Part III Chapter 32: W.D.D.C

I opened my eyes to see the ground moving quickly underneath me. I still felt horrible for leaving my friends and family behind. But I knew this was the right decision to protect them. Xisu, Graveonth, Slyrak, and my sister were most likely cursing me.

Elder Storm was probably annoyed and slightly devastated as she was like a grandmother figure to me.

The wind dragon carrying me spoke," Xyverinos, I was ordered to tell you this in case you woke up. As one of the world's rarer creatures, you are placed in the most secure block. You will rarely be able to leave that room for the rest of your life.

I snorted softly in skepticism,' Oh, don't be too sure; I doubt they can hold back my power growing exponentially.'

The wind dragon continued," I must admit the rumors surrounding your accomplishments, especially your two most recent ones, are very impressive. My question is, are those rumors true."

Replying sadly, looking at the ground," Why does it matter?"

The Wind dragon answered," So I can know if you are indeed the one W.D.D.C is after."

In a sad tone, I acknowledged," Fine, yes, it is true; I did kill Unla or the Dragon Hunter. I did train with Inferno of the Void Flames and his friends. Not a lot of good that did me."

The wind dragon barked a laugh," For someone so young, you accomplished a lot. I am sure you know this by now, but humans are very persistent creatures."

I didn't answer as I was overwhelmed by grief. Then, looking to the west, I noticed the sun was beginning to set, meaning it had been at least five to six hours since the battle—six hours since I surrendered myself to keep my friends and family safe. Six long hours since I lost my freedom."

The voice of the Commander stole me away from my thoughts," We are approaching the base! Xyverinos, fly on your own."

The wind dragon released me as I plummeted towards the ground, catching myself on an air draft while my body followed the command of the Commander.

He called," Xyverinos, come up here."

I heard the collar beep as I flew up towards him. He smirked," Excellent; it is impressive you evaded us for so long."

I remained silent as he sighed," Xyverinos, I understand you are sad, but I hope this comforts you. You will not be alone. I asked the other feathered wyverns or dragons you already met during the battle if they wanted to be in the same cell block with you."

Cyvin winged up from behind me," That's right! We are not leaving you alone."

I replied sadly," You should."

Spirit's voice snorted," Like it or not, we want to get to know you, Xyverinos; you are our ruler."

Typhoon spoke," Xyverinos, in all honesty, it's not all that bad."

Cyvin chuckled," She's right; the Commander here treats us with respect no matter what caliber."

Glancing at the Commander, I snorted, 'So all he is a softy; if he respected us, he wouldn't capture and enslave us.'

The Commander chuckled," Xyverinos, you have something on your mind, don't you? So go ahead and speak your mind."

I ignored him as he sighed," Joy, well, Emily is going to have fun trying to gain your trust, Xyverinos."

Seldra, the wind/angelic wyvern, spoke," Well, Emily was able to gain our trust relatively quickly, even hot-headed Cyvin."

Cyvin yelled," Hey!"

I heard them laugh at his misfortune as Eihnih spoke up, the earth dragoness," Well, Xyverinos, your new home is coming into view."

She was right as I heard the Commander yell," That was my line, Eihnih!"

Spirit sighed," Well, sorry, sir, but we don't often listen about whose line is what."

The human muttered," That's not what has me concerned, though. Once word gets out, Xyverinos here is in our possession."

I knew the collar didn't stop me from releasing my aura. Immediately, large amounts of energy flared from me as I hissed," Is that what I am, an object! Not a living thing. Oh, when I get out of W.D.D.C, I am turning this whole place into a crater."

The Commander, I heard him gulp," Now, now, no need to get testy; no, we don't treat you wyverns, dragons, unicorns, and Phoenixes as objects."

I glanced at him, my blue electric starting to glow as I snarled," Oh really then, what about the ones chained to the energy cannon?"

He gulped," That was just a-"

More energy poured from me, but I knew this collar was meant to ensure I couldn't do anything," Misunderstanding? No, that's not insurance so that they couldn't escape."

Cyvin snarled," Xyverinos, those chained to the energy cannon, consented. Those chains converted the fire, water, wind, water, earth, and magic into energy!"

The Commander scolded," Cyvin, Xyverinos has been fighting us for nearly three years. He thinks what we are doing is incorrect, and I can understand his point of view. Therefore, do not torment him."

Cyvin nodded," Of course."

The Commander directed," Xyverinos if you would like, you can fly towards the base at whatever speed you desire; when you arrive, you may land there and wait; we will be right behind you."

I immediately disappeared at full speed, a white blur to the human eye as I heard him whisper in his mind,' What in the world ho-'

That was all I got before I was out of range. The giant building was one level, or so I thought. Now that I was away from the Commander and the other wyverns and dragons, I felt tears prickle at my eyes as I cried softly. Tears flew from me while flying towards my confinement away from my friends and family. But I did know I could not just give up without trying to escape.

I was slowly flying down in a spiral while I got my emotions under control. I refused to allow them to see me crying even if I would be stuck with them for a few days, months, years, or even decades.

While I knew I could look into the future, doing so scared me. I heard the humans now calling each other while I quietly landed on the solid concrete, which, being in the hot sun all day, made it hot. A young woman who seemed slightly older than Sasha approached me with two guards. I couldn't help but feel nervous about her as she smiled," Hello, Xyverinos. It is an honor to meet you. May I ask why you are ahead of the group?"

I spoke softly, very nervous about her," The Commander said I could fly ahead as I was getting a bit annoyed."

She sighed," Very well. I will wait until he gets here. For now, though, can I place these on you."

She held up another, thinner collar. I tensed as I backed away, my wings closing tighter around my side.

She knelt before me," It's alright, Xyverinos; I will not harm you."

Trying to make myself seem smaller while she looked me in the eye," Seems you need Time to rest. Please, Xyverinos, allow me to put these collars on your wings, neck, and legs."

I meekly asked," What do they do?"

She smiled at me," Simply keep you from flying and using your powers. These might help you feel more relaxed and free. All that power in such a small body must feel like an overwhelming weight on you."

I didn't ease up as wingbeats sounded as the Commander ordered," Xyverinos, allow her to place the silver collars on you."

I felt my body responding as I tried to fight it, as the girl's voice sighed," This is why I don't like the collar; let me handle this."

I felt the order to relax come in. I immediately tensed back up as she held her hand out; I used my ability to sense emotions to see if I could trust her, love, respect, calm, and so many other emotions that allowed me to relax.

She smiled," There we go, now may I place these on?"

I glanced around to see several other humans leading other wyverns and dragons. Each of them had silver rings around their neck. I relaxed and allowed her to place the thinner collar around my neck. I shivered from the cold contact of the metal.

She coaxed," Can I get your wings."

She slowly placed the silver bands on all my left side wings. Her hand traced over the scar on my shoulder as she murmured," What happened? You have two very nasty-looking scars."

I didn't answer as she placed those silver bands on my legs and other wings.

She gently pressed down a spot on my neck as I hissed softly as she spoke," Time to sleep."

The next, I was closing my eyes, falling unconscious.