Part II Chapter 30: The Battle Begins

Glaring at them, I hissed," Either you let me out of here and fight alone, or we all surrender."

A second explosion shook the entire mountain, stronger than the first one.

Elder Storm glared at me," No, you are the most valuable wyvern here."

Letting out a snarl that shocked everyone," You pig-headed fool, I am the strongest wyvern in this place. I am the only wyvern alive to have ever killed a Dragon Hunter myself!"

She yelled right back, shaking the room," You are also the son of Queen Shondrass! Heir to her throne!"

My voice turned one hundred eighty degrees," I know that; how can I be the heir to my mother's throne if I can't even protect the ones I care for? I have all this power, and for what? Who are you going to send into battle?"

Elder Storm glared down at me as I met her gaze calmly, but on the inside, I was scared because this would be my second major battle against W.D.D.C. I didn't know what to expect from them. All I know is that I could feel massive amounts of power. All but one I recognized: Yrvae, Breeze, Argenta, Kirara, Sun, Moon, and Vesta. One energy stood different from the others.

A much stronger one brought pieces of rock down.

Elder Storm looked at my sister," Allit, please show them what you can do. Slyrak, do you mind helping?"

Slyrak grinned," Not at all, just a heads up, we are up against my mother and her friends."

Seething, I growled," Dear, the council, do I need to point out I can quickly overwhelm all the equipollences of Wind, Lightning, and Fire."

Neti hissed, glaring at me," You are nothing but a hatchling!"

Snarling, I growled," This isn't the time for this! Slyrak, Allit, go. I will finish up here and join you. But first, tell all the other battle-ready wyverns and dragons to fight. Then I will show them what I can do."

All the councilmembers looked at me in shock that I would disobey them.

Elder Storm uttered," You would disobey us."

Nodding, I replied," Yeah, like it or not, I will fight as my mother's heir. I inherited her wish."

Hearing both Slyrak's and Allit's wingbeats leave the room, Rykyr smiled at me," I think that if we want this place to survive, Xyverinos should be allowed to fight. We know how powerful he is or what he used to be. Xyverinos might be the only chance of fighting them off without many casualties. I know how omnipotent a Seraphim class Angelic Wyvern is-"

Another explosion shook the mountain as I looked at the other equipollences here, and I hissed," Go on."

They glared at me as they all flew out into battle.

Facing the council, Rykyr nodded, "Xyverinos, please fight with us, Elder Storm. We need all the help we can get; he can take on a Dragon Hunter at five, almost six years of age. If he can turn the tide of the battle alone, we need his help."

Looking at Rykyr, I spoke in his mind, "Thank you, Rykyr."

He nodded, 'Go, I will talk sense into the other members. Also, if you think I am over a century old, you are wrong; I am barely twenty.'

I gapped at him," I will ask you later, but I can guess it's some defect or experimentation."

He didn't answer. I jumped into the air as Elder Storm screamed, "Xyverinos, get back here!"

Ignoring her, I flew into battle at full speed, flying outside. The army of W.D.D.C was comparable to that of the army of darkness in the last battle I took part in just a few months ago. I was taking note of our equipollences holding the others back, just barely; Breeze and Allit seemed to be evenly matched. Krodi was fighting a water equipollence, Slyrak was holding off his sister and Yrvae alone."

Reaching out with my power, I took control of all the fire, lightning, and wind equipollences as they suddenly froze; I hovered in front of the sun as I heard Yrvae's mind curse,' This power Xyverinos has grown even stronger in the last eight months!'

I called down," Hello, Yrvae, Argenta, teachers, and W.D.D.C; it has been some time since we last met face to face."

I was releasing massive amounts of power far more potent than my teachers and the other equipollences combined.

Argenta gasped in shock as they finally spotted me," Seraphim, you reached Seraphim level!"

Looking down at them, I nodded," Yes, I have."

Slyrak called to me," About time, Xyv!"

Flying to the ground across from the opponents, Yrvae tried to move as she barked a laugh," Impressive, I can't even move myself a bit."

Breeze sighed," Well, I did help train him, and he has a stronger force of will than my mate once did."

Argenta laughed as her flaming form struggled under my grip," That is no surprise; it is always the quiet ones that have the most power behind them."

