Part III Chapter 33: Unshed Tears

I felt something poke my side as I groaned, not wanting to move or wake up. Until the voice of Spirit came from above me," Cyvin, stop poking him, give him time to adjust."

I felt myself about to break down as I heard Cyvin grumble before leaving. I sensed Spirit sitting nearby.

Finally, I heard him speak," Xyverinos, can I let you know what is in the SS caliber cellblock."

I whispered, hiding my tears," I don't want to hear it."

Spirit continued," You being the only SS-caliber wyvern here means your security is much higher. That means you have much stronger restraints than those of any other caliber. Shall I tell you what those restraints include?"

I responded softly, in distress," Leave me alone; I do not want to hear about all these restraints!"

Spirit replied," Sorry, but Emily told me to explain. As you already know, the primary collar forces your body to obey any human command. The smaller silver ones block the ability to use your powers. The restraints only you have are the following. They have also injected you with a tracking trip, microscopic, I might add. The cuffs on your legs prohibit you from leaving this cell block unless they are taken off. The last restraint you have we do not is the electrical anklet on your right foot."

Looking up, I glared at him as I felt my tears rolling down my snout," I said leave me alone! I didn't want to hear it."

Eihnih spoke," Spirit, I would leave him alone; he is close to hitting equipollence. Even all four of us wouldn't be enough to stop him if he hits it. He is already stressed as is."

Spirit replied," Very well. I did what Emily asked me to do; either way, I was done here."

They both left as I finally looked around my new 'home.' I was lying on soft bedding; most of the cell was empty, minus the soft bedding I was laying on. Moving my leg, I felt an extra set of weights on my legs. Then, lifting my bound wings, I felt my heart sink seeing heavy metal cuffs—one on my left and two on my right. The one with a light flickering off of it every few seconds gave me a hint that one was the electric one. However, the woman was right about feeling freer by not using my powers at all. The only thing that was irritating me about that was not being able to readjust my wing.

Trying to get my tears under control, I got up and immediately regretted it. A wave of dizziness hit me from getting up too fast. Stumbling slightly, I laid back down until I readjusted myself.

I heard Typhoon yell," Cyvin! You are dead when I get my claws on you!"

I heard Cyvin laughing. These sounds brought memories of being with Graveonth, Xisu, Shirlan, Slyrak, and my sister. A fresh round of tears to my eyes as I curled back up, facing away from the doorway. Memories flashed through my head.

The woman's voice came behind me," Xyverinos, I am here to meet you officially. My name is Emily, and I am the caretaker for you six."

I heard her approaching as I whispered," Leave me alone."

Emily sighed," I am sorry, Xyverinos, I cannot do that. I want to help you adjust to being here."

I spoke much softer," Leave me alone so I can come to terms with what has happening."

Emily sighed," Again, I cannot do that; why don't you meet Spirit and the others?"

I shook my head," I already did, and now I want to be left alone. So please leave me alone."

I heard Emily sit down, and from her scent, she was in arm's reach of my tail. I faced away from her, but I still kept her presence in my head while I stared at the back wall. I remembered all the good times I had with them before WDDC became an issue for us. My sister had just started coming out of her recovery from hitting equipollence and catching up with me. Shirlan, Xisu, and Graveonth joined me on my mission. Slyrak is one of my closest friends and training partners. All of them were probably grieving and angry with me. Sasha, the human I care for most, a friend of my family since my father.

I felt a hand placed on my tail as I flicked it, hoping the sharp tail spikes would cut her hand open."

Emily sighed as I heard her stand up, walk before me, and crouch down, meeting me in the eye," Xyverinos. Please let me try and earn your trust."

I whispered," Maybe one day, but right now, I am hurting too emotionally to even think of actually trusting you."

She sighed," Alright, that's fair. I assume you have some questions."

I remained silent for a few moments before nodding," Yes, I have questions."

Her smile was kind," Please don't be afraid to ask. I want to make you as comfortable as possible."

Asking my first question," Will I ever be able to fly again?"

Her smile turned a bit forced," Maybe."

Breathing shakily, I asked my second one," Why am I here in the most secure spot?"

She replied," To leave it simply because of your growing power. Already, you are stronger than every wyvern and dragon here. The only ones that come even close to you are your former teachers and Spirit, Cyvin, Typhoon, Eihnih, and Seldra. The other is to keep you safe."

That got a different emotion out of me: anger," Keeping me safe by imprisoning me."

That shocked her as I calmed down," My third question, C-can I see Thomas?"

Her eyes widened," You know Thomas?!"

I answered," yes, he helped nurse me back to health after you attacked my home, The Valley of Wind, over two years ago!"

Her eyes looked downcast," I am sorry for what happened back then."

I cried," If you were sorry, you would have never attacked my home. You would have let me be at peace with my adoptive family. Instead, they are dead because of you!"

My soft voice became much louder as I glared, my electric blue eyes colder than most people or dragons anticipated.

Malice and sadness were evident in my eyes. Even if I couldn't show my power, my gaze was intense. I was satisfied when she flinched.

She had tears in her eyes," I am genuinely sorry, Xyverinos, no one should go through what you have. But, please know it wasn't my choice to attack."

In a quiet tone," Whose choice was it then?"

She shook her head," The leader's choice."

Confused, I inquired," So it wasn't the Commander's choice?"

She nodded and smiled," How about you tell me about your friends?"

Another wave of sadness hit me hard, and I sobbed as she touched my head," It's alright, Xyverinos. Would you please let out your emotions? You are far too young to be doing that to yourself."

I felt tears rolling down my eyes as I sobbed," I have had to carry the weight of my mother's legacy. I have had to push my feelings down to protect my last family member and friends."

She had a small, kind smile and spoke soothingly," I understand, Xyverinos. Herewith me, you can just let go. Just try to learn to relax and befriend Spirit, Cyvin, Seldra, Eihnih, and Typhoon."

I cried out," I want to be with the friends who have supported me since I took on this burden. Xisu, Graveonth, Shirlan, my sister Allit, Slyrak, and everyone who has supported me these last two years!"

I was curling up, tears streaming down my face, dripping on the ground beneath me as I cried silently. My wings closed tighter around me as Emily spoke," I am sorry, Xyverinos, there is nothing I can do about that. All I can do is be here for you."

Spirit's voice came behind me," Emily, is it alright if I come in?"

Emily sighed," Yes, Spirit, you may come in."

Spirit spoke softly," Xyverinos, I wanted to apologize for earlier. You were and still are coming to terms with what has happened. I was entirely unsympathetic to you, given your situation. I want to start over with you, Xyverinos."

In a shaky voice, I peeked at him from under my wings and said," We shall see. I would like that, but I do not trust you."

Spirit nodded and bowed," That's fair."

I spoke," I don't like it if others bow to me. So please do not bow."

Emily chuckled," For some reason, I feel your mother was the same way."

I laughed hollowly," I met her, so yeah, she was."

Emily stopped chuckling and yelled," What?!"

I ignored her outburst," I am not telling you anything else."