equilibriums there."

The moment I finished the sentence, an explosion shook the entire mountain.