Kirara was a lightning storm that tried to hit me, but a light shield caused the lightning to bounce off. I felt the strain of holding back twelve creatures of equipollences at once—most of those being my teachers.

A water spike came racing at me, and I had to release my hold on it to dodge.

I gritted my teeth,' I can only last so long, plus that strange water wyvern of equilibrium with feathered wings seems to have the blood of an Angelic Wyvern running through his veins. I cannot get a firm grip on his abilities, either. I feel a fire in him, yet it feels different from normal fire!'

The feathered Water Wyvern spoke," So you are Queen Shondrass's son and, by extension, my prince. I am sorry, but I, along with the other members of the chained feathers within W.D.D.C, have been tasked to capture you."

I narrow my eyes to notice an Earth, Fire, lightning, and wind-feathered wyverns, all having the air of an angelic wyvern blood flowing through them. Another thing I picked up is they excluded the energy of an equilibrium. The earth, lightning, and wind were all Females. The fire and Water were the two males

I questioned," You guys all seem to be about my age. How old are you?"

The earth-feathered dragoness spoke very softly," We are from the age range of five to six, the same as you."

Breathing out, I glanced at Slyrak," Stay back, handle the other equipollences. I want to fight the ones with the blood of Angelic Wyverns."

Slyrak's eyes widened as he connected the dots immediately; he looked about to say something but bit it back and reengaged, fighting his much older sister.

Golden light flared from me as my voice seemed higher, much melodic," You, my brethren, are about to see my full power, a power strong enough to obliterate half of Zaten."

Flames, lightning, and wind surrounded us dancing as each of them glowed a dull brown, sea green, flaming red, bright yellow, and a sky blue.

I closed my eyes and felt at peace despite the current situation," Well, can I know your name?"

The water/angelic wyvern hybrid nodded," Yes, my name is Spirit."

The earth/angelic dragoness smiled at me," My name is Eihnih."

The third one to speak was the lightning/angelic wyverness," My name is Typhoon."

The fire/angelic dragon smiled softly," My name is Cyvin. a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness."

The wind wyvern looked at me," My name is Seldra. It is an honor, as Cyvin said. Forgive us for what we are about to do."

Raising a brow, I chuckled," You guys think, no offense, I am intimidated by you?"

Cyvin shrugged," Honestly, no. But do not take us lightly."

Shrugging, I replied," I don't take fights that can take my freedom or life lightly. The last fight I had was against a Dragon Hunter, who I did kill, by the way."

All their eyes widened in shock as I breathed," Magic technique, Life of Origin."

My golden energy amplified as I used a power I recently found, telekinesis, to lift them off the ground as they struggled from my mental grip.

Looking at them sadly, I spoke," Good night."

Slamming them all into the ground hard, I knocked them out instantly."

Breathing a sigh of relief, I faced the army in front of me as I noticed a familiar face looking at me. It was Thomas. He nodded at me and called," It's been some time, Xyv; you have matured a bit."

Ignoring what he said, I felt his emotions, remorse, and sadness.

Looking at him carefully, I challenged," Thomas, do you think you can capture me?"

Thomas laughed as he raised his hand," Sorry, Xyv, but I am ending this in a single hit."

Narrowing my eyes, I used my telekinesis to throw him into a tree; guilt worried my heart as I heard his bones break. Thankfully, I still sensed his mind, so he was alive, barely.

Using the telekinesis, I forced the ground to crack apart and rise into the air, taking the humans with it. Within moments, a giant meteorite levitated above the battlefield. The meteorite in size was about twenty-five kilometers wide. Large enough to blot out the sun above us

I looked at my friends, family, and comrades, opening myself into their minds," Fall back; I don't want any of you being in the blast zone."

Slyrak, Krodi, and Allit looked about to argue, but they looked from me to the meteorite and back before they fled.

Sun gulped," Uh, I think we might die here."

Feather laughed," You don't say Xyverinos has shown whose blood he holds."

Looking at W.D.D.C's army, I spoke," Either surrender or well look above."

Silence reigned over the battlefield as the enemy army had a flurry of emotions: fear, awe, despair, and respect.

I continued," So what is your answer?"